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Advice on Exercising

User Profile: SpellFloo8896
SpellFloo8896 May 3rd, 2024

Hi there, beautiful people! I'm trying to be more active, but it's always been a huge challenge for me. I spend most of my time at home and don't do physical activities besides chores. Getting up and walking as an exercise is difficult, but I'm trying.

I wonder if there are any other recommendations for total beginners to build stamina and endurance? Thank you!

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 May 3rd, 2024


chair yoga ... videos on line to instruct you ... is harder then it sounds and is a beginning type thing 

 if you build up endurance there are 1000s of you-tube videos to exercise and start out do what you can until you can do more. 

User Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean May 3rd, 2024


Hi there! 

I think it’s so great that you are wanting to take charge of your health by incorporating more exercises into your day. 

Sometimes it can be a challenge for beginners in knowing exactly where to start! 

But I would also say that we have to start “somewhere”. And once you find something you like & enjoy it will never seem like work! 

If you are finding it difficult to move or walk, I would have to also suggest (as stated above), to look into “Chair exercises”! There are a TON of those on YouTube! And so many to choose from. 

Just go to YouTube and type in “Chair workouts”, and so many different things will come up. I have done some of those myself during times of injury or not feeling my best. And there are some really fun and upbeat videos with great instructors and great music. 

And you can also look into Yoga or stretching to start as well. “Yoga with Adrienne” on YouTube I hear has a lot of low impact workouts you can start with.

Little by little, small steps add up to bigger steps. And soon you will find that you can do even more.  

Best of luck to you on your journey! And we are here to support your efforts if you have any questions! 

User Profile: SamOur
SamOur May 3rd, 2024

Hi there! 

First of all, congratulations on your motivation to incorporate movement to your daily habits. I've been trying to do the same and it can be hard to actually find time for it.

Personally, I would recommend having something in the background that you enjoy watching or listening to. And just start moving. Any movement can do. For 10 to 15 minutes. Set a timer. Stick to that small goal of 10 to 15min a day for as long as you can. And eventually you'll find yourself extending to 30mn. 

Yoga is a great place to start, in my opinion. Even some light stretching can do the trick. 

I wish you the best of luck and heaps of strength to actually make it happen! <3 

User Profile: softWords17
softWords17 May 4th, 2024

You can start with home workouts for beginners, there are a lots on YouTube for free

User Profile: LittleSodo
LittleSodo May 4th, 2024

Starting small is key. Choose activities you enjoy, set achievable goals, and listen to your body. Keep it up!

User Profile: Michelh1996
Michelh1996 May 4th, 2024


When it comes to cardio I would recommend walking for sure. Light-impact and a fun habbit! Find a routine and maybe even combine it with a fun game on your phone or activity to do. It also builds a habit of commitment and sticking to something regardless of "excuses" and motivation problems, especially at first. 🚶‍♂️

If you want to take it further I would recommend cycling, which is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories and if you can get your hands on an exercise bike, you can combine it with a different routine as well. For example, I tried running, but the lack of a clear goal and target doesn't really appeal to me, which leads to me shortening the run or walking a lot of the time instead of running. On an exercise bike, I found I can let my legs do the work while listening to music, watching something, checking stuff on my phone. Right now I study a language with Duolingo and every lesson is like teleporting a few miles and calories into the future! 🚲🌟

If you want to do a work-out, I would advise to just pick areas (arms, abs, shoulders, full-body) and search for whatever the best exercises are for those areas in Youtube videos or random Google links. Just try them out and see what works for you. I do a random set of exercises that stuck with me over the years, while others I tried and just left out. Sometimes a specific exercise just doesn't do it for you, you don't really feel it or just don't like. Just start with the ones that work for you. For example, when I work my abs, I know russian twists are a good exercise, but I struggle balancing the move and it hurts my lower back a bit, so I do flutter kicks instead. On paper, maybe less impactful, but easier for me to do the exercise correctly and stick to it because I like it. That is the most important bit, find what you like and what gives you fullfilment!🦾😎

User Profile: jjessj181
jjessj181 May 28th, 2024

I started exercising regularly around February. It's all thanks to this article. I don't have exercises that I perform on a regular basis, as I always try something new for myself. If you are going to lose weight, do not forget about the deficit of calories and you will definitely achieve an excellent result

User Profile: fairmindedWillow33
fairmindedWillow33 June 13th, 2024

I think it is great that you want to become more physically active! As someone who struggles with anxiety, it really helps me manage it better. There are a lot of things you can do whether it is walking, chair yoga, or something else. My brother who is a beginner bought some bands to work out with. There are some exercise for both your arms and legs that you can use the resistance from the bands to do.

Getting in better shape is a marathon not a race. I always encourage people to take it easy the first few times they do a workout and just do a little more next time. It is best to do something that is manageable because consistency is really the key when it come to excercise.