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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GloriaD January 27th, 2023

_1674835025. Secret Friend Game - SirenOfSerenity (01).png

It's been a long while since I've posted an appreciation from the PAT Secret Friend Game 😊

Today, I'm happy to share that @SirenOfSerenity has been appreciated by a Secret Friend from the team 🧡

Qualities observed in Siren :

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong.

Coachable - They have a desire to improve.

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.

Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged.

Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made.

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place.

And a message for Siren :

_1674835047. PAT Secret Friend ---- SirenOfSerenity - GloriaD.png

Rightly said! Siren is a positive person who loves and works towards 7 cups goals in every way they can. Siren, Thank you for supporting us all, I hope you can feel how much we care about you too 🧡

Thank you to the Secret Friend, you have deeply observed Siren and you've got everything right about them! Thank you for appreciating Siren 💚

Lots of love to you both, GloriaD

SirenOfSerenity January 29th, 2023

This is so very beautiful! From the design to the words 💙 I have no idea who my secret friend is, but it feels really good to have a friend peer who can recognize my true and pure intentions here 😌 Even if I can't be available daily, it means alot to me to be able to contribute to the community in away that keeps it thriving

SparklyFly January 27th, 2023

@Sooty Huge congratulations! You've been appreciated by Anonymous!

You are:

🌈 Supportive - They are kind and helpful

🌈 Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart

🌈 Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

🌈 Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

🌈 Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity

"You're one of the most supportive and truthfully *you* kind of a person I've seen around and I'm really glad people like you are here to spread more hope and kindness in the community. Sending love and strength to keep braving through your battles hugs" Anonymous

_1674837803.BeFunky-design lighthouse (1).jpg

Check out the larger image.

Thank you for your presence on 7 Cups!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 27th, 2023

Sending love @Sooty41 ❤

sooty41 February 23rd, 2023


Thank you so very much. And thank you for your kindness. I only know how to be me in all my messed-up-ness and if it resonates with others then i am glad.

I send much love out to everyone and thank you xxx

YourCaringConfidant January 27th, 2023

Yesterday @chetan1408 was on a roll and the appreciation notes to several peers were posted, but I just wanted to wait until today to do this very special one dedicated to...


Anyone who knows Sparky knows just how AMAZING of a person they are. Sure, they possess the following qualities:

💜Supportive 💙Respectful 💚Empathetic 💛Resilient ❤️Humble 💜Coachable 💙Inquisitive

But the truth of the matter is Sparky is soooo much more than that. Sparky is as sweet as can be, helpful, intelligent, selfless, and just downright beautiful as can be from within their depths.

As I was making this graphic with the words of Chetan, I could not help but smile. It is so beautiful seeing others see in Gizzie what I see. Just beautiful in every way. Sparky, hold your tears back while you read this sweet note @chetan1408 wrote just for you.


Click here to view image bigger.

Ok, I was just playing. Do not hold your tears back. Release the water works, my friend. You are so deserving of being appreciated for who you are and how great of a person you are!

@SparkyGizmo You have all the respect and love from me and the backing of our peers. We notice you. We see you for all you are and you are loved! I am so lucky to have had experience first hand how beautiful of a person you are. Thank you for everything you have done, are currently doing, and will be doing!

I know Chetan already hugged you but I just have to get in on this love and hug you too!

So I present you this special certificate just for you... ;)


SparkyGizmo January 28th, 2023



Hi Caring! 😊❤️ Thank you so very much my wonderful friend for creating this forum post! It's so very beautiful! You have no idea what this means to me as a human being and indeed, you know me quite well, yup! water works time! ❤️❤️❤️

You know, not only were you kind enough to create this for me, but also spent time here with me and gave me positive affirmations of your own! Thank you seeing the value in me! Thank you for noticing my efforts! Thank you for "seeing" me as well as seeing how much I care and how hard I try for my teammates. It's an amazing feeling for you to chime in and give me your personal seal of approval as well as I care deeply about your opinion of me too. ❤️

