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Weekly Healthy Living Check-In October 5th, 2024

PoliteOcean 2 days ago



*WELCOME To Our End of the week "WEEKLY" HEALTHY LIVING CHECK-IN"~ This is our "First" Check-in for OCTOBER!~🌻🍁🎃👻🌛

⭐️If you aren't a member yet Please "JOIN" the Healthy Living Community Here!!

⭐️FEEL FREE TO ANSWER ANY OR ALL QUESTIONS! Or Simply tell us about yourself and how you've been doing! Feel free to share or Vent about your week~ We are here to listen!

🌻 Hey All~ Welcome to the  weekend & Welcome to "OCTOBER"!...How have you been doing this week?

🍁This is our "First" Check-in for OCTOBER!~... (And its also my Most Favorite Fall Month)!.... What are you looking forwards to the Most for yourself this month ahead?.... What things do you enjoy the most about October and this time of year?!

🎃 With a New Month, can come new focuses or goals... What New things are you focused on for this month?!.... What are some intentions or goals that you'd like to work on, improve upon, Or accomplish for yourself?

👻 JUST FOR FUN:...(Halloween Fun)... Would You Rather?!.... "Visit a Haunted House"...OR.. "Go see a Scary Movie"?!

🌛 What were your "Highlights Or Struggles" of the week?.... How were you able to work through your challenges?!

🌻What is something that "YOU" want to Talk about, Add or Share with us this week?!... WE want to hear from YOU~


Healthy Living Team Leaders: @PoliteOcean @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @vivelespatates

@SunShineAlwaysGrateful @vivelespatates @Regmo @purpleTree4652 @InsightfulPhoenix @nordurnStar @KateDoskocilova @KatePersephone @SirenOfSerenity @Rebekahwriter13 @EmbStitcher33 @calmsoulmeet @sweetrosa1987  @AffyAvo @Bre4Me  @Caringmama2022 @CarolineEmily01 @CyclingThroughLife @determinedCat7367 @diamondintheROUGH2022  @GoldenNest2727  @selflessSpruce1515 @SilverSeastar @Spectaculaur @BestMaple2045  @determinedNest6866 @HipsterChic @DestinyM2026 @charmingSky597 @GreenFairie @WayJay @orangeHuman868 @lilCatNamedVenus


PoliteOcean OP 2 days ago

🌻 This past week was well... I started off last weekend again doing some "Festival Hopping" and enjoyed two separate festival both Sat. & Sun.... Saturday's was much larger, and slightly more crowded than I like or prefer... But the positive of it for me was that I finished the day with some awesome 'steps"~.... And of course, more importantly that we were even able to go, participate & enjoy since the weather returned to normal for us after the storms passed through. Fortunately for my area, we just got a day or two of rains... I hope everyone else is safe!

🍁 I started the week off getting back on track with my usuals & standards, including my group fitness classes.... And of course more morning walks with the Furbaby since the weather has been quite "seasonal" this past week!.. It's been just right.. (with just the right touches of sunshine mixed with clouds, at just the right temps, with some nice mild breezes).... I was able to get out for walks each day this week which has been a first since probably Spring time.... I also decided that this year I would "decorate" for Halloween... I Love the idea of Halloween time (Scary movies, decorations, kiddos in their costumes)... But I rarely decorate for it. But this week I managed to cover the front porch in an array of Halloween lights. And, I must say that it looks pretty fun & festive~ As well it puts me in a good mood for the season~

🎃 This weekend ahead, intentions are to get up for my usual early morning Zumba class to start the day... But then get out & about and enjoy the beautiful day afterwards.. The weather is supposed to be sunny, warm & amazing~ .... And then visit a brand new local Clean eating Nutrition Store that We used to go to, but it was further away, & it also closed down earlier in the year.... Well now they have opened up a new location a little bit closer! So I'm excited to find it and check it out again..... Then go run a few errands & take a nice drive~ (as well as hopefully some early Halloween movies to relax with)~  ...  Then On Sunday, I'm excited because it will be the day for the "Annual Fitness Festival" that we have been attending here for the past few years... They will have MANY different Fitness Vendors, Fitness giveaways, Free Fitness products, & Live Fitness classes & demonstrations!... I love everything about it.... And I typically come home with an awesome "SWAG-BAG" full of lots of great (& FREE) products!... So looking forwards to attending that~

CyclingThroughLife 1 day ago


Good for you for getting out and enjoying some good festival hopping.  I'm with you when it comes to the more crowded ones.  See my answer below about todays activity.  Sometimes we have to endure these things to enjoy the other stuff.  For me the problem is figuring out where the balance is prior to going and if the stress outweighs the fun factor I will skip.

I used to decorate all the time when the kids were little, Halloween, Christmas....I loved it....I was a regular Clark Grizwold.....but the last few years my head wasn't in it for some reason and toned it down a lot and last year, chose not to do anything at all.....I guess it now depends on my mood at the time.  I hope you and everyone in your neighborhood enjoy the festive decorations.  Its a win that it puts you in a good mood for the season.

An annual fitness festival sounds like a great time.  A Swag-bag is even better.  They don't do anything like that around here.  I kinda wish they would. I'm actually excited for you lol. Please let us know how it goes and share some of the swag you get.  As far as your clean eating nutrition store, we have one here, but the prices are so outrageous....its a shame what you have to pay to eat healthy. 

