Describe yourself in a positive way in one word!!
Everyone is amazing in their own way even if they don’t feel like it. I want everyone to describe themselves in one word. The only rule is it has to be true but positive and kind. These can be characteristics,traits,etc…
You are amazing and are everything❤️
@Supergirl134679 Great thread Supergirl. Loved it. Thank you for starting it.
My Positive word for myself would be:
Oh Elliot thats so you but you are so positive Elliot❤️
Personally you would be described as chocolate lol❤️
For me personally a positive word that describes me is unique because I lot of weird things but I know they aren't weird but just who I am❤️
@loaktbh This is a great trait!
If I had to choose only one POSITIVE word to describe myself, it would have to be...
It's the first word that came to my head and I think that it's a good word to describe me as a person in general. <3.
@mxrcxry00 Lovely!
My one word is a description of where I am going and where I hope to be. It’s my aspiration to be this. It will take rigor, grind, and suffering, this is the path I will take to be the best, happiest me for me and my people. That one word?