Nothing brings me more joy than to know that we *held hands, looked both ways and crossed that road together* and that what I did was impactful! I care about you! ❤️ I appreciate you! ❤️ Thank you for being such an amazing human being and teammate!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi Cheetooooo! 😊❤️ Cheeto, I cannot thank you enough my wonderful, sweet friend! For me, this is just Wow! You have no idea what you have done for me as a human being today! ❤️ This is amazing that you took the time out of your busy day to appreciate me! ❤️ I appreciate you too! ❤️

I love what you said to me! It was so very meaningful! Yes, I do "feel you"! I get it! I love how you noticed that I never want to "back off" from helping my teammates! Thank you for seeing how much I truly care about all of us and how much I truly care about you! ❤️😊❤️

You know Cheeto, there is so much wisdom in your words! I just cannot help but to comment on something else that you said. You said "The Gizmo". You really highlighted something that I think of and think of often. That we are all special and unique. That there is only one of each of us in this world. We all have different gifts, talents and skill sets that we bring to the table. All should be valued.

That kindness matters, always.❤️ That it's important to be mindful of how we treat others.

It's good to be extra kind and most careful with one another. We as people should not be seen as disposable commodities as there is only one of each of us. For example...If one were to *break The Gizmo* then another Gizmo cannot be purchased somewhere else, Walmart, Amazon, no where. It doesn't exist. I hold the patent. Sometimes replicated.........never duplicated! 😊❤️

Cheeto, I am so very grateful for you! ❤️ For you and all of your special gifts that you bring to me as well as to everyone else. Thank you for sharing your time, treasures and talents with me as well as the rest of us. I must say, the moment I see you enter the LSR, I feel joy!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Again, thank you Caring and Cheeto! 😊❤️ I have what I call my "gratitude moments" at the end of each day and I promise you both, each of you will be included in them! ❤️❤️❤️

Chetan1408 January 28th, 2023


Aww Gizmo... 😢. After reading your message I can't control my heart to write this down. It was such a heart touching message. Thank you for always being here for me and for everyone. Your words really matters. Can't explain the feeling. But I want to send a big hug. *Hugs* ❤️❤️ ☺️

SparkyGizmo January 28th, 2023



gentleemperor January 28th, 2023

🌟 @theHeadspaceSystem 🌟

~ You've been appreciated by @Jefferythebunny319


Here is a message Jeffery left for you 💌


Click here if you would like to view the graphic in a higher resolution.


Jeffery also wanted you to know that you are

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood 🌟

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another 🌟

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart 🌟

Cheerful - They are fun to be around 🌟


Hey @theHeadspaceSystem and thanks for being part of the community and making people around you feel better, that is a pretty awesome personality trait. I wish you all the best. Take care of yourself and thanks for the waffles 🧇

Heyo @Jefferythebunny319 thank you for appreciating your peers. I think I've seen you around a few times and I'm happy to have you on Cups. You're great, keep up your good work. 💛

VictoriaLove7 January 28th, 2023
Hey everyone 😊
We have an appreciation for


And these are the qualities I find in you, Fate 😊


Thank you, Fate! 😊

_1674878207.images (15) (6).jpeg

recliningfate January 28th, 2023

Oh my! It warms my heart up, Vic! Thank you so much, I am so grateful to be here and to spend time with such kind hearts like you. I feel the appreciation and know it is very similar for me as well! ❤️

Bringing a smile on my face on a cold day.

VictoriaLove7 January 28th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We have a special appreciation for

From an anonymous peer


They find these qualities in you 😊

From me to both
@ Anonymous You are a wonderful person for giving this appreciation and for recognizing the goodness in others.

@Jenna Thank you for being a great listener and even more to give support to our listeners!
purpleSea7109 January 28th, 2023

Thank you everyone for these quotes written. I am glad and smiling that it does make people happy. Thanks for your help and support everyone. I am here for everyone and the team. I am a click away.Xx

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 28th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 January 28th, 2023

Hi all,

@Sunshiningandsoareyou, the most sweetest and amazing person has been appreciated by @Chetan1408!


