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Out Of Site *but* Not Out Of Mind. ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 16th, 2022

Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope July is treating y'all well. 💛

(❤This is not a farewell thread❤)

I was a bit hesitant to make this thread, mostly because I could consider a "why" behind "some" people not being on the same page about this. And hey, that's okay, we all think and work differently, have different experiences and lessons and how we apply those learnings in our future etc, makes sense for two people not agreeing over something, or having a different perspective on the same thing. Glass half full or half empty lol.

Having said that, I'd go ahead with it anyway xD because I have my reasons in place and I for one, value them enough to give them a space.

Hopefully we have some others who'd be on my page too, or least be willing to see it the way I do. I promise it won't hurt to try. 💛

When I was new to the forums (or 7 cups in general) I remember coming across these farewell/ on hiatus threads and it really spoke something haha, it was lowkey strange crying and feeling upset about someone leaving, someone that I don't even know or would ever know. Un-freaking-believable how things work for empaths sometimes. All the empaths in the house, I gotchu! :')

Being in those threads, reading the different posts, what really stood-out for me was the "mass-tags", or simply, tags, a lot of them.

Newbie me used to think if I would ever make a post in one of these threads meant for farewell, not too hard though, just passing thoughts that would I even be umm "important" enough that someone, anyone, an apparent stranger on the internet, would want to know if I'm around or not, or care about my where-abouts and how-abouts in general, and then I used to think if I'll find any people that would want to know or be tagged in these posts, if I do eventually make one someday.

I've always been fascinated by these threads and have realised that tags in these posts hit different, it's a bittersweet feeling that someone cared enough about you to let you know or make you aware of their where-abouts, to use their 'apparent' last moments in this platform (for the timebeing) to let *you* know that you've made some impact on them and their journey so far, that they remembered you in those moments, or that they didn't want to go before that one last "glance" at you.

I love-hate getting tagged in these posts. I love it because of the above said, it feels *unexplainable* kind of good to realise that someone would think of me right before they decide to leave (for whatever time frame that is), it's nice to know that I created some sort of impact that they knew in their heart and their mind that hey hey atleast Sun would want to know and would care enough to know about me. (Sun really does care and appreciates every single of these tags, yall)

And well ofcourse, hate (it's a strong word and I typically avoid using it, but really haha I hate goodbyes of any kind xD), hate because oh my, now that you've tagged me, it's just another reminder that we've established some sort of bonding and it is really awful to imagine this place without you now. But *sigh* it be like that sometimes! :')

Okay now all of that aside. And to quench your confusion about how the title links to the content lol. Let's move ahead xD

I've been on this platform for over 2 years now, and I've met countless people here, all amazing in their own wonderful ways.

Some I meet through forums, some via personal chats, some in group chats, by working together in a project and so on. Different people and different ways to meet them and see them around, I must say, I don't forget people quite easily, and definitely not the ones that have been kind, to me or in general. Now thing is, on a platform like this, there's a plethora of kind people haha, human brain can only memorize somewhat heh? xD

Soooo the other day, I was randomly thinking about someone from here who's unfortunately not around the site anymore, and it clicked that, we should have a place to throw in these random reminders out there.

A place to not just show gratitude towards someone who once was a more connected part of your life here, but to also sort of leave a "tribute". I get this might sound too mushy and philosophical (in a way) too lol, but I kept myself in this place (again, #PerksOfBeingAnEmpath 😛) and thought to myself, that if I were to take a break or step away from this wonderful place and people for a while, somewhere I'd want to be "not-forgotten" also, and then another thought to support, how gratifying it would feel to someday come back and see that there was atleast one person that thought of me even when I wasn't really around, or that, maybe just maybe for one person even, me being out of site, didn't have to mean, me being out of their mind altogether.

Trust me when I say this xD it felt beautiful to just picture this haha. Now I'm only wondering how it must feel "actually" someday, when it does happen, because *sigh* as much we'd like to deny, we know there's a life off cups, that can go all things demanding and pull us away sometime, something I believe everyone here has experienced in their time being here (especially on a listener account) or should be willing to accept, because again, #reality is definitely a good mirror!

What I do also know, is that, I'm not alone. I'm not the only one who randomly thinks of people here when they aren't active or around, for xyz reasons. Have seen so many people mentioning how a certain someone has made their life better and how they wish they could check on them or simply thank them for it.

A simple message like "I'm thinking of you." works magic.

Hoping that we all can use this space to give a shout-out to those that randomly cross your mind, be it while coming across a forum post by them, a series they mentioned they like, remembering someone with the name "orange" when you're nomming one (it has happened lol) or someone with "moon" in their name when you're gazing at night sky etc etc there's countless opportunities for these kind souls to cross our minds. I know you know it already. 💛

Who knows, some day they may or may not come across the tag and I can bet anything on this, it would make them feel happy and *remembered*. Orrr even if not, it'll be a good surprise to yourself how much you remember someone or about them still, despite the many days/ weeks/ months/ years being passed.

Disclaimer: We do want to be mindful about the guidelines, so ofcourse no sharing any personal information or chat details, or anything that you'd know is not good for a "public" forum space, that affects your anonymity or chat confidentiality or someone else's.


We'd use this space for giving a shout out, a message. Something as simple as "I'm thinking about @AwesomeHooman today, they supported me with _____ (brief topic if you're comfortable) or like they were my mentor/ they lead great discussions, they were a friendly face in rooms, they made a good forum post etc anything. Or an even simpler message-- @AmazingBeing I miss you.

Sounds good, people? 😮💛

*sending lots of love and light to everyone* and *offering hugs to those that need them*

❤ We're all real, all humans with emotions here, it's okay to miss people, feel upset about or maybe even cry. None of us are alone in #BeingHuman.

