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Community Calendar Updates

User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates July 26th, 2024

Hey all! I'm Vivelespatates and I'm the new Group Support Mentor in charge of Tockify, our Community Calendar.

Here are some new informations concerning our Calendar.
For ensuring the calendar is always up to date, some changes are taking place. 

- The old weekly repeat were removed since the most of them are no longer taking places. The team leaders are invited to contacted me with their updated team schedule so I can put them back, or just submit them again. Sorry for any inconvenience if some are still taking place as planned. I noticed many events were no longer up to date, so I made a reset. 
* if you are leading weekly sessions and don't have a team leader, you also can contact me*

How to submit new discussions. 

It is the responsibility of Team Leaders to submit the sessions for their team. Otherwise, if your team has no leader, anyone can submit the sessions and no one will penalized for it. 
To submit an event, go on and click "Submit Event"
Anyone having trouble with this platform can just contact me, I am there to help! 

Fields with some requirements to fill:

Name: Make sure to put your 7cups username correctly in the section "Name" or "Note to the calendar owner" so If there is any issue with your subscription, or I need informations, I will contact you on 7cups so we can fix it quickly and easily.

Title of Event: Please include the room and age group as well ! (EG: "Teen Healthy Living : Flying Potatoes") 
Description: Include the discussion host(s) name, the room and age group. (Eg: "Join Vivelespatates in the Team Healthy Living room for a discussion on Flying Potatoes (room will open 5 minutes before discussion)" )

Date/time: Being careful when entering them. We use Eastern time (US), You can use a time converter to help like

All other sections are facultative.

If you are struggling, you can always ask me to submit an event or discussion. I will be happy to help.
I check the new submission several times a week to ensure the calendar is up to date but I still encourage to submit in advance to make sure it is approved before the event.

User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates OP July 26th, 2024

If you need to edit or delete a cancelled event, you are welcome to message me too! So together we can make sure the calendar is up to date and that members can relate on it and not being disappointed or seeking an event cancelled.  Full Love

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 28th, 2024


Thank you for the update!

User Profile: daydreammemories
daydreammemories July 30th, 2024


Great info and updates, thank you! 

User Profile: InsightfulPhoenix
InsightfulPhoenix July 30th, 2024

I feel that the (teen) and (adult) to the title is a little excessive considering there are already two separate rooms for a reason, and tags with the appropriate handles for this explicit reason. I understand why you are trying to do this, but this is something that should have been brought up before it started to happen, I understand though I truly do. It just seems a little much in my opinion 🫶🏼

3 replies
User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates OP July 30th, 2024

@InsightfulPhoenix Members check the calendar to see if events are coming that they actually can join and may expect a session coming then be disappointed since the room doesn't open on their side.

When the teen or adult is specified, then they dont get fake expectations, they know in advance if its a discussion they can expect join or no; they dont have to wait to see if the room will open on their side or not. 

When the calendar is loaded, folks don't check all the details of every event. the title makes it visible to them easily. 

It's the feedback I got from members and the reason why there is this change. 

2 replies
User Profile: InsightfulPhoenix
InsightfulPhoenix July 30th, 2024

I understand where you are coming from which is awesome, however when making changes to forum pages there should be a tag list of all the forum leaders and members because it will prevent confusion in case there is something like this in the future that happens, I hope you don’t find me trying to assist rude😅


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User Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates OP August 1st, 2024

@InsightfulPhoenix @InsightfulPhoenix I don't manage the forums neither have access to any tag list sadly :( Sorry for the inconvenience that caused especially in communication and the confusion it brought. Keep be awesome <3 

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