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recommended sleeping pills???? help

kawaiikittenprincess February 17th, 2016

ive been having trouble sleeping for months now and its driving me crazy ;(

it takes me hours to fall asleep and ive tried EVERYTHING.

sometimes i dont even fall asleep and just end up tossing and turning until the morning or just getting out of bed and read a book or something.

and even when i do fall asleep it's only for like 2 hours then i wake up and im just unable to go back to sleep again which is super frustrating because i feel so drained in the day and cant do anything properly and constantly feeling groggy and hangover.

ive been doing some research on various sleeping pills but some of them have some really extreme side effects which is v scary so im just curious what works for you???

could you recommend me some "safe" but effective sleeping pills??? im so desperate pls

Isthatallthereis March 7th, 2016


I don't recommend sleeping pills at all as they create a dependency. Most OTC sleeping pills are actually (EDITED DUE MEDICATION NAME). I use it sometimes when I'm desperate but cons are that it makes you very groggy the next day and it's habit forming.

Melatonin is the best OTC solution. It's not habit forming. It works for most but for some people it doesn't work. Stick with (EDITED DUE TO MED DOSAGES). Anything over [MonBon edited dosage] will cause hyper-vivid dreams, sleep paralysis, and stuff like that. You do not develop a tolerance to melatonin so there's no need to increase dose.

There are psych meds that can be used for insomnia but a lot have BIG side-effects.I'm taking an anti-depressant for PTSD related insomnia and I gained a lot of weight. I was however underweight and this side effect was seen as desirable by me and my doc. It's definitely a last resort if you only have insomnia. If you already take psych meds, talk to your doctor about one with a sedative effect. But say goodbye to waking up with tons of energy!!!

If you want to go herbal: chamomile tea, Mother's Helper tea by David's Tea are lovely. If you don't like tea, there is Valerian and Passiflore pills available at health food stores. I have personally ordered Passiflore to replace my Ativan, but it hasn't arrived yet so I can't tell you how I like it.

theworldisquiethere February 17th, 2016

Hi! @kawaiikittenprincess! I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble sleeping lately--that's such a horrible thing to deal with and can get so frustrating! Sometimes sleeping pills are the right option for someone, especially someone with a problem like yours that seems to have been going on for a while, but that's something that it would be best to speak to a professional about, as no one on 7 Cups of Tea can recommend medication to you, even those who may be qualified in the real world to do so. I really hope that you are able to speak to a doctor though to explore the option of sleeping medication soon! In the meantime, here and here are a few links to a few articles with advice about falling and staying asleep and dealing with insomnia that might help make things a little more manageable until you're able to get in touch with a doctor.

Alwaysasleep February 21st, 2016

I've had the same problems you had. I hope they are over soon for you. I take mellatonine tablets. They are a very light sleeping pills. But they work very well. Its is the stuff the body makes when it is about to go to sleep. It has no side effects because its so light. I am not sure if they have them in your country, whichever country it is. I am dutch and here they have. You dont need prescription or something for them.

Junior99 February 25th, 2016

A little-known fact about sleep hides in the daylight hours: if you accumulate a lot of stress, it is harder to unwind at night and harder to sleep. The key to sleep is always physical relaxation and emotional calmness. Learning how to relax is the key skill to learn, plus it's a natural solution and has zero side effects. Once you develop relaxation as a skill, you'll be calmer and you'll also have something that will serve you the rest of your life. laugh

sfort76 March 8th, 2016


sfort76 March 8th, 2016

@kawaiikittenprincess I take melatonin before i go to bed. Melatonin is a natural, non-habit forming pill that leaves you feeling refreshed in the morning. I Highly suggest it!

versatilePenguin3777 July 8th, 2018
