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Appreciating the Admins! - 5/5

theriverissinging November 4th, 2022

Hi everyone! Here are the final appreciations to our series today! Credits to @bubblingBreeze14 for the lovely headers and footers.

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For @ASilentObserver

✨ ASilentObserver is probably the first admin I communicated with, their understanding and guidance they have given is incredible, done through both love and understanding, from reaching my first role to supporting me through the leadership courses I am doing now.

ASilentObserver demonstrates great knowledge of 7 cups, and shows amazing support and acknowledgement whilst also boosting people to their potential.

Thank you ASilentObserver (Obs) for everything you have done for me, are doing for me and will in the future, you are an amazing asset to 7 cups :)

— @iCareUK

✨ Thank you for never losing your spirit and your soul when you became an admin and continuing to uplift people with your efforts in the groups. when I see you around it is like a breath of fresh air

— @HopieRemi

✨ Thank you for all you do foe the community, especially in the Chatroom area but not only. You are an amazing leader and your discussions are just the best.

— @Ginevra962

✨ Hi Obs! Thank you for your borderline omniscient knowledge on moderating in the rooms and helping me out when I've needed it. I greatly appreciate all of the times you've helped me out, either in PMs or elsewhere. You work so hard for our group rooms and the community as a whole, and I promise it does not go unnoticed! I really agree with one of the quotes in your bio, "You are always one decision away from a totally different life." One little decision can make such a big impact on our lives. Well, Obs; the decision you made to join 7 Cups was perhaps one of the best decisions, as the work you have done and all the content you have offered to the site has really made it a better place for us all. Thank you, Obs, for making the one decision to join 7 Cups and for making our days brighter! P.S. your profile picture is one of the cutest ones I've seen 💙

— 🌞

✨ Thanks for all you do Obs! It's appreciated! <3

— @goldenLion1121

✨ Thank you for all you have done in making my time on the site safe and pleasant. Your always there to help me when I have doubts of the roles I am in and to teach me a lot of how this site is and what we are all here for

— @pamharley003

✨ A huge thanks to Obs for doing so much work with the group support. He is always there to listen and problem solve and support the teams :)

— @Lou73

✨ Thank you for leading us Room Supporters, for teaching me about group dynamics, and for checking in as often as you do to see how things are going. You have incredible empathy and emotional intelligence.

— @GoldenNest2727

✨ Thanks for all that you do for us here at 7cups. Thanks for being our Group Support Manager. We would be lost without your leadership and your wisdom.

— @calmMango9611

✨ thank you for helping me when I needed it!

— Anonymous

✨ Thank you for being so supportive of sub community projects!

— @StarlitSky4762

✨ Thank you to Obs for always being available to listen and assist with issues or suggestions and for being respectful, kind, and helpful. You are appreciated.

— @Help127

✨ Obs!! You're absolutely amazing and I love to have you as my senior/peer. Lots of love and sunshine to you!!!

— @KimByeongIn

✨ Obs, you are wondrous! You perfectly balance high expectations and high warmth, resulting in a professional yet incredibly loving admin. I'm thankful that we have someone so heartwarming, sweet and lovely holding your position. You make this community shine not only with your tremendous work, but also with your luminous and inspiring heart. Thank you for being you <3 *Hugs* <3

— @Daf8

✨ Obzieeee words fall short here. You've been tremendously supportive, encouraging, helpful, appreciative, understanding and kind always. It is such a pleasure to have you with us, your dedication for this community is so so seen and appreciated. Thankyou for being your incredibly wonderful self, going above and beyond in making our community a much better place every day. Lots of cookies for you! 🍪❤

— @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

✨ You're an amazing leader! Thank you for providing so much support to make the group support work well.

— @amiablePeace77

✨ Obs! Thank you so much for all your time and dedication to our community! You are incredible and you are so appreciated in our community! Thank you for all you do!!

— @fruityPond7887

✨ Thank you Obs for your unwavering support. You are always so thoughtful and I really appreciate the time you give <3

— @gentleFox20

✨ Obs! Thanks a lot for all your wonderful work and active nature in group support as well as VL team, it doesn't go unnoticed at all

— LavenderHere

✨ Thank you so much for everything you do.

— Anonymous

✨ oooh... Obs, such a wonderful person.

Thank you so much Obs for doing so much for the community and for everyone in your teams. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to work alongside you.

Do continue to be your amazing self and remember we always appreciate you, whether it's told each day or just once a year.

