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Discussion Transcribe: Getting Lost in Video Game Worlds, Gamer Outreach

BugInARug November 11th, 2015

Discussion #1: Getting Lost in Gaming Worlds

Host: BugInARug

Co-Host: Kallie112358

Room: Thinking Space

Time: 22:15 GMT (17:15 EDT)

Duration: 30 minutes


Some comments have been removed so as to not detract from the discussion. All usernames have been removed and abbreviations expanded upon. Each comment/question has been put on a seperate line.


What are your favourite games?

tomb raider!!!!!

my favourite game is runescape

pirate 101 for me

Bioshock, Deus Ex


race car games


i liked bioshock infinite and life is strange

NFS (need for speed)

and Zelda

and AC

batman series of games are fun too

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i like nfs lol

the sims


dammit and AC (Assassins Creed)

I like MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online games)


What kinds of MMO's?

Watch Dogs

pirate 101

In these games, what entices you the most about each world you visit inside of games? And why?

I love AC been playing since game 1

few other games are played via the ipad Lord of the Dragons , bingo etc

is a kingsIsle game

losing all my real life stress!

know the lore like the back of my hand

I live the character and story....

the world itself and being able to control what goes on without suffering real life consequences

ah well runescape can be addictive , but its so fun skilling away and the story lines on quests are really good too

i love questing

I become that character...and that environment is where I feel myself.

Some fantastic answers. What do you like about the characters, story, and questing in these games?

I like questing and all my friends on there I talk to

the games i'm drawn to usually draw me to them because i find they can inspire me and make me feel hopeful. i also enjoy games with deep meaning and lots of story so i find its a nice relief from the real world.

the adventure and story

If the story is well knitted....the game is hit for me.....

I get to live an amazing story as an interesting/badass character

Gaming takes me away from real life for a bit, I can enjoy the world I have there for a moment

in short i like to learn something from the game that i can take with me after i play it.

Story matters no what what genre..

there very interesting its like reading a book for me but only im in it and joining in

If you could immerse yourself and join a part of any game world to live in, which game world would it be? Why do you want to live there?

runescape cos i want to fight all the monsters and do all the quests

And about COD....the characters and stories are all linked together across versions......

trying to unlock doors

thats too hard... just one?

LoZ (Legend of Zelda) world definitely, it has humor and nice people and it's beautiful!

oh wow that's a tough question

hehe thats my fav question i'd so love to live in the world of runescape all that money i can earn by skilling , or combat etc id be loaded


It mades COD (Call of Duty) an epic saga.....

the harry potter game?

The only game I've really ever played was animal crossing so that one.

i feel like that cheating pumkin

im already loaded on runescape already but to be the one earning it myself would be like ahhh this is sweet

lol sims would be cool too, you can choose what happens

Who loved Contra..?

i would love to be a sim let someone else make all my decisions for me!!!!

Zelda = medieval interesting mythological world or something futuristic and sci fi like

What's Contra?

Contra.....Mario....Adventure Island....Tank.......


to be honest not a lot of the games i would like to live in considering most of the games i like are not exactly the safest worlds to live in

DeathSpace lol jk...

hahahahahahahaha ikr (I know, right?)


Contra was a game....cassette video game.... It was one of the epic games of 90's

Have you ever seen similarities in some game worlds you have visited, to the real world you live in? If so, what similarities have you spotted?

fifa just play football (soccer) again

i mean maybe the world of skyrim

the bank sign for runescape if you look closely is the dollar sign

There's always a bad guy?

Skyrim was a living world around me.............

I played it in 3D......

the mmo the secret world

And it was huge game................

I've heard of that. What similarities are there to our world?

fishing near willow trees lol

bioshock infinite

well its basically based off our world just with a lot more tangible magical stuff

Of course there re similarities, its just videogames have something more interesting going on


uncharted is also awesome...


i love crysis

heavy rain

Prophet vs Master Chief

Yea....soundtrack was just off the world.....

yes please

I played it in continuation of 8 days..............

i mean batman games too i guess because in batman series of games they have alot of similar architecture though the city is bit more old looking.

