Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
One thing I've learned in a forum post is that there are people who are going through something similar
Being in LA can feel really lonely and my anxiety/depression doesnt help. I feel as though Ive lost crucial people in my life recently and that hurts. Healing takes time and I have to look at the things that ARE presently in my life. My kitty Maddie and my family (which includes some friends who are like family to me). Apps like this help as well. Thank you.
I don
Hello :)
This post here will mark my growth step 1450! I am on member level - Meaningful Journey 13. So as any of you who are also at that level, perhaps you share my frustration with it? @GlenM So the Growth Path steps and any good-length of a Daily Streak; those are much more important to me. A small bit of happiness to begin this new week = Step 1450!!!
What am I learning recently?
1. Trust is hard. Like very hard! This is not even close to a new concept for me; it is just that my amount of and willingness to trust someone, anyone!, but especially someone new is being tested right now. That, too, is hard.
2. In learning more about trust, and needing to figure out if/when/how to trust a new person, having just a few people IRL that you know you can trust like for sure! is very helpful. It is hard to find these people. But yes, @All-of-7cups, these people DO exist.
3. When a person has trauma, abuse (all kinds), or a diagnosis of PTSD - whether currently or in the past - these things can and *often* do make it more difficult for that person to trust others.
3B. If you as a (L) or a (M), 'bump into' one of these amazing survivor peoples ... please, be consistent with them. If you can only talk on the 3rd Thurs of each month, but you can talk for 3 hours .... if you plan with them to talk every Monday at (time) for 1 hour ... if there is a plan at all, please stick to it. I know there are things we can't control - like the weather or power outages, or emergency trips to the hospital, for example - but please let your (M) know something (perhaps like, I'm so sorry I missed our time. Great big storm here.) Or if you need to change the time for that certain week or whatever. Believe it or not, all of this (3B) can either strengthen or crush any amount of trust that has been built.
@7cupsCommunity and Glen @Laura and @Iara @heather225 and @Lara - basically all admin ... THANK YOU for creating 7cups. Thank you for helping it to continue. Thank you for being good role models for our listeners. Thank you for answering questions. Thank you for holding special events. Shall we have a "7cups just graduated from Kindergarten" celebration? ( hehe @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn ) I sort of feel like a little kid waiting for my birthday to turn age 6 at the beginning of this July. We you, 7cups! admin, listeners, ambassadors, members, guests, everyone! everyone! We are so glad you are here! Welcome to 7cups!
Thank you for the feedback! Congratulations on your milestone.
@GlenM I have enjoyed learning about automatic thoughts and how we can redirect them.
I was named as employee of the month at work, which Im super proud of and have had a couple of good weeks with little to no over thinking.
But that changed this weekend i had I had a complete backwards slide and i fell into unhealthy patterns. Shutting people out and thenusing my body as a way to get different attention.
Im learning its a constant battle and Im waiting for my CBT date. I want to get better and be a happy healthy human.
Small steps add up
Today Ive learned that in order to control adhd and impulses that are ruining my relationships, I need to put myself first and love myself. That will fill up the gas tank and make things so much easier to control.
Step 340! :)
Healing takes time. Rewire your mindset. Change can occur.
I'm slowly learning to let people do nice things for me :)