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New to The Hobby Zone Community? Welcome all! Whats your favorite Hobby?

Power December 1st, 2021


Welcome Everyone! Lets say hello and meet others that joined as well!

1. What is your favorite Hobby?
2. Why do you like it?
3. How long have you done it?

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โ›บ Outdoor

MostlyQuiet February 21st, 2023

Hello, Iโ€™m Kathy and my favorite hobby is visual art and I love it because it feels like love. I practiced off and on over 10 years

Gemlay May 3rd

  • ย I'm a total hiking, camping, and gardening enthusiast. There's just something about being outdoors that gets me.
  • Honestly, it's a whole package deal. Hiking gets my adrenaline pumping โ€“ exploring new trails, fresh air, those epic views you gotta work for. Camping lets me unplug, unwind under the stars, and reconnect with nature. And gardening? Well, that's like growing my own little piece of paradise, watching things sprout and bloom, and getting my hands dirty โ€“ it's super therapeutic!
  • ย I remember tagging along on camping trips with my family since I was a kiddo. Hiking, probably around the same time.ย 
slowdecline48 May 5th

I'm not new to the HZ Forum but I am new to this thread, so why not.

I've been an artist for practically my whole life. However, that is not a mere "hobby"...if you do something because you have to do it, if your life is nothing without it, then it's obviously more than a hobby. That leaves the other media of expression.

For a long time my fave hobby was building canes out of various hardwoods. Small-scale woodwork, basically. Have slowed down in the last 3.5 years or so for a few reasons, most of them health-related. Now I don't have a favorite, really.

slowdecline48 May 5th

If you're curious, you can see samples of what I do inย this thread. (Yes, it's in Cups & is safe...mostly)