Right. Next question! I'm loving these answers so far: What is the longest time you've spent lost inside of a game world? Why was that (quests, exploration, etc)?

72 hours straight!

8 hours in the sims 3.. no explanation needed hah

8 hours

also sims

probably like 24 at least

hours on end all nighters most nights

21 days................

when a new world comes out, everything else is secondary to me, lol

probably like 24 hours

Worked out COD 25 times........

i had all the food and drink i needed around me just ran to and from bathroom when needed

i took breaks obviously though

but i played for hours on end on runescape

What is it about these games that drove you to playing them for so long?


the story

I think the most was for me over 10 hours for sure but I don't know the exact time

and trying to get 99 WC

my nice friends I met on them keeps me there

and then spend a month gymming.

compelling story makes me stay so long

So leading on from the previous question, what do you find to be the best part of games you visit?

questing the skilling as im a skiller purely , the story lines it was really fun to play im in a great clan the conversation with other players , and the citadel they brought out for the clan

They never run out of interesting things to do, gameplay its too fun, and story its interesting

it makes me think faster.......

been playing for 7 years

its fun being part of a team

the best part of games i visit is the atmosphere the graphics the game play story

its the gameplay for me

yes the atmosphere. and sometimes the music

Yes I agree the story, I love that

if im not grabbed in the first hour i dont play the game anymore

oh yes the music helps sooo much

like people don't realize how much it can make or break a game or even a movie

If you could take one element then from any game to bring into the real world, what would you bring and why?

Hmm the magic?

unlimited money because of reasons

ummmmm MONEY definitely

Or the ability to have my own pokemon

or revive people

im charging orbs while here haha

yes the type of magic in games would be fun

for money making making air battlestaffs to high alch them

I'd like my own real life Charizard

i want a pikachu for my daughter!

i want eagle vision

so ill need to elements to bring to the real world magic and money

I'll be owning ash

eagle vision... nice

I would like a real life valor fortress to protect me in real life, like we use in pvp

because that's really the only thing assassins can do that i can't

How often to you jump into game worlds a week (or day)? And is the reason for this the same as when you answered about how long you've spent on a game before?


I don't play so much anymore lately

rarely play now bc i'm to busy

i don't play much but when i do it's a massive session!

well i indirectly jump into games a lot more than play them to be honest such as through the medium of youtube let's plays.

i play when able too and with being a listener here i use it as a self care activity

whenever I can... lately I've been busy

but before that i was on it every day with everything else now i can't get on as much as i used too

Like I just bought AC Syndicate so i've been playing that at night for a couple hours but other than that like once a month or less

once i beat a game i don't really play anymore

but not counting watching let's plays i don't play games as often as i used to.

I'm just not in the mood much, when I start I do enjoy but starting is hard, I don't have the energy

Hm I don't play video games. The last game I played was...madden on Nintendo with my brothers when I was like 8 lol

Why do we play video games? What is it about video games that we all enjoy? That keeps us coming back?

i play them to escape all my responsibilities for a few hours

Getting away from the real world

for me it's the story , quests and the content on runescape that keeps me coming back

entertainment that we interact with

also i can escape the real world it is a great distraction

yeah getting away for a bit in my game

The way they are designed to be addictive

you can be whoever you want and have complete control over them

I play add something to my personality......i adapt to the character.........

and I love to act that character...............even in real life..............

I do it because it lets me numb for awhile. When I'm immersed in a game I'm not present to think about the hard stuff.

although it wears out after sometime.........

game theory guy on youtube brought up good points on just this subject bug. but to be honest for me it's that i can feel like i'm making a different or feel like i'm accomplishing something awesome or feel like i'm making a difference or to just feel like i'm having a good time.

yea............accomplishment is another feeling............

that feels awesome after the story ends..........

its a movie that we are in

We get to live incredible adventures that we are not able to live in real live, we become amazing characters, with superpowers, magic and freedom to do anything we want. We escape reality and make our own

I just like how a game can make you feel happy for a while, how it makes you forget about all the things

i think it says a lot about what society actually wants in life by the games and movies it makes

its how art kinda shows us about ourselves

Video games help me not have to think about too much other than what's in the game .

video games reward you for your efforts where real life doesn't feel like that most of the time


We want to say thank you to everybody who partook in this discussion today. It was thought-invoking, engaging and we had a lot of fun. You were all absolutely fantastic and we cannot wait to host another discussion with you all in the future.

