Be fit! Be healthy for a healthy body and peace of your mind
Hi I'm sid and a listener here. Im studying psychology so in my opinion being fit and keeping ur mind healthy and peaceful helps you with your works and everything you do in your life. If you stay healthy and feel good your mind feel good too and you gain confidence and will power that helps you with your school life with friends and with your work too.
You can stay fit by deiting, exercise, go to gym, do yoga, dance, sports and etc
Eat healthy food like almonds they helps you with your memory and drink milk for calcium and many more stuffs.
A fit body leads to fit mind so start your fitness from right now and you will be unbeatable in your whole life
It's not as simple as just wanting to be fit unfortunately. I can be incredibly hard and sometimes impossible to exercise depending on circumstances.
@AffyAvo it can but you can control your calories intake and still do yoga at home if u can't go to the gym and to running and everything being fit isn't all about hitting gym lifting weights and running everything you do is a step forward to your fitness even if you walk 4 km a day you are taking a step forward
@Zingsid I've had HAE attacks even from yoga, it's not something that everyone can do. Walking that far every day is cerrtainly something I cannot do. Some days I can, some I can't. Maintaining a particular weight it different from being fit.
@AffyAvo firstly I'm really sorry that I said things without giving a thought about your condition secondly I hope you can do all that soon I'm here praying for you
@Zingsid Thanks! For me some days I can do more than others, so it's something I can at least work on some of the time. I know some do not even have that capability. It can be hard when the choice really isn't there to be able to work on improving fitness. It's great for those who can!
Thanks Zingsid for your Healthy Living Tips! Living a healthy lifestyle can have its ups and downs, but whether its working out, going to the gym, eating right, or even something more simple like (taking time to relax your body and mind) by perhaps even reading a book, taking a bubble bath, taking a simple walk to clear your mind....... The Body, Mind and Spirit all go together hand in hand! And its about your 'Complete" wholeness and wellness (Physically, Mentally Emotionally and so on).
Everyone can benefit by doing something small for themselves each day. Even if its just taking time for simple "Self Care"!
Yeah, it's really important to be healthy. What you guys do to keep your body on tonus? I am taking SPA and do work out. I even have my sauna at home and it's quite relaxing to do it.