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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

VictoriaLove7 February 20th, 2023


Oh, that's a cute bunny holding a carrot! 🐰 🥕 🤩

YourCaringConfidant February 21st, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you. ♡

amiableBunny4016 February 20th, 2023



I know I'm on a break but like what on earth am I seeing? Is this a dream 🥺

Omg.. anonoymous person your so amazing. I absolutely love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️*sends hugs and love if it's ok* your so sweet . I can't figure out who it is but thank you so much for being you and for appreciating me. I appreciated you 38474984758585 times back. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Desireeeeeeeee.. of course it's you 🥺it's the sweetest Desiree I know 🙂❤️❤️❤️❤️Desiree.. you bring so much smiles and joy. I cannot thank you enough for this. 🥺Why did you draw this for me Desiree? 💜There was no need buddy. It's such a cute drawing. Thank you so much for being the amazing Desiree you have always been 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜we all love you Desiree!!!! *Hugs and cookies if okay* 🥺🥺🥺

*Grabs tissues*


Oh Desiree...

YourCaringConfidant February 20th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 No, this is not a dream! Sorry to interrupt your self-care break. I just wanted to get this note out there to you because you need to know how amazing you are. Bunny, you have people who love and care about you and your well-being. You deserve to be happy and deserve to smile for you are always making others happy and smile. :) Anonymous is an absolute beautiful soul for taking the time to handwrite the note for you. There is something special about that when love goes into it. Enjoy your self-care break. <3

TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023


That is so lovely <3 love the Bunny

YourCaringConfidant February 21st, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Awww thanks. I wanted to make 🐰 😃.

TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023


You're such a wonderful, caring person ❤️

VictoriaLove7 February 20th, 2023
Hey everyone 😃
We have a wonderful appreciation for
@Kindsoul10 🐇

From an anonymous appreciator ⭐


These are the qualities they find in you 🐰


From me to both
@ Anonymous
You are a wonderful person for giving this appreciation!

Thank you for being a listener and for giving support to other listeners!
kindSoul10 February 20th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 aw you both made my day!

Thank you!

VictoriaLove7 February 20th, 2023


Glad you like it, Soul! 😁

VictoriaLove7 February 20th, 2023
Hey everyone 😃
We have an amazing appreciation for

From a wonderful appreciator 🎵

These are the qualities that Cancun finds in you, @Help 🎶


From me to both
Thank you for giving this appreciation and for keeping sc room supportive. You are appreciated ⭐

Thank you also for hosting sc and keeping a safe and calm atmosphere in it! ⭐
ReadBooks7 February 20th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 thank you so much 💚🙂You're so kind.

@Cancun, this is so kind and caring and sweet, I have good tears in my eyes. Thank you so, so much. You're a special person and I'm so glad you are part of the sharing circle family. Thank you a million times 🙂💚🙂

LilacLeopard February 20th, 2023

Hey hey, I am here to share a very sweet appreciation for the famous discussion host @richuyulin from the always very sweet @bluerivercares


Our lovely appreciator has seen the following qualities in you:

💖Supportive 💙Respectful 💚Empathetic💖Patient 💙Emotionally Intelligent 💚Authentic 💖Consistent 💙

And Blue has also left you this sweet sweet message:


Cookies for you both🍪💚💙💖


BlueRivercares February 21st, 2023

@Aishaa97 thanks for posting aishaaa *noms cookies*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2023
What a lovely post for @richuyulin ❤ thankyouu @Aishaa97 you're a wonderful smile spreader! ❤
March 7th, 2023

@Aishaa97 Thanks for posted!

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks for tagging me, forums didn't want to cooperate so I missed this post. xD

@BlueRivercares Thanks for the kind message!! Much appreciate it. Your work in LSR doesn't go unnoticed.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 20th, 2023
Hey hey @Fristo, I often wonder how you carry all the notifications you receive from this thread lol, there's always one new post here and it's super gratifying to see the positivity and gratitude growing in here. ❤

Thankyou for being the OG captain of this ship, and sowing the many seeds of positivity and appreciation around. Any amount of appreciation feels less for you, someone who is always encouraging, kind, positive and extremely passionate for what they do and envision. Thankyou for everything. ❤

That's me but we have an anonymous peer appreciating your kind self also. 😮


Also thankyou for not changing your profile picture lollll! XD

LilacLeopard February 20th, 2023


First of all such an adorable Graphic ❤️😭

Second of all, I really like how you managed to post the very short but very sweet message and still managed to make it into a post!

