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Health with Chronic Disabilities

TSE2564 May 8th

Hello all.

I deal with chronic pain stemming from bulging discs, scoliosis, and general fibromyalgia. And as such, I find it difficult to stay in shape. I get injections which can help, but they aren't cures, and I sometimes cannot afford them. I also tend to eat my emotions, so that doesn't help. If anyone else here deals with something similar, how do you get past it?

PoliteOcean May 9th


Hi there~ :) 

I’m Ocean the Healthy living Community leader~ We are so glad to have you here. 

We are so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with such chronic issues…And it’s certainly understandable that it can make living a healthier lifestyles seem less achievable…. But it’s also definitely NOT impossible! 

Just to answer your question there are in fact members here in our community who are dealing with Chronic pain while trying to live healthier. In fact we have a Weekly check-in thread here where we gather together and check in at the end of each week to share our week, vent, and to simply help keep us accountable… and If you should ever stop by to share yourself, or read over some of those checkins you will see for yourself. 

I too have dealt with pain issues that I dealt with (mainly from years of instructing fitness classes, or old sport injuries). As those things can also cause wear & tear on the body. And I have utilized injections at times myself. So I get it. 

In fact one of the MOST healthiest people I know is also a fitness instructor who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. But you’d never know by looking at her. 

The key to working on your health, and improving the way you feel is first looking at your diet & making sure you are eating well. Eating foods that feed & nourish the body with good nutrition and Not with “Inflammation”. Inflammation in the body is a huge cause of chronic pain etc… eating proper Can help with that. 

But the one thing you also might want to do or take a look into is your emotions. If you are an emotional eater, you might want to ask yourself why that is? What emotions do you need to work through or work on? And are you doing that? Counseling? Therapy? Even here at 7cups through group support, or perhaps a 1-1 personal chat with one of our many wonderful listeners?! 

And also (I’m not sure of your financial status or if you have medical coverage etc..), but seeking help & assistance & treatment for your conditions should be considered as well. 

Healthy living is about treating it all. Physical, mental, & emotional wellbeing. As it all goes hand in hand. 

So if you could start “small” by looking at your diet & what you’re eating, swapping out things where needed for better choices. Fruits, veggies, ….and lots of water! Our bodies are primarily made of water. And it helps to lubricate our joints, and eliminate toxins from our bodies. Try increasing your intake by starting with one fruit a day, one cup of water a day etc… then the next day try two cups of water, or a fruit & a vegetable… until you are meeting the requirements. 

As far as activity to help you to get moving, it’s about finding something you like and can stick with whatever it is…. There are plenty of options on YOUTUBE! For yoga, stretching, and Chair Workouts! Especially if you are in pain…. In fact if I’m not feeling my best I have done Chair Workouts just to be sure to move my body. …. There are even workouts that you can do in your bed! All you have to do is type in & search for those options. 

So again, start small, small steps… eventually they add up to bigger ones. And perhaps keeping a journal or download an App to keep you focused & motivated? A place where you can document your feelings, thoughts & emotions. To help with your journey and watch your patterns & progress! 

We are here to support you if you have any questions! And please also consider stopping by our weekly check-in threads at the end of each week to share your progress, goals, and how you are doing!

Best of luck on your journey to better health & wellness! 

Kristynsmama May 10th

I can definitely relate. Please feel free to reach out.


Countrygirl095 May 11th

@TSE2564 hey there I have cerebral palsy and chronic illness and I do get injections and it's not an easy thing. I'm more than happy to talk to you whenever you need someone because having a disability is so hard but it's 10 times harder when you don't have anyone.

BwButterflyX May 12th


Very sorry to hear, you been hit with!!! Curse changes ones life much and everyone around one!!

Not rare, has to try addapt life. Learn difference. Sometimes has to learn how to do things differently. Pain, but can't stop use lim/earia, that is affected or risk, get more pain and less able use the lim getting weak. Do not push you self too hard (some spread, if one pushes body too hard or negative/stress much, worse gets. (Balance and limits.) Have to relearn sometimes. Easy negative exsamaple stress or hard on one self liveing with such, but try fight and not let it eat you up. Best is if, you (in at way) more in control, then other way around. Good start with small steps and in way, small goals that are not too hard, often better rather be reasonble goals, slowly work upwards. (Higher you clime/fly the harder the fall. Can take longer time, then you tought, but not focous on that most or neither focous error/fails too much. Rather try think of something good you done trough day and remind you self off good always off and on, beacouse you body does already much negative, live with.

If maybe find some way, use limb, try don't care (exsample other may think...,) , if may not the normal way, that you may need at times, do it differently.

Manythings come along with, exsample bad sleep well, pretty normal.

Lived with Crps, for many years. [ Family with exsample Fibromyalgia (but worse) and Parkinson. ] Got it at a young age and lived with many years. (Started get some other problems on top of, in way maybe more deal with at moment....)

There is groups exsamlpe on ***. (But there used to be once, also some homepages

, were able talk and ask question about, could learn much. Can't remember the name off right nlow, if they are still.)

Welcome ask, what ever question may think off, exsample if maybe, wondering much about, what ever you maybe wanna know!

Did find my own way and did beat the odds. (Even tough, still live and most likely will deal with, likely will rest off.) Understood, that the doctors, with much knowlage about, saw me as wired case, but in at good way.

There are also many groups to join and such to find.

