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April 2024 Global Volunteer Month: Let's Talk Self-Care

Heather225 April 16th


Hi, everyone! It’s Global Volunteer Month and I’m here to talk about one of the most important aspects of sustainable volunteering: self-care!

Volunteering is a rewarding experience, but it's important to remember that you can't pour from an empty cup. Just like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others on an airplane, prioritizing self-care is essential. As they say, “self-care is not an expense, but an investment.”

Here are some things to remember when giving your time and energy to our beautiful community:

  • Set Boundaries: Be clear about your time commitment and stick to it. Don't feel obligated to take on more than you can comfortably handle. Don’t overcommit.

  • Mind Your Wellbeing: Volunteering can expose you to challenging situations. It's okay to say "no" to specific tasks or take a mental break if needed. 

  • Nurture Your Passions: Schedule time for activities you enjoy outside of volunteering. This could be anything from reading a book to spending time in nature – recharge your batteries with activities that bring you joy.

  • Connect with Others: You have a built-in support system in our community. If you’re a listener and need to unload after a difficult chat or discuss listening challenges, reach out to a Peer Supporter. Here’s what they do and how to connect with them!

  • If you’re in a leadership position, know that you can take time away from it at any point. Simply communicate this with the respective head of the program/project. We also understand that life happens! The beauty of volunteering is if you need to go for a while, you can always return to us.

  • Burnout is real. If you ever feel you are at risk of burnout, or just want to learn about what it is, this is one of our best resources for understanding and preventing burnout in growth path form.

Lastly, here's our listener resources masterlist, including an entire section dedicated to boundaries and self-care!

And remember, it’s okay to put yourself first. It’s not selfish—it’s actually necessary to maintain good health so you can be at your best.

What are your favorite self-care practices as a volunteer to stay balanced and energized? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below, or link to any helpful resources you've found within the 7 Cups community (forum posts, guides, etc.)  Let's keep this conversation going and support each other in prioritizing self-care!

Heather225 OP April 16th

Special thanks to @Jenna for writing the Peer Support FAQ 💖

HopieRemi April 16th


Love this!

AnnaSilverberg April 16th

Thank you so much, H for making this 
wonderful post! 

What are your favorite self-care practices as a volunteer to stay balanced and energized? 

What I've found helpful is to have self-care as a part of a daily routine, 
so in a way. Self-care every day and then extra when needed. 
That has helped me remain balanced. 

What has also helped me is being aware of my emotional state,
our wise and wonderful @CommunityModIris asked these fantastic questions once
and now I always keep them in my mind when it comes to my needs.  
Am I feeling balanced enough to take a chat?
Or should I be the one who's listened to instead?

It's easy to ignore our problems in hopes that they just disappear or we forget them, 
but what bothers us now, what weighs heavy on us now. If we ignore it, it will come back. 
And so, I take my time to self-care everyday. 

My favorite self-care methods are:
Draw, take photos of nature or my creatures, listen to calming music,
talk to the ones I love and those who bring me comfort when I need it. 
I also like to make sure that I'm fulfilling my basic needs, even though it doesn't 
always work, just knowing that I'm doing my best is something that brings me comfort. 

I do recommend making a self-care list and put it somewhere where you can always see it. 
That way, when you need it the most, it's always easily found.

Kristynsmama April 19th


this is so so important.  Like Anna stated, I like to include a daily self care routine.  I’m a master at letting my needs slip by.  So if it’s part of a routine it becomes a habit for me.  I also have attached my self care routine to something I do consistently so I don’t forget.  I generally do something kind for myself when I brush my teeth and take my meds.

sadcat13 April 20th

@Heather225 awwww, thank you for this sweet reminder we all need to hear 😊

BlueSkies1021 April 21st


Thank you so much for this post! Self care is incredibly important to our own well-being, as well as our ability to take care of others. I appreciate you for putting a spotlight on this issue! :D

@Heather225 I absolutely love this post. Some of the self-care practices as a volunteer that I favor are:

1. Creating a gratitude list- I tend to make a note of what I’m grateful for no matter how big or small. I find that when I write out what I’m grateful for it enhances my empathy, I feel a release of toxic emotions and improves my overall self-esteem.

2. Do a Mini Detox- I try to meditate before and after a session. I want to ensure that I am at my very best when listening to a member. As @AnnaSilverberg powerfully stated, “am I feeling balanced enough to take a chat request at this moment?” I find that meditation balances my mind to be able to compassionately listen and support the member more. Even more, after a session I ensure that my sense of peace and calm is maintained, thus I employ meditation once more to calm the mind and give it balance if needed.

3.  Read- I find that reading is an avenue that provides escapism and stimulates one’s intellectual capacity.