Regmo 1 day ago

@PoliteOcean I'm writing this at 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning so the week isn't finished yet. We've had a big heat wave here this past week which is very unusual for this part of the country.  Sunday Stuart left a fece stain on top of the toilet seat and on the floor.  Tuesday I went to the doctor. The appointment went well. I'm scheduled for another blood test. Afterwards I went to my local bank branch and they were extremely not helpful.  Wednesday I opened a new online checking account. It was a big ordeal but I finally got it done. James didn't have any medical appointments here at the house this past week but Leslie wants him to hire a caretaker. It's going to cause me a lot of emotional distress. Thursday I went to the library and grocery shopping and go for a walk by the marina. Thursday Tunde told me he couldn't work on Friday. I was upset because I really wanted to go to the bank. He only works 3 days a week so if he cancels I only get out two days that week. That's not very much. My biggest problem right now is I have to pay for things out of my own pocket Leslie should be providing for. It's unsustainable. My birthday is November 2nd. 

CyclingThroughLife 1 day ago

🌻 Hey All~ Welcome to the  weekend & Welcome to "OCTOBER"!...How have you been doing this weekThis was an extremely long week at work.  There were factors contributing that I won't go into but step count for Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday was in excess of 16,000 steps each day and Friday I managed 13,700 and that was with about an hour and half at my desk that day.  I usually average 11 to 12 thousand steps a day on workdays.  Lots of on my feet, running around, and "putting out fires" if you know what I mean.  I do have today off though to go a professional soccer game with my son and his soccer team.  It will be fun, but being the non people person I am, I will have to deal with the crowds, lines and traffic.  Not to mention a 2 hour 45 min drive. I'm kind of already stressing out a little about it but I've done it before, at this stadium, so I should be ok.  Its a shame when you really look forward to an outing or event, but feel like you will be so much happier once its over with. 

🍁This is our "First" Check-in for OCTOBER!~... (And its also my Most Favorite Fall Month)!.... What are you looking forwards to the Most for yourself this month ahead?....  I'm not really sure what I'm looking for to the most.  There is nothing that jumps out at me this month.  We are taking a long weekend trip coming up to go to a garlic festival and eat at a few places on our Food Network Bucket list.  I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but we are big food network junkies and have a list of places and certain chef's restaurants that we see on Diners Drive-ins and Dives, and other shows that we think would be good places to eat.  We have visited about 8 or 10 of them in our travels.  Sometimes we schedule long weekends just to drive and visit a restaurant.  Its fun.   What things do you enjoy the most about October and this time of year?!  I really don't know what I enjoy the most about this time of year because it is a transition into the time of year I dislike the most.  I mean, there are a lot of great happenings and things to do in October, but I can't honestly say I have something that I enjoy the most.

🎃 With a New Month, can come new focuses or goals... What New things are you focused on for this month?!.... As I mentioned last week, I'm focusing on working on my NASM CPT class.  Despite the busy week I had at work, I did manage to finish chapter one, and I feel like I did well on the practice quizzes for that chapter.  This week I want to finish Chapter 2.  In reality, I want to do more than one chapter a week, but I haven't looked ahead to see how long each section and chapter are so I'll stick to that as a goal for now so I'm not putting too much pressure on myself.  I have 180 days to finish and pass the test so I should have plenty of time.
What are some intentions or goals that you'd like to work on, improve upon, Or accomplish for yourself? Something I'd like to improve upon is my sleep.  I need to focus and learn how to shut my brain off so that I can get good sleep.  I am also on a mission to cut back on caffeine.  I started about 2 weeks ago but failed miserably.  I will start over and attempt it again.

👻 JUST FOR FUN:...(Halloween Fun)... Would You Rather?!.... "Visit a Haunted House"...OR.. "Go see a Scary Movie"?!  With all the streaming services out ther, I can avoid the "going out" by seeing a scary movie at home.  If I "had to go out" to do it, I'd rather go out to see the movie because the haunted house may require interaction with others lol.....

🌛 What were your "Highlights Or Struggles" of the week?.... How were you able to work through your challenges?! I struggled with getting in my workouts after such long days at work.  I did skip Tuesday and Thursday due to just being "done" when I got home.  I did a quick 30 min spin on Wed. I am hopefully going to "reset" for next week and get back on a regular workout schedule.

I have noticed that I tend to type out long answers and responses to these questions.  I hope its not too much for folks.  I find that people tend to skip the long ones on social media. 

KatePersephone 2 hours ago


🌻 Hey All~ Welcome to the  weekend & Welcome to "OCTOBER"!...How have you been doing this week?
I have been doing quite well this week, actually! me and some friends are currently on a '31 day challenge' where we keep track of our goals for the month and our progress each day.

🍁This is our "First" Check-in for OCTOBER!~... (And its also my Most Favorite Fall Month)!.... What are you looking forwards to the Most for yourself this month ahead?.... What things do you enjoy the most about October and this time of year?!
i am looking forward to productive days, halloween, and cozy evenings!

🎃 With a New Month, can come new focuses or goals... What New things are you focused on for this month?!.... What are some intentions or goals that you'd like to work on, improve upon, Or accomplish for yourself?
this month i am focusing on my knowledge, education as well as my well being, both physical and mental.

👻 JUST FOR FUN:...(Halloween Fun)... Would You Rather?!.... "Visit a Haunted House"...OR.. "Go see a Scary Movie"?!
go see a scary movie.