Got too late treatment and started first with wrong treatment, made me way worse. (Also found out, if I was taken sirously fully, listen to me earlier and didn't get the wrong treatment, likely would have gotten better or ride off. Could at least have helped with remove blood collected and was killing nerves over time and witch made extra hard to get better and did everything I could every day and helped may ride of if lucky. Mix off hard damage arm in to wrong In to wall, then too far back and then on top big blood collection in shoulder and doc not listwning fully. Training helped save part off and be stubborn. But told by many most likely never will get ride off, beacouse how bad I got. (So tried form my life to fit, but yet try hope, maybe one day, free from. Try keep trying. In a way easier to give up and give in to, then push forward, try hard and etc.)

Ended up in wheel chair.

Tought was unbelievable, that even got out of wheel chair and that able use exsample arm some. Pro docs work with and know much about, said not normal, was unbelievable, what been cable of,asked if could be studdy case, rare few had been able to part what been able to do.

Did try ask many questions and tried learn most as possible, learn from exsample doctors, trainers (Ergoterapi and Fysterpy). Trained also at home.

Was a while. While arm slowly dieing. Knew was wrong, more then a broken bone, but the doc....

Many told me to stop training and was only tortureing my self, keep trying. (Said exsmaple "Know what I get, if I do stop/give up.isn't good. Trying in my only hope, if wanna try win arm back, even if just some. My life affects and I want to try" also even some trainers who did...

Try not listen too much blindly to the example neagtive or dark or bad toughts nerve system may give you. One thing often done, tried think off all good things, no matter how small may seem to other. Try remember, to tell my done good, after done different things, needed. Can learn over time, how registrated what is really you toughts and feeling ( exsmaple question "is that truely that I feel/think or?" )

Learned live with it. (If so happens, I may never get ride off and have to live with rest off my life. Tried think off life both with and with out, but shaped life some, to live with it, but best is if I am maybe able get ride (offcourse!!) in case..

If I can maybe try help some way, what way can I maybe help? (Offcourse, if I even, am able to....)

What are you wondering about or thinking about?

What would you maybe like to now?

JoanaSM123 May 19th

@TSE2564 EDS/HSD, fibro and me/cfs. Currently im drowning to, how im trying to get past it us training my dog, medication, weed, and animals. Ive kinda given up on help from therapists and doctors even those i used to trust. 

Lots of baths, self care, expressing your anger in a heathier manner, get into a hobby you like and find your people. Screw strangers over opinionated comments. Id like to see them function and cure themselves if someone took an axe to their kneecap or screwdriver to an eye; spoler alert, they wouldn't function. 

You can do this, just focus on you


i am the same on both counts. On days I feel like I cannot walk try to do functional steps and do chores around the house taking my time. Other days I do small walks and they add up … sometimes only 10 minutes as a time and sometimes more up to one hour on good days. 

Emotional eating is very tough 🤗. I try to have foods around that are healthier that can be yummy snacks like protein bars, or frozen Greek yogurt recipes etc … I will post a few recipes for you here …

Small steps add up small changes over time … I do find drinking water helps a ton too. 

I am turtle 🐢 but I am making progress … 

Cynthialy June 11th

@TSE2564 I have scoliosis, physiotherapy exercises have been useful for me, you can even get free tips on scoliosis-focused youtube channels

hoodgirl11246 June 13th

I also have bulging disc and I've broke my back bone in 2 locations by jumping off from a building... It's hurts sometimes but it's the hope which is keeping me alive.... So have a little hope and it's completely okay to be sad, broken, empty... We're all humans and the pain it demands to be felt so embrace it... Let it rebuild you (not in evil ways) let it consume you all... Let it hurt... You know it hurts like *** sometimes when I move my legs but the pain never stopped me from moving my legs. . . I know it'll hurt but still I would move my legs cause I won't just give up not that easily. . . And you can also move forward my taking little steps... Nd stressing over things wouldn't work have a little hope friend... Nd we're all here to pick you up when you fall.. I know that you are having worst kind of pain... Trust yourself... Love yourself... And ik that what I am saying is complete nonsense.... To you maybe... Idk... But I want you to know that you will have better days cause you deserves it... Have a nice day 🖤

AffyAvo June 13th

@TSE2564 Personally, I don't try to be 'healthy'. It's ok if others identify with that differently but for me I tried that before and it didn't work. I am chronically sick and my lifestyle is different because of that. Living as if I was healthy is not going to have the optimal outcome with the body I have. I also try to avoid comparing my fitness goals to those who are healthy.

I do try to eat the foods to provide the nourishment I need.

I am active as my body allows, and I try to incorporate exercise that will benefit me to help with some of the issues I deal with. I use a lot of pacing. I've done groups that weren't necessarily geared to me but were the best fit, even if it mean hanging out with a bunch of people double my age. If I need to rest and forgo something I try to recognize I am taking care of myself and that I can resume an activity when I am up to doing it again.

In terms of exercising more concretely besides paying a lot of attention to pacing and actively checking in with myself and how I feel I have done things like just watched an exercise (video and class) so I could have a good idea of what I can do, what I need to modify and how the entire session, not just 1 exercise is likely to affect me before participating.

As for eating your emotions -trying to find some other coping skills might help. Professional therapy if you can, coming here and talking to someone you like chatting with instead of going to the kitchen. Other outlets entirely - I'm not really into art but I know it works really well for some people.

You can also connect with other people struggling with chronic pain or health issues in the disability support community.

Fallonbird14 June 13th

Many think I am crazy and that what I do is fake, but I have found healing in chiropractor and acupuncture. This does not mean I don't have any pain, but I do live. I have a job, I go out on occasion and I do exercise. I far from healthy but having days with less pain is possible.