They left a very kind and beautiful message for you Sun:

"Well sun, at first, my tiny brain worked lol... Remember I have incomplete task?? This is it... hehehehe... I never found anyone like sun, they are very cooperative and very jolly person. And yeah hard working too, I respect them a lot for their hard work and dedication . Although I don't know how much they work, but I see many things they work on. And I like the spirit they are managing all the stuffs all together. I wish if I could get that spirit to work... lol. They understand me very well and they are the person with whom you can share any secret and it is like you and me things... :P Many people came and many people left. But I always want sun to be here. I can't afford to lose such an adorable sun. Some people are like single piece in the world. You are one of them. Never get change. My best wishes are with you... *hugs*"


Thank you so much Chetan1408. This is a beautiful, caring and just a wonderful message! You are truly appreciated for leaving a beautiful message out! If its okay, I would give you a big hug and lots of cookies.

And as for you Sun, you truly deserved this message. You mean the world to so many people. And I really hope this puts a huge smile on your face! You are truly appreciated by the community! *sends hugs and cookies if ok*



amiableBunny4016 January 28th, 2023

❤️And of course I completely forgot.. you are appreciated for having these qualities....

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 @Chetan1408

Y'all are toooo sweeet, my heart is melting hehe. Thankyouuu for making my entire month and any other day I come across this again. Of-freaking-course, I have the biggest smile on my face. ❤

Welcome back to the team, Bunnyyy, I'm sooo glad you decided to be back and yay for making your first post upon returning for me hehe. *hugs tighttt* ❤

Thankyouu again, Chetan, your message made me all teary eyed hehe (happy tears smh), I appreciate how thoughtful and observant you are.

Alsooo, you've been on a roll appreciating so many people. The one thing I really love is how you appreciated people who might not be around/ active as much, the fact you remember, and make them feel remembered and celebrated too, is simply heart-warming, I'm sure everyone appreciates *you* big time, I sure do also, for being such a sweet presence always. *hugs backk* ❤

Thankyou both for saving me a couple of form submissions lol! 😛




amiableBunny4016 January 29th, 2023


Sun buddy! My heart is melting because you created an image for me and you didnt have to. Why Sunnnn? You deserve more appreciation than ever.



*huggles you*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 31st, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Aww why not! ❤

These are tooo sweeet and beautiful! I'll frame the certificate hehe! Bestest shining buddy! *hugsssss* 🤗

amiableBunny4016 January 31st, 2023


Awww Sun is going to frame it.🥺🥺🥺🥺I'm gonna cry. Your too kind. I love you.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 31st, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 *hugsss* 🤗❤ bear-blow-a-kiss.gif

amiableBunny4016 January 31st, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 28th, 2023

Hey hey @Aishaa97, I'm enjoying all the appreciations rolling towards you and sooooo amused to share some more. You truly deserve them all! 💛

Appreciator #1 @Chetan1408


Lowkey hate how the quality drops in forums lol, please click here xD

Appreciator #2 @CompoundingHappiness


Click meowww because why not!😛

Thankyou for such lovely words for our lovely peer, Chetan and Comphi, it's nice to see y'all often in the peer appreciation thread, along with the LSR ofcourse lol, being so appreciative, kind and loving! 😮💚

Aishaaa aka amusement park, everyone agrees hehe, Fun is where Aishaa97 is and we all truly enjoy your sweet, supportive and encouraging presence. Keep being your incredibly wondrous and meowgically beautiful self. 💙


LilacLeopard February 3rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Chetan @CompoundingHappiness

I am so sorry for the delay in response, I had been away for a few days for a self-care break and only had the chance to see this now.


