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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023

@passionateApricot2199 is appreciated by a Secret friend❀️


🌈❀️Here’s what they think about you 🌈❀️

🌈Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong.,

🌈Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity.,

🌈Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.,

🌈Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.,

🌈Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart.,

🌈Supportive - They are kind and helpful.,

🌈Agile - They change course as needed.

Here’s what they want to say:


It reads: If every stranger was like you, there wouldn't be any strangers in the world~ just family! You're a beautiful human being and I wish you nothing but kindness and love always! ❀

To the appreciator:

You’re an amazing person and I’m so proud of you! Thank you for being a part of this community and making it a better place.

To the appreciated @passionateApricot2199 :

A beautiful human being. Kind and amazing. Those are some qualities we all should possess. Thank you for being you and an outstanding friend. Proud of you.

blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023

@AmiableBunny4016 is appreciated by @DarkerPlaces


πŸ’™β€οΈHere’s what @DarkerPlaces thinks about @AmiableBunny4016

πŸ’™Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

πŸ’œProblem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.,

❀️Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.,

πŸ’™Cheerful - They are fun to be around.,

πŸ’œPatient - They take the time to calm down before they act.,

❀️Coachable - They have a desire to improve.,

πŸ’™Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

πŸ’œβ€οΈHere’s what @DarkerPlaces wants to say to @AmiableBunny4016 πŸ’™β€οΈ


It reads: Bunny thx for bein such a friendly n welcoming person. U make me feel comftabe sayin my problems in group chats n i love how u host session ngl ur kinda a bit of a role model for me on cups n i love seeing h in the rooms . Stay awesum bunny ur amazin 🀩

To the appreciator @DarkerPlaces

Thank you for appreciating! You are making the world a better place and definitely making all our days even more better! Thank you for being the amazing person you are. We are all proud to have you as a part of this community.

To the appreciated @AmiableBunny4016

Aww, I’m so very happy for you. We are all very happy. You being the beautiful and the coolest person you are, you deserve all the appreciation and the goodness. Thank you for being a part of this community and making it a better place!!

amiableBunny4016 April 15th, 2023

awww thank you so much @DarkerPlaces! Roman, you are totally amazing, you dont know how much this means to me!

NotFound20 April 14th, 2023

jody_1681462318.JPG @JodyThinksTooMuch jody_1681462350.JPG

we are glad to share a beautiful appreciation for you

and the appreciator is

dp_1681462403.JPG @DarkerPlaces dp_1681462415.JPG

***-emoji.gif DarkerPlaces, appreciated your for being - ***-emoji.gif


🌹 Also, a beautiful note shared by DarkerPlaces -🌹


@DarkerPlaces , @JodyThinksTooMuch


blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023

@RileySmith058 is appreciated by @OliverAnson


⭐️🌈❀️Here’s what @Oliver Anson thinks about @RileySmith058 ⭐️❀️🌈

🌈Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

⭐️❀️🌈Here’s what @OliverAnson wants to say to @RileySmith058 ⭐️❀️🌈


❀️It reads: They are very honest, and ask for me to repeat something if they don't understand.

To the appreciator @OliverAnson

Thank you so much for appreciating! Every single word counts. You make us all very proud! Thank you for being a part of this community ⭐️

To the appreciated @RileySmith058

Hey there! You’re doing an amazing job and it shows ⭐️⭐️❀️❀️ Thank you for being who you are ❀️

blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023

@InspirationalSpirit28 is appreciated by @IndependentGrapes42


🀍🌈Here’s what @IndependentGrapes42 thinks about @InspirationalSpirit28🀍🌈

🀍Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.,

🌈Supportive - They are kind and helpful.,

🀍Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.,

🌈Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

🀍Intuitive- They have an ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.,

🌈Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

🀍🌈Here’s what @IndependentGrapes42 wants to say to @InspirationalSpirit28🀍🌈


It reads: InspirationalSpirit listened to me when I was really down and cried.

To the appreciator @IndependentGrapes42

Thank you so much for this beautiful appreciation! I really wish you well and I am extremely proud of you and for being who you are! *Sending hugs*

To the appreciated @InspirationalSpirit28

You’re the best! Thank you helping everyone here and being a part of this community! You’re doing an amazing job and I’m so proud of you for everything you’ve done ! ο»Ώο»Ώ

blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023




April 14th, 2023


It is ok! No apology necessary. Thank you for making this! ✨

blissfulSky8162 April 14th, 2023

@Knockoffwolf is appreciated by @IndependentGrapes4222


🀍🌈Here’s what @IndependentGrapes4222 thinks about @Knockoffwolf🀍🌈

🌈Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

🀍🌈Here’s what @IndependentGrapes4222 wants to say to @Knockoffwolf🀍🌈


It reads: Knockoffwolf is cool they tried to understand other and being patient without dominating conversation.

To the appreciator @IndependentGrapes4222

Thank you for appreciating! You’ve been appreciating a lot of people and it means a lot to them and us. By doing this, you’re making this world a better place and we’re all proud of you.

