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Average sleep hours

Ilikesquirtles November 15th, 2016

I average 3-4 hours sleep per night and for 2 nights a week I don't sleep at all. Is this normal?

BrownBear November 15th, 2016


No this is not normal. Some people just need less sleep but this is way beyond the norm. You should figure out what's going on with you that's causing this. Is it stress? Is it emotional? Is it physical, are you sick? In the long term that's probably going really effect you badly. Insomnia can have a lot of really bad repercussions including psychosis.

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@BrownBear. Most likely stress. It's been like this since high school. I'm 24 now. I can't work up the courage to the doctors. This is not due to laziness (the doctors are 30 second walk from my house).

BrownBear November 15th, 2016


I'm really sorry to hear that Squirtles (btw I love your name! It really seems like you're suffering from some really severe anxiety and stress issues. I hope you can work up the courage to go to the doctor and get the help you need. I'm sure that if you found a therapist you liked you could begin to work on these issues and really resolve them. But you can't do it on your own.

sporkchop November 15th, 2016

@Ilikesquirtles I would definitely say this is not normal. 7-8 hours a night is what most people need, and to go without sleep at all for 24+ hours is not healthy. Have you talked to a doctor about it?

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@sporkchop. Currently trying work up the courage to go to the doctors.

sporkchop November 15th, 2016

@Ilikesquirtles I can understand that. I always get very anxious before going to the doctor (social anxiety). I hope that you're able to go soon so you can straighten everything out. <3

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@sporkchop. Yeah same lol. Actually one time I did get the courage to go to doctors. My dad appointment for the earliest time slot 9.00 am. I had enough and went in with a 'I've got nothing to loose' attitude. There was only one other person in waiting room. But the doctor was running late. Nearly an hour later the room was packed full of people. I couldn't take it anymore. And I more or less ran out the door. I'm my way back home I walk past the doctor. I couldn't face going back in there knowing all those people saw me just walk out. So yeah, I tried. Hopefully I get the courage to try again soon. Sorry this was a bit long. 😩

AnxiousAnnie88 November 15th, 2016

I suffer from extreme anxiety I'm scared of falling asleep in case I don't wake up. I sometimes drift off then wake myself up by panic and heart palpitations I'm so scared I can't function any more on just a few hours sleep I'm exhausted.. I'm also due to have a kidney ultrasound which is petrifying me as I have a tbyroid problem and worried they are going tl find something life threatening.. cant cope anymore

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@AnxiousAnnie88. So you actively avoid sleeping?

AnxiousAnnie88 November 15th, 2016

@Ilikesquirtles yes

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@AnxiousAnnie88. Well I would love to tell you, nothing bad is likely going to happen if you do fall asleep, but I'm assuming your not going to take my word for it anyway are you lol. So you just fall asleep whenever your exhausted yourself then ?

AnxiousAnnie88 November 15th, 2016

@Ilikesquirtles yes I am constantly anxious all the time 24/7 it petrifies me I have to go to see an endocrinologist which I'm scared about immensely

Ilikesquirtles OP November 15th, 2016

@AnxiousAnnie88. I believe you can do it. Please try not to avoid your apointment . Tell me how it goes✊🏽

Phthalo November 15th, 2016

@AnxiousAnnie88 Do you have a particular health condition that would give you that sort of risk? If not, I've had that before, but you have to remember to keep a logical mind about it and how unlikely it is that something bad will happen in your sleep and that if you don't get enough sleep it will just make your anxiety so much worse. And yes heart palpitations often come with anxiety and loss of sleep. Also going on regular walks helps get rid of that in my experience.

AnxiousAnnie88 November 15th, 2016

@Phthalo. Thank you I don't no I have to go and see an encriolodgist for my kidneys as I've got a thyroid problem and I don't think my usual medication is working had this condition for over 10 years I'm just so so scared something is wrong ie.. Cancer or a serious illness