Positive, Caring, Appreciative shout-outs only. Any messages violating such are subject to be removed under forum guidelines. Refer Here if there's any confusion. 💛

Keith22534 April 11th, 2023


This can not be true!!! Fallon! Please don’t leave….

okay, I understand if you want to have a break but I’ll miss you so so so so much! 😭

please take care of yourself and remember you are the one of the best people I met here. Gosh, I am so sad….you are the best, always remember that. Just never ever think hate yourself or think that you are not worthy for love.

we all love you so so so much! Promise to take care of yourself! I love you so much! *hugs*


DarkerPlaces April 11th, 2023

@Fallon5 thats understandable if u need a break but ul be missed by so many ppl i hope we see u again 1 day fal. stay awesome 😝. tc of urself fal

TabbyCat97 April 11th, 2023


Oh Fal :') we will miss you so so much. You truly light up the chatrooms with your amazing personality . You make our days brighter friend ): . Thank you for tagging me. Its so so sad to see you leave friend :( I understand its your decision and if it is best for you I totally respect that lovely. But I'll miss you so much. I'm here for you, im so proud of you. Keep going buddy you got this. I hope we meet here again soon :')



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP May 3rd, 2023

Miss youu Starry Starsss!❤ I hope you're being your fantastic self and taking good care of you!❤ @whenitsdarklookforstars Sending love and hugs via thoughts hehe! :')

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP June 9th, 2023

It has been the longest time, @CosmicMiracle, was listening to a song that reminded me of you! I hope the universe is treating you well, see you soooon! ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 29th, 2023

@Goldenlion1121 thinking of you, Nia, sending telepathic love and huggles!💖

LovingPeacefulHeart October 4th, 2023


I love this. I had no idea this was here until you linked it on my post. ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 4th, 2023

@LovingPeacefulHeart Glad you found it hehe.❤

October 4th, 2023


Miss you @walker7957 & @cheerfulIcecream ☹️

cheerfulIceCream October 5th, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 5th, 2023

@cheerfulIceCream Creammmmieeee🤗💜 how've you been, lovely?

cheerfulIceCream October 6th, 2023

Nisshiiiiiiiiiiii, 💜😱

Been okay! How are you? OMA It's been so long! 

cheerfulIceCream October 6th, 2023

You said you don't know me in Support Room the other day, 👀 who art thou?

LovingPeacefulHeart October 5th, 2023


I just want to let @aliveintheocean know I think about her often. I hope you're doing well! <3

aliveInTheOcean October 5th, 2023

Thank you @LovingPeacefulHeart !! That means a lot! I also hope you're doing well! You can reach out whenever you wish! :)

LovingPeacefulHeart October 14th, 2023

@Walker7957 I don't know you, but I feel your pain... *hugs*

LoveMyMoonflowers October 5th, 2023


I love this post, Sunshine buddy! 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 5th, 2023


And I love you, Nii buddy!🤗💛

LoveMyMoonflowers October 5th, 2023


Love you so so much, Sun buddy 🥺💛 *koalaahugglesss you tightly if okay* 🐨🫂

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 5th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers awww *superrr tightttt koalahugglesss back* hehe🐨🤗💛

sunshinegiraffe123 October 7th, 2023


I miss you 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 7th, 2023


Aww heyyy Allieee, it's always so good to see you. You've been in my thoughts as well. 💙 *hugs* 

LovingPeacefulHeart October 6th, 2023

I want to send vibes of love and light to @politeMoon1088 who I have chatted with in the past. <3

sunshinegiraffe123 October 7th, 2023


@MonBon I'm thinking of you. I hope you're doing well.

LovingPeacefulHeart October 14th, 2023


I'm thinking of the lovely @leavesofsummer2019 ... I miss you!

LoveMyMoonflowers November 5th, 2023


I hope you’re okay 💜 and I hope you’re taking care of yourself :'3 

BlueRivercares November 13th, 2023

@cristlecares hope you are doing well..hope college is going okay also.

@lilacleopard hope you are fine and all...i hope everything went well.

BlueRivercares November 13th, 2023

missing more people than i imagined :')

@mamtasha22 hope you are fine too..used to like working with u (:
@lueurspace how's college? come back to cups xD
@hopezzy missing your caring nature also...

@ThoughtfulBlossom Don't know what i would do if you weren't there in teen side to praise me :')

lueurspace November 15th, 2023


aww I miss you too Blue 💙 college has been stressful! xD exam season is here.

how have you been :3

November 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou hope you doing well. @iampapaya i hope you are well aswell . @fristo how yo have been?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 13th, 2023

Hiya, @AutisticYouth thank you. It's nice to see you checking on your peers. How have you been?^^

November 14th, 2023

@AutisticYouth doing so well! sending good vibes your way 💫

November 13th, 2023

@Iampapaya i m ok thank you sending hugs back

LovingPeacefulHeart November 15th, 2023

Maria @CuppaComfort was a great conversationalist and an even better friend and listener.

LovingPeacefulHeart November 15th, 2023

@PeaceForYou was a staple way toward the beginning of 7 Cups of Tea.

Keith22534 November 17th, 2023

Hey @Fallon5

havent seen you for like months. How are you doing? Hope everything’s fine for you.


Norah5 November 22nd, 2023

@patientLion6257 please let me know if that's something not allowed I'll delete the account right away. Thank you 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 26th, 2023


Just sitting here pouting lol. (': (': (':


BlueRivercares December 30th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou missing them too :') you two were a perfect chatroom duo

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 30th, 2023

@BlueRivercares aww *hugs tighttt*