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List of Brave Acts


This exercise was taken from the book "Things you think when you bite your nails", by Amalia Andrade.

The author proposes:

"Instead of focusing on what we do wrong, or the things we stop doing out of fear, the task is to write at least three brave acts we have done on the day."

What three brave acts have you done today? Would you write them in response to this post?


sensitiveSailboat November 1st, 2019


1. I am learning a new thing

2. I finally completed a task which I usually left unfinished

3.turning negative energy into positive

Thanks for sharing this post

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 2nd, 2019


Awesome Brave Acts!! Clapping hands

Thanks So Much For Sharing !! Trophy

Tell Me About Your Country Flag Slightly smiling

SweetTT7 March 22nd, 2021


I am learning more

being more positive

being on 7 Cups more

sunnySky5393 October 25th, 2019

1. i owned up to a mistake i made

2. i reached out to a friend for help even though i'm normally too embarassed to ask

3. i wore an outfit to school today that made me feel good even though it was a little bit out of my comfort zone

thank you for this post, it pushed me to think about what i did today <3

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP October 25th, 2019



"To accept something is not the same as judging that it is good or approving it."

amiablePeace77 November 3rd, 2019


Great post, thanks! Sorry though for the late reply.

1. Helped someone on the street

2. Helped a person being bullied

3. Stuck to my plan

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 3rd, 2019


I Red heart your Brave Acts a Lot.

Thanks for sharing them here Smiling with heart-eyes

sparklesinthewater November 3rd, 2019

My good friend helped me with my answers and I am grateful for his helping hand...

1. I was empathetic

2. I stayed away from my addictions.

3. I stayed on 7cups which os a good place to be...

Thank you myfriend for opening my eyes...

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 3rd, 2019


Thanks so much for taking the time for sharing.

PS: I wrote "interesting funny facts" on Google and then went to the Pictures section. Very funny and interesting what I found:

Tears of joy

MAE1701 November 4th, 2019


1) I finished a paper I have to submit this evening
2) I finished the translation of the same paper
3) I worked out three times

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 4th, 2019


Check markTrophy

MAE1701 November 4th, 2019


Thanks, I'm glad I was able to do all of this.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 4th, 2019


I think it is great, also.

I like the exercise proposed by the author!!

fearlessWriter78 November 5th, 2019


1. Got up out of bed to take my pills

2. Did a mindfulness exercise

3. Keeping myself up to eat even though I want to go back to bed

GettingUp November 17th, 2019

It might sound funny, but I kissed my boyfriend. I have been living in the ilusion, that I won't ever have a bf, that I'm not worth of love after my two abusive relationships.

I struggled with bullying, social anxiety and depression in the past, so I think this si my brave act for today

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 19th, 2019


So so so so beautiful Brave Acts!!! Thanks A Lot For Sharing here heart

And Congrats on kissing your boyfriend!! yes heart

GettingUp November 19th, 2019

@ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp Thank you 😊 Hope you had a nice day

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 20th, 2019


You too laugh

reddotonblack November 17th, 2019


1. I have rescued a crocodile being tickled to death by pickled ferrets.

2. I tried to teach an aussie propper english but he kept on saying beer when I seid bear.

3. Tried to keep myself sane and oops, I could not...can never fix bonkers...

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 19th, 2019


LOL laugh

I had to Google Translate for your Brave Act # 3: it reads this way in Spanish: "3. Intenté mantenerme cuerdo y ay! No pude ... nunca puedo arreglar locos ..."

If my "insanity" does not affect me nor others... then why would I need to fix it? heart

Thanks so much for sharing your Brave Acts here!!! yesheartwink

GettingUp November 20th, 2019

I donated blood today :)

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 20th, 2019


Wonderful Brave Act :) And it helps others also ;)

ellygurx December 4th, 2019

What three brave acts have you done today?

- Agreeing to go to lunch even though I'm anxious

- to do a bit of yoga despite how I was feeling



ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP December 5th, 2019


Awesome Brave Acts!!! Thanks SO SO SO SO much for sharing them here!!! Red heart

What would prevent you from leaving a review about a listener after a chat with him/her? How do you think you may feel more comfortable about providing listeners feedback?

Solome24 September 24th, 2020


I really like this thread! Quick question for you TY before I forget lol: how do you get the lovely footer text in your comments here in forum? Text is light gray and you provide link. :D I checked my settings but I don't see the option to set up a footer for my comments?

The reason I really like this thread is because a week or so ago I started using a well journal, and using it daily. One of the questions is what went well today? And to list gratitudes as well. Prior to using the journal, I struggled with picking at my cuticles, and even though I still struggle with it, I've noticed I'm doing it less. I think thinking more positively - focusing on the good each day - has helped! :D

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP September 25th, 2020


I actually do not remember.

But I know I read it somewhere on some info by @rarelycharlie

Hopefully, he will reply :)

RarelyCharlie September 25th, 2020

@LoyalLiz To add a signature to your posts, see: Enhance the editor

Thanks, Leo, for the link Slightly smiling


ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP September 26th, 2020

@RarelyCharlie yes

SweetSurrender2020 November 11th, 2020

Brave tasks

learning to let go of the past

buring my son who was not well devoloped died from stillborn

apologizng to someone for hurting their feelings

trying new experiences

asking God for his mercy and his help

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 23rd, 2020

@SweetSurrender2020 I love you a lot. Thanks so much for sharing your list here Red heart

LightofWorld November 24th, 2020


1. Being vunerable

2. Reaching out to help someone new

3. Research about PTSD

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 26th, 2020

@LightofWorld That is an awesome list. I also think that allowing ourselves to recognize that vulnerability is OK is one of the bravest acts.

Solome24 March 11th, 2021

Brave things (for me) that I did today!

1. Got up out of bed instead of sleeping literally all day!

2. Went to two places today to run errands. I am struggling with anxiety leaving my apartment so that was a huge relief to get that done.

3. Reached out to a peer supporter for support on a certain issue :)

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP March 12th, 2021

So so so happy for you!! Congrats 🥳

GettingUp March 24th, 2021

Well. I have managed just one brave act for today, but it's a start. I managed being yelled on from a man today. I get flashbacks and/or panick attacks when a man yells at me. I am still shaking, but I wasn't silent and I stood up for myself. I deserve a pat on shoulder

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP March 26th, 2021

@GettingUp Sent!! I hope you enjoy the well-deserved virtual pat on shoulder I just sent sent you Red heart

Solome24 July 21st, 2021

I got up early, I am doing self-care to calm my anxiety. I am trying to think positively and focusing on one thing at a time :)