So from us to you truly, thank you.

@BugInARug and @Kallie112358

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

Gamer Outreach Team Taglist:

@Jellen @Oliver12 @Alicattt @221Skye @YayyySphere @CreativeVoice @Sherlok @Casscass @SunshineCat @Kallie112358 @mscoxie @Ace13 @Mogsyt @ArmyWife09 @Allergictodarkness0 @beautifulOasis25 @beautifulAngel38 @Jayooh @BubblyCloud401 @CalmListener @Emily619 @Rickert @Sageypie @fitrandi @Navii @Grissom @TeaforAll @Beautifuldreamer98 @HopefuI @earthwalker3 @distinctBurrito @NikOfMyths @Chaelirious @MidniteAngel @leanyon777 @blissfulParadise86 @BugInARug @Killer4Karra @joethepro @earbeanmags @JanNichole @AshB747 @ImL @Serenity5436 @smilinghooman @HerkimerZeus @xsteph @Arturia @lovelyWhisper66 @AligningHarmonyInternally @MisterV @delightfulRiver87

delightfulRiver87 November 13th, 2015

Oh no i was too late:/.@BugInARug

peacefulSoul8 November 21st, 2015

@BugInARug I am on the gamer outreach team too:)

Kallie112358 November 11th, 2015

I had such a great time cohosting this discussion and I cant wait for many more from the gaming outreach team! Thanks so much for getting me involved @BugInARug

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@Kallie112358 Anytime! You were fantastic help, Kallie! <3

Leanyon777 November 11th, 2015

@BugInARug how was this done? >< only by messages? o:

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@Leanyon777 It was in the Thinking Space group chat.

I'll be hosting more discussions as time passes though we have lots of Listeners from various teams joining in and doing their discussions! It's all fantastic.

JanNichole November 11th, 2015

Aw man. i didnt to join in the disccussion :(

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@JanNichole You can next time! :D

astuteScorpius November 11th, 2015

Would love to join the next one!

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@astuteScorpius I look forward to it!

KrissyCakes November 11th, 2015

Sorry I missed this. I'll try and make it to the next one. yes

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@ArmyWife09 I hope you are able to join us next time!

Jelle November 11th, 2015

Awesome job guys! Thanks for this :)

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@Jellen You're welcome. I hope you can join us next time.

Jelle November 11th, 2015


So do I :)

Small note: Could you please fill out the discussion part on the team sheet? Even if you have already done them, we want to use this to keep track of the discussion count :)

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@Jellen will do when I am home. As you know, this wasn't a planned discussion!

AshB747 November 11th, 2015

Oh darn I missed this. I'd love to be involved in the next one though.

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@AshB747 And I'd love for you to be involved in the next one!

NamelessKnight November 11th, 2015

Wait why wasnt I notified that this discussion was going on! :O

I didn t get any E-mails or anything :L

If we re doing these discussions regularly, could someone give me a time, or a message please!

Jelle November 11th, 2015


This was a pop-up discussion on the adult side. From now on all discussions will be listed on the team sheet and tracked properly :)

BugInARug OP November 11th, 2015

@NikOfMyths As said, this was a pop up discussion on the adult chat rooms. I set it up with Kallie within an hour and everything as my first ever discussion just to see how I cope with them to ascertain if I want to do them regularly.

Turns out I do!

NamelessKnight November 11th, 2015


That s A-Okay then, hehe!

It s always great finding out you have a passion for something!

I hope I, and the rest of the those who chose both sides can join in next time!

Never truly understood why we are separated though :L

BugInARug OP November 12th, 2015

@NikOfMyths Hopefully I'll be an adult/teen listener soon so I'll be able to help with discussions.

Fitrandi November 13th, 2015

Awesome discussion guys and Gals, I'm sorry I missed it :( I will be present next time.