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silly reminder :3

Puffy2009 September 11th

you're awesome just the way you are :3
don't be sad cause you'll find someone or something that'll   make your day ✨sparkly✨  >W< 

I'm so glad that you existed <3 /p

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 11th


More like a cute reminder. 😮💖

It's also okie to be sad, sometimes it gets hard to find the sparkle in our day, but yusss, doesn't mean it's not there or that we can never find it.🌞

Sending lots of sparkle to everyone hehe.


*you* are so awesome and your adorable existence is much much appreciated too.💖

Puffy2009 OP September 12th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou you're right ! it's okay to be sad but what's not okay is to not move on !  sparkly days doesn't come in a golden plate ,to achieve it we should make it on our own  :>

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 12th

@Puffy2009 well said!<3

Puffy2009 OP September 12th

 :3 thanks !

Puffy2009 OP September 12th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou   By the way 😭✨ thank you for the nice words I'm actually so flattered

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 12th


You deserve the nicesttt truths about you to be reminded to you often!🤗💖

Puffy2009 OP September 12th


>w< <3 /p

Theofficialcockroach September 11th


Puffy2009 OP September 12th

@Theofficialcockroach :3

Feelfree667 September 11th


Thanku for this reminder. I hope so I will able to remind myself this in difficult situations. 

Puffy2009 OP September 12th

@Feelfree667 hopefully you do :D <3 all love and support for you my friend ! /p

NotAllHere713 September 12th


Thank you so much for this! I really needed it!

Puffy2009 OP September 12th

 >w< yaya no problems at all !!!! all love and support for you ! /p