Lastly, Sunny are you trying to jinx Fristo and his pfp?😭😛 I finally got used to the turtle

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 20th, 2023


Hehe thankyouuu, Aishaaa. Fristo is the easiest to appreciate, so this was breezy for me. 😮❤

Nuu, no jinx, we like the turtle turtling around with positivity! 🥰

(Fristo doesn't need jinxing xD they have a slide show ready always haha: you blink you miss😛)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 20th, 2023

Hiya @BroadFemmeLoveLive, we've got an appreciation for youuuu! 💛

Appreciator chose to be anonymous, but we know they are as kind and lovely as their message for you! 💛


Thankyou for your encouraging presence around, Femme. If you get to know who the lovely peer is, send them a virtual Rose-bouquet from my side also. 💛


confidentRabbit7311 February 20th, 2023

Hey hey everyone !

@AutumnBreeze92 would like to appreciate @KindnessMatters2020

For being:

  • Supportive - They are kind and helpful
  • Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
  • Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

They also left you a sweet little message! I hope this makes your day 😀☺️

768e7d84-ee68-40cb-966b-7106af72dc9f_1676892169.jpegTo view click this link

Thank you Autumn for appreciating kindness! You both are lovely and glad to have you guys on cups!

YourCaringConfidant February 20th, 2023

@confidentRabbit7311 Awwww, what a beautiful posting and lovely graphic! You sure are one amazing rabbit. I am so proud of you! You are doing such a beautiful job and are an amazing smile spreader. Keep up the great work! <3

KindnessMatters2020 February 21st, 2023


Thank you for your beautiful message! I appreciate you and I’m always just a message away ❤️❤️❤️

AutumnBreeze92 February 22nd, 2023

Thank you so much <3

AutumnBreeze92 February 22nd, 2023

Thank you so much <3

NotFound20 February 20th, 2023

Hi All,

We have another appreciation from an awesome peer

@BenittaJ love-heart.gif


@positivePumpkin22. halloween-pumpkin.gif

❤️❤️Qualities of positivePumpkin -❤️❤️


💗and a cute note from BenittaJ 💗


PositivePumpkin, We want to thank you as well, from the bottom of our heart, for all of your kindness and unwavering support.❤️

BenittaJ, Thank you for sharing this sweet appreciation with us. We wish you all the best.❤️

positivePumpkin22 February 23rd, 2023



Thank you so much both of you! It's incredibly sweet and heartwarming. I appreciate it a lot 💗💗💗🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓

@notfound20, really beautiful appreciation, admire your creative skills🥰💝

@BenittaJ it was my honor to work with you. You are a determined and hardworking trainee, I love working with you. 💓

NotFound20 February 23rd, 2023


I am glad that I am able to make you smile ❤️.


NotFound20 February 20th, 2023

Hey @Secretlion3349 , you have been appreciated by an Anonymous peer.

Lion, you are -

im-1_1676896462.jpg im-3_1676896505.jpg im-4_1676896525.jpg



SecretLion, We are thankful to you as well for being part of this community and all the best.

Anonymous , thank you for sharing this appreciation with everyone. We wish you all the best.


YourCaringConfidant February 22nd, 2023

@NotFound20 I absolutely love your posting! Such cute graphics! Lions. Awwww. Great job, smile spreader!

NotFound20 February 22nd, 2023


Thanks Caring cute-love-you.gif

I loved that cute lion too 😊.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 20th, 2023

Hiya @SereneStar5300, you're truly a star and we've got a powerful testimony hehe, a generously kind and appreciative message for you by an anonymous peer. ❤


Super proud of you just knowing what a massive impact you're creating, SereneStar, keep up the great work. ❤

A big yay to the peer who took so much time and effort to applaud your efforts and kindness. ❤

YourCaringConfidant February 20th, 2023


This appreciation note is dedicated to:


When I seen your note on the dashboard and read it, I instantly just wanted to hug you and let you know that I am so proud of you. Clearly, you are going through a rough patch in life right now... but I am proud of you for being able to identify the things that may be holding you back from being the best you. Whatever you may be going through, please know you do not have to go through it alone.