To the appreciated @Knockoffwolf

Thank you for being the cool person you are and for being understanding. These are some amazing qualities of you. You’re doing a great job!

knockoffWolf April 16th, 2023

@RedDesert7341 @independentgrapes4222

thank you :D

Breeze2345 April 14th, 2023

Hey @froggeychair

You have received an appreciation from @Keith22534, here are some kind words they had to say about you


@froggeychair is

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.,

Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts.,

Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently.,

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 14th, 2023

@Breeze2345 Awww such an adorable graphic. Welcome to the team, Breeze!❀

Breeze2345 April 14th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for the warm welcome πŸ’œ

Keith22534 April 15th, 2023


Wow, incredible design! Thanksss!

Breeze2345 April 15th, 2023

@Keith22534 Aww I'm glad you liked it ☺️

Breeze2345 April 14th, 2023

Hey @IndependentClementine6064

You have received an appreciation from @IndependentGrapes4222 , here are some kind words they had to say about you.


Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.,

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.,

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.,

Coachable - They have a desire to improve.,

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately


Breeze2345 April 15th, 2023


Breeze2345 April 15th, 2023


Keith22534 April 15th, 2023
I sooo agree with @YourCaringConfidantο»Ώ when they submitted the Appreciation Form <clickable>ο»Ώ for our very own teammate who is so incredible!
That is @blissfulSky8162


The text reads, "Words can't explain how blessed I am to be able to be on the same team as Blissful. Since day 1, Blissful has fit right in being a smile spreader. I will never forget when the most beautiful graphic they created for me for someone special. They were new but stepped out their comfort zone amto create a masterpiece and the most beautiful posting. Blissful had such a desire and willingness to improve and that is commendable. I'm just sitting here watching as Blissful delivers more notes and the postings are beautiful. Talk about being one talented, amazing smile spreader. β™‘ Xoxo."

Such a sweet note! I mean straight from the heart. Wow!

Blissful, you are -

Coachable - They have a desire to improve.

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Cheerful - They are fun to be around.

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions.

To Blissful: You are a fabulous soul! The graphics you make are just wonderfulll!

To Caring: How can we forget you? You make awesome designs too. Thank you for appreciating our out-of-this-world teammate.

You both are an essential part of PAT. We adore you both! Thank you for being on Cups! *hugs if ok*

blissfulSky8162 April 15th, 2023

@Keith22534 thank you for everything keith, this is beautiful ❀️❀️❀️

@YourCaringConfidantο»Ώ - why did you do this😭😭😭 this is so very beautiful 😭 😭 I'm just speechless, shedding some tears not hoping for a tsunami to form because of them. My posts are nowhere close to how amazing yours are 😭😭😭 AHHH im just melting. Thank you so much for everything. For being a good mentor. For being an amazing friend and obviously for being you πŸ’• you deserve everything good. *Sending hugs*

Keith22534 April 15th, 2023

ο»Ώο»ΏHi hi everyone! We got an appreciation for our wonderful @YourCaringConfidant by @confidentRabbit7311


click here for a bigger image


click here for a bigger image

Caring, truly you are so caring! Spreading positivity in LSR, PMland, using the peer appreciation form and even as a smile spreader! Wow, you rock!

And Rabbit, you are also amazing for using the peer appreciation form! Keep being you!

*sending hugs to both of you if ok*


confidentRabbit7311 April 15th, 2023


YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

@Keith22534 Thank you so much for making this beautiful posting for me. I absolutely love it. It was such a sweet feeling for me waking up and coming on here to see this. You did such a great graphic and I really thank you. β™‘

Keith22534 April 15th, 2023


:) Thank you for the kind words! Glad!


YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’– πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’– πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’–


You have received a very sweet appreciation from.... me! Yay!!!! Rabbit, after reading your sweet note, you just know I had to return the LOVE for YOU!



I hope reading your note brings you the biggest smile to your beautiful face!


πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’– πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’– πŸ˜ƒ πŸ’–


ο»ΏNo matter what you go through in life, Rabbit, I want you to always "choose happy" and know that things will always get better. Rabbit, you are such a joy in my life and I am so glad that I get to call you my friend on here. You are such a special person and I always want nothing but the best for you. β™‘

Have an absolutely beautiful day, Lani. I picked this flower just for you! 🌸🌼

confidentRabbit7311 April 15th, 2023


Awe you made my day and me smile thanks so much ❀️❀️

YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

@confidentRabbit7311 Yayyy, I'm sooo glad to have given you what you given me! 😊 πŸ’›

YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

ο»Ώ@Chetan1408 has left the following appreciation to @Amy for being "the best".

πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž πŸ’— πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž πŸ’—

@Amy This is for you! I just know you will love reading this most special and sweet note that Chetan wrote with their whole entire heart. Happy reading!