You'll always be an amazing peer! Thank You <3


— @bubblingBreeze14

✨ Thank you Obs for everything that you do and for all the support you give leaders, members and listeners on the 7 Cups!! You're always approachable, fair, and enthusiastic. 7 Cups would not be the same without you.

— Anonymous

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anddd we're officially done with the thank you notes! thank you so much to everyone who contributed to it in direct, indirect, visible or non-visible ways!

ReadBooks7 November 4th, 2022

@theriverissinging thank you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 4th, 2022


Thank*you* for compiling these notes and posting them, for taking the time and extending the opportunity to the community to thank and applaud our amazing admin team. 🥮❤

Hopefully we can do something similar soon for our ambassadors as well, have my appreciative-eye (🧐) on a few. 😛


Breezeee I love your designs, thankyou, for yet again, chipping in with your creative gifts and thoughtful gestures. 🤗❤

To the admin team, @GlenM @Heather225 @EvelyneRose @CheeryMango @SoulfullyAButterfly @Hope @ASilentObserver @bookworm4, again, thanks for all that you do and being your caring self. Your time and efforts, along with your genuine care and commitment stands out and makes our community a super duper loving place to be a part of. Much gratitude always. ❤


ReadBooks7 November 4th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou what a beautiful expression of gratitude❤️thank you for the positivity, and thank you to all of the admins, and everyone who helps make Cups such a supportive, wonderful place❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 4th, 2022

@Help127 Right back atcha, lovely!❤

ReadBooks7 November 4th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you 😊

bubblingBreeze14 November 5th, 2022


Awww... always the appreciative and shining Sun! Thank You ❤️ I'm so glad I was able to be a part of this and, glad you liked them. 😊

@theriverissinging Thank you so much for the opportunity! ❤️

Daf8 November 4th, 2022

❤️ Thank you, River and Breeze, for the magnificent work and appreciative iniciative! You are exceptional. And thank you, Obs, for being so opulent, dedicated, radiant and laureate! You are unique ❤️

bubblingBreeze14 November 5th, 2022


Thank you so much Daf for your kind words. Thank you too, for being so amazing and spreading out some appreciations to our admins! 💛💛

Daf8 November 6th, 2022

❤️ Thank *you* for your kind, sweet and lovely words! Thank you for the exceptional graphics, too. And, of course, thank *you* for spreading appreciation, support and love by being your amazing, incredible and wondrous self ❤️

ASilentObserver November 7th, 2022
@theriverissinging @bubblingBreeze14 @iCareUK @HopieRemi @Ginevra962 @goldenLion1121 @pamharley003 @Lou73 @GoldenNest2727 @calmMango9611 @StarlitSky4762 @Help127 @KimByeongIn @Daf8 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @amiablePeace77 @fruityPond7887 @gentleFox20 @LavenderHere

Hello and thank you all for your sweetest and kindest words for me. I have no words to express my gratitude to you all and all the community members who are every day making a difference through their efforts in one or more ways in the community. It has been an honor to get to know you all and work with you to bring more support and compassion to all. Without you all, it wouldn't be possible. Your actions speak loudest that you all are caring, thoughtful, and resilient leaders and members of the community.

Thank you for being with me on this journey. We will continue to make progress together.
ReadBooks7 November 7th, 2022

@ASilentObserver thank you❤️

goldenLion1121 November 7th, 2022


Thank *you* so much Obs! I’m tearing up hehe. Being here on this platform with you and so many others is the greatest thing that I’ve ever been blessed with. *you* are truly amazing, so hard working, knowledgeable and the most caring, kindest person! Thank you again Obs, you have no idea how much you saying to me and so many others is appreciated! Keep up the awesome, fantastic work! I’ll always be here to support you and so many others like you do for us! <3

HopieRemi November 7th, 2022

@ASilentObserver You're welcome!

Daf8 November 8th, 2022

❤️ Thank *you* for deserving all the kindness, sweetness and love! 7 Cups wouldn't be nearly as marvelous as it is without you and everything you do. You are a gem and your presence is a great honor! You make all of this possible, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we are incredibly thankful to you ❤️

❤️ You are caring, warm, thoughtful, capable, resilient, considerate and brilliant, and progressing with you is truly rewarding. Thank you for being here and being you ❤️

LavenderHere November 8th, 2022

@ASilentObserver thank you, and yes we will!!