Sunnyyyy (aka forum celebrity😛) Thank you for your very kind words and for the beautiful post! I deeply appreciate the effort you put into this post, and not to mention the adorable cat gif. Keep being your sunshiney and bright self💛😎☀️


You are incredibly sweet my friend, you made my day with your very kind words. You are a very thoughtful person, I see you constantly appreciating your peers and it is heart warming to have such a thoughtful person among us. Hope to get to know you more💙🌺


Comphi I honestly have much to say to you, so I am going to keep this sweet and short. Thank you so much my incredibly sweet friend, you have my day and I was honestly touched by your words. As I said in PMs, you are wonderful in your new role and I am looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you. And given your incredibly pleasant personality/temperament I know you will go very far and I am here by your side the whole time. Keep being your amazing self Comphi💚🌷

gentleemperor January 28th, 2023

🧡💛🤍 @StargirlTina 🤍💛🧡

~ You've been appreciated by @Chetan1408 🧡


This is the message Chetan left for you 💌


Click here to view the message in higher resolution.


Chetan would like you to know that they think you are 🧡

Supportive - They are kind and helpful 🤍

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood 🤍

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong 🤍

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act 🤍

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals 🤍

Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged 🤍

Cheerful - They are fun to be around 🤍


Notes from moi 🧡

Tinaaa - I miss seeing you around. You always bring such good vibes everywhere you go. I love love all of our dance parties we've had together and our interactions. I hope you're doing well and wish you all the best in life. 🌻

Chetuuu - You've been doing a great job with the appreciations lately. It really shows what a good friend you are to everybody. Thank you for being here and bringing lots of smiles to our faces and thanks for all the fish! 🌻

Noot noot! You both are awesome, keep on rocking 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

*flutters around* :P

Hiya @MistyMagic, our super appreciator @amiableBunny4016 saw your magical self fluttering around and wants to send you a reminder for how much you're appreciated. ❤


I (and everyone who ever saw you around) agree with Bunny wholeheartedly, Misty, you're truly such a great presence in the community. I've had the pleasure to work with you in the sub-community team, and it's been an immense honor to see your brilliant work-ethic, and compassion as a leader. Thankyou for being so magical! ❤

Bun Bun Bunnny, you're such a sweet heart for *always* trying your best to make people around you feel super seen, appreciated and loved. As always, my only wish is that, all the kindness you spread around *must* return to you too, wrapped with extra glitter and more love. ❤


amiableBunny4016 January 29th, 2023


Thank you so much for the *beautiful* post Sun. I love the butterflies and the beatiful text. Thank you for posting this! You is the sweetest Sun!

I have removed my Super Appreciator badge and given to you because you deserve it and you have done so much for 7cups :) Your not allowed to give it back....


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

Another @Chetan1408 appreciation! 😮❤

Hey hey @WhimsicalWhimsy, you are appreciated (againnnnn) and so lovingly!


Forum-0 Sun-01 🤧

Whimsyyyy, you know how much I adore you already. You're the sweetest, human equivalent of care-bear for me haha. Thankyouu for always being so cheerful and lovely in the rooms. We should say it more often: You Rock!

Chetan, I love how you're appreciating the members in your "naughty list", being so kind, considerate and appreciative certainly makes you in the "nice list" however. 😛 Keep it upppp!❤


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

From one super kind, compassionate, appreciative, and eloquent hooman to another. 💛

Hiya @HealingTalk, we have a generous appreciative note for you by @lyricalAngel70 who appreciates you for *a lot* of things, as described in the following note! 💛


Clarity is One Click Away 😮

Angellll, I love how *honestly* you appreciate people when you actually appreciate them (lol), it is very evident in your messages that you set aside some time and really think of the person you're talking about, recall any "supportive" instances for the qualities you've picked and then beautify it more with your angelic words. The perfect recipe for a good appreciation, if you ask me! XD

I have a mental list of people around here who can be great teachers for "how to appreciate someone so that it *really* resonates and creates an impact on them" and you're one of them also. 💛

Keep being your angelic self. 🤗

Woohoo Marcelo! I loved reading this one for you. The fact that you always take time to let people know how massive their impact is, and how their presence matters, and receiving it back now~ you truly deserve it and more. You're in my "list" too, the one I mentioned above. :P Keep being awesome-sauze, you're a delight to have around! 💛


HealingTalk February 28th, 2023


Thank you so much, Angel!

I feel very guilty and sorry for the long delay in answering your note.

I appreciate you very very much, and this delay doesn't express my appreciation in the slightest.