@lexiari You possess some pretty amazing qualities:

💚Coachable 💛Problem-solver 💚Cheerful 💛Agile 💚Emotionally Intelligent 💛Intuitive 💚Consistent

Now does that list of qualities sound like someone who doesn't deserve to be here? Life is better with you in it! Read that again, please-- LIFE IS BETTER WITH @LEXIARI IN IT! I will scream it again if I have to in order to assure that you understand that you were put here in life for a reason.

I may not know you but I do know that...


Your life truly is valuable and I mean it when I say that. See, what I am trying to say is that death is permanent and there is no coming back from it in this lifetime. "Tough times do not last but tough people do!" Be that tough person and keep on going through this thing we call life. You are strong, beautifully made, bright, loving, worthy, and deserving! You are a valuable treasure and a great addition to the world we live in! My hope for you is that you get that "better life" that you desire-- sooner than later. My hope is that you find true happiness and continue to grow in self-love! Aside from the love from our creator, self-love is the next strongest thing. Love yourself always-- even on the days you struggle to like yourself.

"Check your audio from 18th February" and listen to it as many times as you need! But please NEVER, for a second, ever think that that you want to rid yourself from this world. You are so important and your life is irreplaceable. There will never be another you. There are people who love and care about you! Know your worth. Keep on being strong and braving through all the tough times. You will overcome it all! Sending you a great big hug because you are special and one of a kind! <3 Take care of yourself!

TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023

Helllo everyone (:

This Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...


Firstly I would like to thank richuyulin so much for appreciating your peer, this was so kind of you and you deserve all the appreciation back ♡

Next I'd like to thank optimisticFlute57 for being so amazing, and for all you do on 7cups. The Appreciation is well deserved

richuyulin describes optimisticFlute57 as having the following traits/qualities..


richuyulin also left a note for optimisticFlute57 to say...


How lovely is that? ♡

A massive thank you to you both, you're so so amazing!


Take care,


TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023

Heyyo everyone! ♡

This Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...

Anonymous : o

I'd like to say a massive thank you to EmotionsListener for being a wonderful listener, and for everything you do on 7cups. You're incredible. ♡

I'd also like to say a huge thank you to whoever anonymously appreciated EmotionsListener. That was so so kind of you and you deserve it all back ♡

Now onto the lovely appreciation (:

EmotionsListener has been described as...


A note has also been left for EmotionsListener to let them know that...


How awesome is EmotionsListener hey! (:

Thank you so much to both EmotionsListener and the Anonymous appreciator. You're both amazing ♡


Take care,


YourCaringConfidant February 21st, 2023

@TabbyCat97 You are doing amazing, smile spreader! I love the passion you put into making your posts and graphics. This is just lovely. I love the whole rainbow theme. 🌈 It is everything. You were meant to be a smile spreader and I'm so glad you are on the team. Continue to do amazing!

TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023


You are so kind, so so kind. Thank you so much this means a lot to me 🩶


EmotionsListener February 21st, 2023


Thank you Tabby and the anonymous appreciator. As you might guess, I do like rainbows. 🌈


TabbyCat97 February 21st, 2023


Rainbows are the best ❤️ you're so welcome!

YourCaringConfidant February 21st, 2023

This appreciation note is from @JoyHappyNess and is dedicated to the #1 rabbit around!



Clearly, you are an "awesome listener" to be receiving such a sweet note! :) It is such a joy seeing you being appreciated like you deserve. I think it is a beautiful thing that JHN sees in you just how wonderful of a person you really are!

Rabbit, you possess such amazing qualities about you! Here are just a few said about you:


Now if you ask me to describe you I'm going say... are you ready for it? Picky! Lol, but you already know I was going to say that.

You sure are one "picky rabbit" and that is ok with me, because I ♡ you all the same. You are such fun to be around in the rooms. Most people are given cookies for being so amazing... but you, you deserve better than that.

You... deserve... all... the... carrots!

🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕 🥕

Hehe, just for the #1 rabbit around-- you! Ok, ok, in all serious... I am so proud of you all you do on 7cups. Not only are you amazing at all the roles you hold down but you are a good person. You are kind and are there for others and I just am proud of you and all you do. Continue to be amazing! Hugs! 🤗

Big thank you to @JoyHappyNess for taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate their peer by sending in an appreciation form. You are so sweet for doing so! I am so glad that you found a great listener in Rabbit. ♡