Mantras To Live By
A mantra is "a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs."
A mantra is a self affirmation that you can repeat & think to yourself. Itcan help you be reflective about your personal thought patterns and work on improving them. Pick 1 or 2 that you want to work on and make a commitment to thinking them this week. Say them to youself when you wake up in the morning and before bed.
Let us know how it goes!You can create your own & share them here. Here are a few for you to start with:
I love myself and accept myself in this moment.
I forgive myself.
Keep your head up & your heart open.
My life is a magical gift.
This too shall pass.
I am strong & vibrant. I bring my unique opinions & world view to everything that I do.
I will accept the change that I cannot change.
I say to myself sometimes, "I am healthy, I am happy, I am strong, I love my life, I am loved by God, I am rich in love and I am wise and smart and I believe in myself, I believe in Jesus."
i LOATHE my stupid moments. I scramble for alternatives, thinking up a million in the afterwards, futures and idealising how they might go. It usually ends in rolling around and inwardly sometimes outwardly, screaming and sighing. The final statement that is left over so I get back on task is this:
It's okay. It's NOT okay but it's okay because it is youth. Immaturity is a fortunate thing too. We live for an improved tomorrow and life is to not repeat history. It's done. It's fact. Next time. It is known now. It won't be as bad now.
It has kinda evolved over time. Starting with nor reason other than reassurance. But we live, we grow, we find reason, we find standing. And that is why it is so worth it to live and to continue thinking despite all the downsides of doing too much of either. In a sense.
Sometimes i say my favorite lyric by my favorite band Sleeping with Sirens to myself:
"Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly"
Came across this quote on someone's email signature.
Let the waves of the universe rise & fall as they will. You have nothing to gain or to lose. You are the ocean. -Ashtavakra Gita
One thing that I live by is that I do not judge others. I do not have a right to judge others, as others do not have a right to judge me.
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise
As we breeze through our journeys through life, it's good to step back every now and then and take a look around us
As we breeze through our journeys through life, it's good to step back every now and then and take a look around us
"Don't let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment"~ Eckhart Tolle
I must face my fears. I will acknowledge them, but they pass over me as water does along my skin; it does not control me.