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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Ash132022 February 8th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 tysm @Tabbycat97 I am crying rn and have grind for dinner haha

TabbyCat97 February 8th, 2023


Bunny this is incredible:o thankyou thankyou thankyou 🙂 how do you get those awesome backgrounds? They are so so lovely!

amiableBunny4016 February 8th, 2023


Ah, I use canva and google. Honestly, I am not as talented as you think. Just a usual smile spreader lol. But yeah, i use canva mostly. Hope that helps a little❤️Thank you for your comment. That means alot to me.



TabbyCat97 February 8th, 2023


Awwwh they are fabulous, <3

Bless you, take care


Ash132022 February 8th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 you made me cry

TabbyCat97 February 8th, 2023


Awwh bless you Ash

amiableBunny4016 February 8th, 2023


She is the creative, beautiful, amazing person who spreads so much smiles on 7cups! Who could it be I wonder? :o Of course... I know who it is......


Desiree..... @amiablebunny4016 (me!) has appreciated you for being *awesome* *does dance hehe*


Text on image: Desireee! Of course, I *had to* fill the form for you. Since the very day, I came back to the PAT team you have been so supportive and emapthetic twoards me! You have never put me down. You always put joy into the Peer appreciation post. You spread so much smiles! You are just a beautiful, amazing, unique, creative human being. I do not see you as a smile spreader or a listener. I see you as a beautiful, caring person. You have been there for me and I really hope we can communicate and get to know each other more! You are awesome! Love, Bunny

And of course,Desiree has so many qualities and Desiree is so unique ❤️⬇️

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

But of course, there are so many more words to describe Desiree! ❤️


Desireee, please be you because thats what we love you for! Because of your amazing and incredible!


Do you want hug? *hugs*


Wohooo! weeeee.....


Thank you Desiree for everything you do for the 7cups community!


YourCaringConfidant February 8th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Ohhhh mmyyyy, Bunny! I was on currently and see this. How unexpected and pleasing! You have just brought the biggest smile on my face. Thank you for your sweet and kind words. Awwww omg, you are soooo sweet and give so much of yourself to making others smile. Thank you so much for my smile! Bunny, please know that I mean EVERY single word I tell you. You are extraordinary and bright and I wish you all the happiness in the word! Sending you the biggest of all hugs for being your amazing bunny self! I can go back and fourth alllll day with you but you have got to know I mean everything I say. I am sure all the others can attest and nod in agreeance with me with how amazing and awesome you are! <3

amiableBunny4016 February 8th, 2023


Heyy, I am glad you could smile. Keep smiling. I know.... I learnt to read people from a very very young age due to ..... you know....... stuff i cant mention here. And I know Desiree means every single word. I can tell from the way you write to me.......Same goes to you amazing person. Wishing you all the happiness! *hugssss* I love hugsss. Not sure everyone can agree haha..... But of course, Desiree, I don't know if I can say things enough for this community. Everyone is amazing. And that includes you. Thank you for being that way! 😄And we will always be here for you!


VictoriaLove7 February 8th, 2023
Hey @GloriaD 😃
You've got a special appreciation today! 🌻

From *drum rolls* 🥁 🥁 the one who shines the brightest light 🌞





And these are the qualities that Sunshine finds in you, Gloria 🌻

From me to both

@sunisshiningandsoareyou Sunshine, thank you for everything you have done for us, for our community. Thank you for shining on us. You make the world brighter and more beautiful just by being in it.

@GloriaD You always take the time to show your care to each one of us through your posts. Thank you for your calm and humble way in supporting us.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 12th, 2023


Aww this is so pretty, Vicccc, I loveeee the post and your beautiful words (always). Thankyouuu for everything! *youu* are a special you and make my world so much better also.❤

I hope @GloriaD loves this as much I did.🥰

VictoriaLove7 February 16th, 2023


(I've just got the notification 😁)

I am very very glad you like it 🥰 Thank you for being you. I am forever grateful you are in my life, Sunshine. You are the only sunshine that my winter has ever known. ❤

I am very glad you like it and yes yes, you should read it again 😃, Gloria and be happy!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 17th, 2023


Omigosh Viccc, soooo poetic always hehe. I love your expression of love always!🥰 *hugs tighttt*❤


VictoriaLove7 February 18th, 2023


You make me becomes poetic, cuz at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. ❤

I like the gif, the sunflower looks exactly like the shining sun! 🥰 (The answer is in this picture) *hugss back tighttt*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 5th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Omigosh how did I never saw this before, soooo cute!🥰❤

GloriaD February 16th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Oh yes, I’m so sorry for the late reply! YES, of course I love it! I’ll have to read it again to feel happy this week 😁 Thank you for tagging me once more Sun, I’ll try to PM you soon 🌻

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 17th, 2023

@GloriaD Aww haha read as often, Gloriaaaa. You deserve many happy days.❤ And ofcourse, always a pleasure to see you in PMs. Take your time!🤗

GloriaD February 8th, 2023


You have been appreciated by 2 amazing people on 7 cups!

Want to find out what they have said about you? 😊 Then let's take a look!

