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what are you hobbies!

beautifulmystry June 19th, 2015

everyone has hobbies! soo what do you like to do? what's your spare time looking like? mine are cooking,baking,reading urban fiction, also in my spare time I like to take my son out anywhere! and also watch hgtv lol I love houses! and reality TV ha!

beautifulmystry OP June 19th, 2015

ha! "you hobbies" sorry for the typo đŸ˜©

decembernight0608 June 19th, 2015

Playing guitar, reading, writing, singing, cooking.

sara143 June 19th, 2015

i love hgtv too :) and i like to sing, read, play piano, and draw

Buying10spaceships June 19th, 2015

Drawing, baking, playing guitar :)

beautifulmystry OP June 19th, 2015

a lot of instrument playing, music is just so relaxing. especially playing it you can just get lost. that's how I am with books I tune out everything and get lost in a book. it's the best feeling

ShatteredandSorrowing June 19th, 2015

Video games. Lots and lots of video games. Reading. Drawing, sometimes. Writing, sometimes. The last two take two much energy when it's a bad day though.

blackholeheart June 19th, 2015

i like to watch people,random people(Please dont mistake it for stalking).Its like you see a piece of a persons life,maybe even know what they are going through

ShatteredandSorrowing June 19th, 2015

I think I understand that. Honestly I kind of feel like that's sort of what this website gives me, too. Brief, momentary connection with people from all walks of life.

lazyKatz June 19th, 2015

I like puzzles and drawing

waterfowl June 23rd, 2015

It soundskindacreepywhen Isay it out loud, butI like people watching too!And yeah, its like you get a glimpse of what they're going through.I just find it interesting how people move, act, and just how they are in general.

Neulkim June 19th, 2015

My hobbies are drawing, reading novel, fictions and poems. And photography. I love being a quiet and peaceful places where i can enjoy doing my hobbies..

lazyKatz June 20th, 2015

Walking by the river on a sunny day x

diligentPal8191 June 20th, 2015

Enjoy nature , tree leaves dancing in wind , sparrows flying here and there getting scared from weird insects . and dreaming a lot.

lazyKatz June 20th, 2015

A lazy day out and picnic

Jessica797 June 23rd, 2015

Writing, sketching, painting, though the writing part as become more of a dream job for me rather than just a past time. I recently did a sketch of a friend of mine very close to my heart, it took roughly around five hours of work, fine detailing but it was worth it and to see his utter surprise when he saw it was wonderful to see, he even cried.

lazyKatz June 23rd, 2015

I'vejust started a new hobby,cut my own hair!!!! Its such a mess I wish I could turn the clock back so I'd never done it. Never again!

Pandas4ever June 23rd, 2015

Cooking, Music and Gaming

PaperGirl5 July 1st, 2015

I I have quite an assortment of hobbies! haha I enjoy everything from dancing to cooking, singing absolutely anywhere( i mean anywhere), taking long walks while listening to music, reading every chance I get, driving to new places, making friends, and trying new kinds of wine. Hobbies make up who you are:) Every little thing I get the opportunity to do or try makes me happier and that is worth discovering!

GothTanya1 July 15th, 2015

Drawing, painting any kind of art

lazyKatz July 15th, 2015

I'm hoping to get a sewing machine soon so will be able to add dressmaking onto mine.

uglyPandaMan July 17th, 2015

Nowadays, sleeping..

BerryTea July 21st, 2015

Paint, bake cakes or anything sweet, write, hula hoop! , read novels, write books for children

Seraphina2 July 22nd, 2015

Write, watching series, read, meditation, explore abandoned places, paint and learn new things

lazyKatz July 22nd, 2015

I've started reading up on history, very interesting and helps to pass the time

lonelydeviantsoul July 22nd, 2015

Troubleshooting (mechanics,broken things, life events)

songwriting, playing guitar

Painting(art like)

camping, nature

long drives in the mountains

people watching

CrystalFriend August 9th, 2015

I enjoy fish keeping, going out to eat, travel, walks in the woods, Rock collecting and I am really into crystal healing. I am a coffee addict and I love going to new coffee shops and trying them.

Heatheras123 August 11th, 2015

As weird as it sounds, one of my hobbies is planning. I love planning my day out, planning my week or an event. It gives me a sense of control and hope for the future because I know what is going to happen and it's something I can look forward to

ellenwebster11 August 12th, 2015

My hobbies are reading, writing, playing the PS3 (specifically Minecraft, Skyrim, Sims and Harry Potter) :)

Silent31 August 12th, 2015

Taking photos with my phone if my life, rollerblading, biking.