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Am I being unfair here?

ihaveasoulmate 3 days ago

About 6 years ago I bought a new house so that I could live with my girlfriend and her kids. I sold my old house and used all my own funds to put up about 60% down payment. Initially I made more money than her so I paid for pretty much everything. She also had trust issues so she wanted to save money in case I left her and I was fine with that. We got engaged but never married. 1.5 years ago she broke up with me and I didn't see it coming. We've continued to live together all this time. I was hoping we could try again but she never wanted to. I told her I can't keep doing this so we're going to stop living together. All the time I continued to pay the mortgage and utilities. She paid for most groceries and did all the cooking. We split most other chores evenly. She thinks I should give her 50% of the house value and I think I should get significantly more because I put continued to pay the mortgage. I was willing to give her half of the house appreciation since the value has gone up quite a bit since we bought. She is also going to keep the vehicle we bought together. In my mind that, plus the fact she could save money instead of putting it in the house offset the equity earned those years we were together. Am I being the jerk here? She's no longer talking to me.

mytwistedsoul 3 days ago

@ihaveasoulmate I don't think you're a jerk. By rights I don't think she's entitled to anything from the house. You put the money down and pay the mortgage. Who's name is on the mortgage/ title? Just yours? I mean even after you broke up she continued to live there without contributing to the mortgage and she wants half? Plus she was saving money and gets the car? Nah that's not right but that's just my opinion

ihaveasoulmate OP 3 days ago

Thanks for your input. I know legally she's not entitled to more, I still want to be a good person and do what is fair. That's what I thought I was doing, but I started second guessing myself.

mytwistedsoul 3 days ago

@ihaveasoulmate I think you were a good person by giving her and her kids a home. You were a good person to let her save up money. Plus letting her stay there for a year and a half even after you broke up

I mean you can give her some of it makes you feel better but after saving up six years she should have a nice stash and I definitely wouldn't give her half. It just seems greedy that she wants more considering how much you did already for her
toughTiger6481 3 days ago


No you are not being a jerk at all you owe her nothing ... it is very generous to offer any thing for house since she did not put anything in ... and instead used you as free rent and saved a bunch of money for in case.... Well this is the " in case" she was preparing for .... 

this is also why many a financial expert never wants anyone to buy things together without the marriage contract.... she could sue and ask for half and some states / areas she might be awarded that but now is time to cut things clearly and move on with what is yours.