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Share your nightmares.

astm September 24th, 2015

A place where we can reflect on our bad dreams and give support to each other.

discreetAcres6234 November 23rd, 2015

I had a horrible dream where I was shot repeatedly. The worst part was that it was as if I could feel the bullets. I was just continuing through the dream with bullets in my body and it felt physically uncomfortable for me outside the dream. I hate these kind of dreams where you can feel real, physical things

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 24th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - sounds horrible

discreetAcres6234 November 25th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn it was. But I haven't been getting much sleep lately so the nightmares are less frequent

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 25th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - hmm, well that's one way to avoid nightmares but you need your sleep!

discreetAcres6234 November 26th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I have discovered a new sleeping spot which oddly gives me good sleep and minimum nightmares. I experimented today, I tried napping in my normal spot and then my new spot, I had nightmares in my normal spot but good sleep in the new one. I have no idea how this works but okay body, you carry on doing your thing haha

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 26th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - that's kind of cool... absolutely let your body do its thing. it must know something!

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 26th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - that's kind of cool... absolutely let your body do its thing. it must know something!

writecolorread November 25th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 I have heard that to name a fear is to tame a fear. Perhaps by writing out your nightmares you'll tame them.

discreetAcres6234 November 25th, 2015

@writecolorread it's worth a try

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn December 7th, 2015

how have you been doing lately, @discreetAcres6234?

discreetAcres6234 December 7th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I've been sleeping better, thank you for asking :) I've discovered that sleeping with my light on actually helps me sleep continuously and for a good number of hours instead of waking up multiple times. The nightmares are still there but most are pretty tame. The worst ones I've had lately have been about me getting shot, they were the kind of dreams where it actually feels like I've been shot in real life.

But there has definitely been an improvement. I think another contributing factor has been me going to sleep a lot earlier than I used to.

KirstMaryJean November 27th, 2015

I get nightmares about my ex often because he abused me and it plays a major part in my depression.

My most recent one was where I was in this room and I had just "woken up" and I started to get out of bed when I saw him standing in the doorway. He started screaming at me then went to hit me but I ran past him for the front door of the house but it was locked and I turned round and he was there behind me. He hit me a few times and I just sort of tried to cower in a corner while he said all the things he was going to do to me then he started laughing in my face then I woke up.

I really hate the dreams with him because it takes me a long time to calm down from them and it's even worse when I'm staying with my current boyfriend because I feel embarrassed by them but he is very supportive thankfully

OceanRest December 5th, 2015

@KirstMaryJean - I am so sorry to hear that you had to struggle through such a relationship and that you still have trouble with the influence this man had on you. What do you think you can do for yourself after such a dream? I am glad that you now have a supportive boyfriend.

FredSeagull321 November 28th, 2015

My thoughts are that nightmares happen when the mind interprets an internal discomfort ,of any sort , as an external threat. So an anxious person will carry the anxiety into a dream and the anxiety sprials into a nightmare. The person will then struggle to wake up and remember unhappy thoughts. I'm going to start another Solving Nightmares thread because I think nightmares need looking at . [ look at them hard enough and they often go away ]

PeterDante December 7th, 2015

Most of my dreams are about a man who looks like me with white hair and glowing red eyes going around killing loads of convicts... nearing the end of the dream I walk past a mirror I look into it and realize... I am that man, then I wake up, I haven't ever gotten past that part... what does it mean?