ο»ΏThe note reads: "Hey Amy, my friend... How are you doing?? Hope you are doing well... Amy I wanted to select more options from the check list... But I was stopped by only selecting 7... lol... It's been many days I haven't seen you and many my family members [Listeners]... I miss you a lot and all of them... I want to let you know that you are the best Amy. I remember that you helped me a lot in many situations and regarding my roles. The best part I love about you is you help everyone without backing off... That's the best quality I found you in. Whenever you join the room, room just lightens up with joy and happiness. I really respect you, your time, your efforts and your role that you have. I want to personally thank you for always providing support to the platform and making it much better by putting your efforts into it. You are really a gem. So my last few words are "All the best Amy for future. And never get change, I just love how you are... :) " Take care, have a nice day ahead and stay blessed. *Hugs*"

πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž πŸ’— πŸ’Ž πŸ’Ž πŸ’—

Awww, that was such a beautiful note. Omg @Amy you are soooo blessed and surely soooo very amazing. But then again, for the kind of qualities you possess it makes perfect sense!

Qualities: Respectful, Great Communicator, Patient, Coachable, Humble, Forgiving, and Cheerful.


Thank you sooo much for taking the time to fill out the appreciation form for Amy. I can tell you wrote it from the heart and that is what makes you stand out the most. You are a wonderful, thoughtful person and it is always a joy seeing you in rooms and seeing your name pop up on the dashboard. Keep on being sooo amazing! Hugs. πŸ€—


Amy April 15th, 2023


Thank you so much! This was so unexpected and so sweet. I appreciate you and your kind words, it truly means a lot.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 15th, 2023

Hey hey @YourCaringConfidant, Saw you spreading smiles here (like that's ever a surprise lol), and thought of it as the perfect time to send some love and smiles your way also! πŸ’œ

Please join me for this beautiful, poetic appreciation note for you and @floatingDandelion by none other than our wonderful, artistic, creative, loving and exceptionally kind @TinyWhisper11 fondly aka Lola! πŸ’›


Lola is just the sweetest, most loving bean ever, and truly knows how to make people around her feel all bright and shiny with her love and kindness. πŸ’œ

To be loved by a loving bean, is the greatest blessing of all times, I'm so so happy to see this beautiful expression of gratitude for y'all fantastic people, Desiree and Dan, thankyou for being you. All the love and smiles your way always! πŸ’œ


Breeze2345 April 15th, 2023

Hey @DrHerrington

You have received appreciation from @IndependentGrapes4222, here are some kind words they had to say about youο»Ώ


@DrHerrington is

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.,

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.,

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.,

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.


April 16th, 2023


Thank you for making this! ✨

amiableBunny4016 April 15th, 2023

You have been appreciated by @IndependentGrapes422!


You have been appreciated for having these qualities:
🌿Patient, Emotionally Intelligent, Inquisitive, Problem Solver, Great Communicator, Cheerful🌿

Aww, what a lovely appreciation! You deserved it! well done! *hugs for both*


juliak1968 April 15th, 2023


Awe Thank you so much!! How sweet. You are so kind

Big blessings, Day

April 16th, 2023


Thank you for making this post! ✨

amiableBunny4016 April 15th, 2023
We have an appreciation for someone so sweet and special! Such a gift to 7cups!
This person shows so much reslience and beauty inside of her.
She has a pure heart made of gold!
You received appreciation from:


You are a truly wonderful person Lola! You have been appreciated for having these qualities:

🌿Cheerful, Empathetic, Forgiving, Authentic, Reslient, Optimistic🌿

πŸ’Desiree also left something special for you:πŸ’

Wish I could make this more special but I know you love hugs Lola! So here are some hugs for being amazing!

Note from me:

Lola- You are truly wonderful. I don't know you that well, but from forums I do know you can be so so kind and thoughtful. I love your resilience and your effort. Your kindness is so precious. You are a gift to the world truly! Desiree is right, your a joy to be with. And we believe in you! *hugs*

Desiree- My sweet Desiree never fails to put a smile on our face! Thank you Desiree. Truly. For being such a sweet, appreciative, beautiful human being. You make a huge difference on 7cups! I think you know how much I appreciate you. You are wonderful, caring and thoughtful. Thank you Desiree for all you do *hugs*


YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Thank you, Bunny! Omg, this couldn't be any more perfect if perfection existed! I love it. Thanks for delivering my message to @TinyWhisper11 because it is just amazing! And no, Bunny, I do not think... I know* you appreciate me and I greatly appreciate you right back. You are soooo special to me. Thanks for taking this task and posting it so prompt. Welcome back and glad to see you back working! Lol. <3 Xo.

amiableBunny4016 April 15th, 2023


no problem. Also no spoilers but expect a surprise in your inbox any minute soon! Check your notifications in a few minutes!

YourCaringConfidant April 15th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Ooo....mmmm....gggg! I am just breathless! Thank you, thank you! Awwww! πŸ’—

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 you are so loved!❀