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Talk about dreams?

sensitiveSugar8860 December 9th, 2017

I had a very weird/distressing dream recently and I was wondering where here I might best make a post about it and sleeping and dreams in general, since there's no real Sleep or Dream section here... What are your suggestions?

intuitiveWater9305 December 10th, 2017

@sensitiveSugar8860 I'm a memorable/vivid(?) dreamer, too. If you haven't yet, you might want to keep a column-style dream journal. For the forum category, under Healthy Living, maybe? It's the closest I could find. @~@

I think you're on to something. I was going to suggest posting it under the category whose concern (student life, relationship, etc.) might be the underlying one behind your dream, but it's not always that we know that. @Laura If there's a greater demand, do you think a forum category can be created for this as a site update? (Sorry for tagging; I'm not sure where to send the feedback.)

MonBon June 1st, 2018

@intuitiveWater9305 @sensitiveSugar8860

We already have a subforum for sleeping well :) It exists within Healthy Living (where I have moved this thread!). There are also a few threads scattered around the site where people keep a log of their dreams. I hope that hopes!

MysticN June 4th, 2018

@sensitiveSugar8860 Dream journals can be great. But understanding dreams can be very tough. There are several layers of possible meanings that come from commonly recognized symbols and very very individual symbols that you may not even be aware of.

MysticN June 4th, 2018

I've had dreams that rattled me for days. One particularly memorable, I became lucid during the dream, wanted to wake up and couldn't. In one part my house was being dismantled and damage being revealed. Another part, I was looking in a mirror and my face was shifting and distorting. I think this was not long after I had received some scary health news.