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Disenfranchised Grief

proactiveLion3747 October 31st, 2023

Have you ever gone through the difficult experience of grieving by yourself and struggling to find the emotional support you need because others may not fully accept or understand your pain? This is an example of Disenfranchised Grief, which, unfortunately, occurs more frequently than we realize. It could stem from various losses, such as losing a job, the disconnect with a friend, or, in my case, the loss of my cherished pet.

Three months have passed since the loss of my 12-year-old dog, a cherished gift from my then-boyfriend, now my husband. As a childless couple, we poured all our love into our beloved pet. Her battle with cancer still haunts me with the regret that I could have done more for her.

Kristynsmama October 31st, 2023


Losing a pet is literally the hardest part of pet ownership and I’m sorry for your loss.  Many people feel much like you do- like they could have done more for their pet.  But when it’s something like cancer, you likely did everything you possibly could for your dog even if it doesn’t feel like it.

proactiveLion3747 OP October 31st, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughtful words; it means a lot. Her departure has left me deeply affected, causing me to feel overwhelmed for weeks and even leading to illness. I've never experienced such intense grief, and I wish I could find a way to heal more quickly.

adventurousBranch3786 October 31st, 2023

@proactiveLion3747. I have felt very intense grief for pets. To me they are like a family member. I hope that you can be patient with yourself because grief can take some time ❤️.

proactiveLion3747 OP October 31st, 2023

Indeed, pets are like family. She was my pillar of emotional support, and I became reliant on her for that. Moving on without her is incredibly challenging. Nevertheless, I'm immensely grateful for discovering this app and expressing my thoughts and emotions here; it has relieved my burden gradually. Conversing and sharing emotions with you truly offer therapeutic relief.

Tinywhisper11 November 1st, 2023

@proactiveLion3747 huggs you ❤

23helicopters November 2nd, 2023

OK so this sums up why I am worried about getting a pet. It must be so heartbreaking to experience it💔 every pet should live at least 50 years because they leave us so soon.

Tho I never had a pet I still have this experience of grieving by myself. No one understood the depth of my pain and I had to be alone, but at least I have some support on 7 cups!!

I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Grief is a painful process and I hope you will go through this as soon as possible❤️ Sending hugggs

reliableSky9730 November 3rd, 2023

I call it inconsiderate behavior by others and having to feel like that, while you are already feeling sad is truly the worst. I am going thru the same thing. Lost my little guy a month ago, which was totally the hardest thing I ever did.  I can't even accept the hole in my heart, as I cry now to try to talk about it.  Sorry, I can't continue. I feel you 100%