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Keeping things tidy

User Profile: Beechie
Beechie October 3rd, 2024

Any tips for me to keep things tidy/clean up faster and more efficiently? Any suggestion is welcome :D

User Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean October 4th, 2024


Hey there~ 

Keeping a tidy space (and environment) whether at home, school, or work can definitely help and has been proven to help our overall wellbeing. 

But there are “various” ways that you can help yourself in keeping your space “tidy”… You just have to do what will work for you “personally”. Something that will stick for you going forward…so let’s look at a few options…

1) ”General Tidying”: The five minute rule. By Making a list of everything that you can tidy in “five minutes”… (ie desk, dishes, laundry). Any time you find yourself with a spare five minutes, pick something in the list to tidy. Try to get through the whole list “once a week”. 

2) The Next Rule could be by start working on the “biggest” area of clutter... This could be high traffic rooms like your bedroom, kitchen, or living room…. (Whatever that room is for you)~ 

3) Take Simple steps at a time by doing the following… Here are some easy ways to keep things tidy: 

  • Declutter: Get rid of what you don't need and organize your home so everything has a place. You can do this buy having storage containers or boxes to help with old clothing, or out of season clothing when not in use. 

  • Clean as you go: Clean up after each use, like wiping down surfaces and washing dishes after each meal. 

  • Pick up regularly: Put things back where they belong and tidy up in the evening before going to bed so that you don’t have to deal with added clutter in the day to come!

  • Take out the trash: Regularly take out the trash to avoid clutter. 

  • Set a timer: Set a timer to complete tasks like folding laundry or unloading the dishwasher. 

  • Recycle junk mail: Recycle junk mail and set aside time to deal with papers. Make sure that important mail has its place. And any junk mail is either recycled or thrown away.  

  • Store things where you use them: Make it easy to find and grab things by storing them where you use them. 

  • Fold clothes instead or hang your clothes. And make sure they are in their spaces.. whether that’s drawers, the closet, or storage bins when not in use. 

Once you get into your own routine of what will work for you, you can continue to implement those steps perhaps at least once a week? That way you can continue to tidy as you go about your day each day doing small minor things. So that they don’t add up to more overwhelming declutterring stressors later on! 

Best of luck at declutterring & tidying. And finding what works for you!  We are here to support you. 

2 replies
User Profile: Feelfree667
Feelfree667 October 5th, 2024


This is really nice tips. 

User Profile: Beechie
Beechie OP October 7th, 2024


this is v helpful! Thank you

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User Profile: Feelfree667
Feelfree667 October 5th, 2024


Keep try to clean one spot everyday. 

User Profile: hyunjinnn
hyunjinnn October 5th, 2024


- everything must have a place to return to. (like we have pen stand for pen, shelf for books, so things wont stray around in room) 

- one thing at one time (sorting and organising everything together can be draining sometimes) 

- give 5 mins to cleaning before bed

- have a weekly/monthly deep cleaning day 

User Profile: hopefulmoon5845
hopefulmoon5845 October 5th, 2024

Thank you for making this post. As I am very clumsy too. I always have a hard time tidying my drawers and cupboards. I will get suggestions from here too. 🤭🥰

User Profile: inventiveMelon6214
inventiveMelon6214 October 5th, 2024

Start with something easy and small always. And instead of focusing on making your space look pretty, focus on making it practical for you. Like if you need your pen by your chair, make sure its permanent place is by your chair. Point is the placement of your stuff should work for you.

User Profile: searchingSoul01
searchingSoul01 October 7th, 2024

Just don't move anything from the place once you set up... I mean keep things back to place once you finished using and have a weekly or monthly cleaning however it suits you

User Profile: DK9517
DK9517 October 10th, 2024


Any tips for me to keep things tidy/clean up faster and more efficiently?

I'm sure some other people suggested this as well, but making a list is always a fantastic idea! You could make a daily list of things you need to accomplish. For example:
1. make my bed
2. clean my floor
3. do the dishes
4. Etc......

This way you know exactly what you need to do and can accomplish them quicker because you're not figuring what to do first. Another thing I would suggest is to use bins or containers to hold things. I know that I have random things that don't really have a place, so I would use bins to hold them, so they are not sitting around, and it makes it easier to find them. Hopefully this helps!

User Profile: YoungFlowerBoy
YoungFlowerBoy October 11th, 2024


Keeping tidy for me has always been really hard, I'm mentally ill, neurodivergent, and disabled. Needless to say, I have my own fair share of cleaning struggles. What has worked the best for me is to live very loosely and not hold myself to an excess of rules. I live by the idea of a 'Sunday Reset' in which I clean up all the things that have found their way out of place, clean up any forgotten messes, and take out the trash/sweep. This helps me to know that reliably, every week no matter what happens during the week, I will have a clean reset for the week. Surprisingly, this has led to me keeping cleaner throughout the week as well.

User Profile: trueconfidant123
trueconfidant123 October 11th, 2024


Hello. I think I take after my mom in this. I cannot tolerate messy or unhygienic surroundings. After I wake up, I spend around 30 minutes making the bed and dusting my home. I take a wipe cloth usually and the weekends are reserved for deep cleaning. It's a habit for me and I can't quit it seemingly lol.

User Profile: Jobo666
Jobo666 October 31st, 2024

My number one tip is, if something takes less than 30 seconds (putting something away, wiping up a small spill etc), never leave it.