The first one is an Anonymous appreciation 🤍

They appreciate you for being : Supportive, Empathetic, Accountable, Cheerful, Optimistic, A Great Communicator 💛


The Second one is by @VioletFields003 🖤

Violet appreciates you for being : Supportive, Empathetic, Resilient, Determined, Cheerful, Authentic, Emotionally Intelligent


Violet also gives you a little gift!


Dear Essie, I hope this appreciation post for you brings a smile on your face when you come back from your self-care break 😊 I've previously seen many appreciations for you, so I am definitely smiling because of how loved you are 🖤 Keep being your beautiful self!

This post was thanks to the kindness of these two amazing individuals - The Anonymous peer & Violet 🤍 Thank you for appreciating Essie, and I hope the both of you receive back lots of kindness (and cookies & kiwis) 😋

Kind regards, GloriaD

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2023

Hello Vincent aka @GiveLife, you've received an impactful note by @musicalmagickal, it's one of those "little becomes a lot, with genuine intent and thought" kinda situation, where they use few words to create a lasting impact. 💛

They've also appreciated lots of qualities in you, and so over to Musical now. 💛


Thankyou, Musical, not only you're rooted in *light* but you *are* light and that's what you're spreading around. Keep illuminating the world with your kindness. 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2023

Hey hey @TheAnxiousHomie223, happy to share this rosy appreciation for you by @LimeGreenKiwi7397. 🤍


Thankyou for being a part of the community, Homie and Kiwi, y'all are so appreciated for being supportive, appreciative and kind towards one another. Keep it up! 🤍

SukoLovesHito133 February 8th, 2023

😯 Today we have another appreciation for…

Drum roll please…


@Chetan1408 !!


A few extra words from the appreciator: Chetuuu ❣️

You may be wondering who the appreciator was?

Well it’s:



Thank you both, for being such amazing peers to one another! I looked at both of your profiles, and thought you both may like the background I did! Free hugs for you both! ( If you want, of course! )

Chetan1408 February 9th, 2023


Thank you for such a lovely post.

@dtanushree, Thank you for your kind appreciation... It mean me a lot... Really... *hugs*. You are always awesome... :)

Thanks & Regards.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 9th, 2023

Hey hey @Chetan1408, Tanuu had more to say to youu!❤

"Chetuuu❣️ First of all, *sendsss biiig hugs to you* We've known each other from so long but it feels like you're someone I know from real life. The way you communicate with everyone in rooms makes the room inclusive and cheerful. I love your presence in the rooms. I hope our friendship lasts for infinite more years. 🤗" - @dtanushree

Chetan1408 February 9th, 2023


@dtanushree Aww... That was so lovely of you tanu... I wish we never apart from each other in our journey. I am go grateful that I got such a lovely gems(you) in my life... 😉. Stay in touch...

GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Hey Suko! It's definitely been a long while since I've seen your posts, welcome back 😊 Thank you for all the love you pour into your appreciations, I believe you deserve lots of love back 💛

Here are some tasty chocolates for you 🍫🍫🍫


SukoLovesHito133 February 21st, 2023


Awh! Gloria! Thank you!


How are you Gloria?

And thank you, so much for this!! This means a lot to me!

GloriaD March 11th, 2023


Oh no, I didn't get a tag for this 😶

Some days later .... I'm doing good today 🌻

What about you? 💛

SukoLovesHito133 March 11th, 2023


Its alright! But I’m trying to do well, but I can’t keep up with life at the moment

SukoLovesHito133 February 9th, 2023

We have another appreciation for The One…. The only…. @Koulentis !!


A few words from the appreciator:

Koul, it has been great seeing you. While you often at mcr, I see that you take up responsibility and made sure the share runs in orderly manner. 

Koul! I totally agree with this peer!! Keep being the amazing *You*

Deer Koul.. Your appreciator, you ask..? Well.. It’s..


An anonymous peer!! It’s up to you, to see if you can discover this anonymous peer!

SukoLovesHito133 February 9th, 2023


I just realized it never showed my picture! 😔

They basically put that you were a great, kind, and helpful friend

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 9th, 2023

@SukoLovesHito133 Aww maybe you can upload the image on some anonymous platform like imgur/ imgbb or any you prefer and post that link here?❤

SukoLovesHito133 February 9th, 2023


I forgot I could do it that way!!

Here’s the post link!

Click here!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 9th, 2023

@SukoLovesHito133 No fear, when Sun is here!😛 (and tadaaaa it's in the post too!)

SukoLovesHito133 February 9th, 2023


Thats so weird.. I wonder why the forums are like that, lol

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 9th, 2023


I added the picture to the post when you shared the link😮 but Yes, we all wonder that! XD 🥲

VictoriaLove7 February 9th, 2023
Hey everyone 😃
I'd like to give an appreciation for



I'd also like to send appreciation for @LakeCat

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Omg this is just the absolute cutest!!!! You did such a beautiful job. ♡

VictoriaLove7 February 9th, 2023


Aw, thank you, Desiree 😁

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 17th, 2023

Way to go @Munkeh and @LakeCat ❤

GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Wow, thank you for your beautiful posts and unending kindness 🌼 I love the positive vibes around you and the efforts you put into your work, Thank you so much for being amazing 🌈
