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Don’t Rush Your Growth, It’s a Natural Process💕✨🌸

KaylaBella Saturday

Hey my loves! 💕

I wanted to take a second today to remind you of something. 🥰 Everyone grows at a different rate. Everyone goes through different life experiences. Each situation that you go through, teaches you a different lesson. Some people are going to have different lessons than other people depending on what they’ve been through. Some people are going to learn a different lesson going through the same situation as someone else. And that’s okay! 💕

We go through everything in life for a reason. Whether that’s meant to make us stronger, or to teach us a lesson we would not have learned otherwise. But know this! You are stronger than you realize! Life will never throw anything at us that we cannot handle. Sometimes you just gotta look within to find the strength to get through whatever you are going through. You HAVE the strength 💕

So just remember not to rush your growth, because it’s a natural process and it will happen in its own time. Remember to stay positive, my loves. And also look for the lesson in each situation that you are in. There’s always something to be learned from every single situation we find ourselves in throughout the entirety of our lives.💕


You’ve got this my love and I believe in you! Go forth and conquer the world my loves! 💕✨🌸

Much love, 



@Bella20 This was lovely to read. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 🙂🤗


Some of us are old and feel like we are running out of time to get well. I have a lifetime of mental illness and a short time left to deal with it. 


yeah but sometimes it hurts feeling that you regressed back after a trauma and are unable to return back to where you onc were in one area you often felt comfortable in