I wrote you a poem to express my gratitude for your kind initiative of sending me a note, and my appreciation for you and your exceptional qualities as a person, and as a volunteer here in Cups.

I hope you like it.

Here it goes:

To Lyrical Angel

Oh Lyrical Angel, my heart sings,

For the love and kindness that your note brings,

Your words, a balm to my tired soul,

A gift to my heart did send.

With every word, a warm breeze flowed,

And my spirit soared, like a bird in the glow.

For this, I thank you with all my heart,

And vow that our companionship will never part,
Your appreciation, so pure and true,

Is a source of comfort that I cherish too.

Oh Lyrical Angel, lovely and bright,

Your presence fills my heart with light.

Warm and compassionate, you spread your wings,

And with your kind words, my spirit sings.

Expressive and intelligent, you speak with grace,

Your every word, a beautiful embrace.

Articulate and wise, you share your heart,
Supporting everyone you meet, In their healing path.

Your words flow like honey, so lovely and sweet,

And your soul sings with compassion
for all with support needs.
For in a world where love is rare,
You are a big soul who always cares.

With your voice so articulate, and your mind so sharp,

You light up our world, and chase away the dark,

Your love is like a beacon, shining bright and clear,
Helping people through life's storms, with hope and no fear.

A constant presence, dependable and true,

Always there to lift anyone, when they are blue.

Conscientious and caring, you go the extra mile,
With you by their side, people can smile.

You are a true gem, a rare and precious find,

A constant source of comfort, and peace of mind,

Your kindness and dependability, a rock so steady,
A true angel on earth, a blessing so heady.

Lyrical Angel, you are a gift divine,

A beacon of hope in this world so mean.

With you, this Community is truly blessed,
We all sing to you with love and huge thanks.

So here's to you, Lyrical Angel, my colleague so dear,

May your life be filled with joy, and love sincere,

May your words continue to inspire, and light up our hearts,
And may nobody never

Forget the love you give,
To all of us.

Sun: thank you so much for the time, enthusiasm kindness and effort you devote to this inspiring, motivating and community-bonding initiative!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023


Aww "community-bonding" love this! Safe to say, there's no community without (yo)u and I, so thank*you* as well for being a dear part of it!❤

I absolutely love your poem for Angel, so well written, with the sweetest choice of words, a powerhouse of talent, you are!🥳

HealingTalk February 28th, 2023

@SunisshiningandsoareyouThank you Sun!

The feeling of Community, that we belong and are recognized as human beings (and not just roles) by our peers is therapeutic, motivating, and rewarding for volunteers like you and me, I think.

And this initiative is laser-focused on this mutual recognition and bonding.

I really think these feelings are fundamental for accomplishing the mission of any volunteer organization. At least that's my experience with choirs, small and large volunteer groups. philanthropic initiatives, and Cups' subcommunities.

Thank you, Sun, for the huge, high-quality work you do all around 7 Cups!

HealingTalk February 28th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 January 29th, 2023

Heyaaaaaa ,

I am so so extremely excited to post this because this *someone* is just *amazing**. Hehe. ❤️

@Cristlecares, @Chetan1408 has left an appreciation for you!


Cris has been appreciated for having these qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals


@CristleCares- Aaaa, I miss you so much my friend. Thank you for being such a valuable and such a sweet person on 7cups. *You* are so amazing! You deserve this appreciation! *Lets do happwe dance together* *huggles if ok*


@Chetan1408- Thank you so much for your wonderful appreciation, I see your name pop up quiet alot. You have been so appreciative towards your peers and I *fully* appreciate you back because you are *awesome*.

Here are some beautiful flowers for you both:


Stay safe both of you.

Have a good dayyyy/eve!

cristlecares February 5th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Omgggg dear Bunny🤩🤩💙💙 This appreciation post is soooo beautiful😍🤧 I miss you loadssss dear bunny🫂 Thank you so much for always showering your kind words on me... I'm so lucky to have a bunny friend like you with me😄 Let's do the happwe dance together 💃💃 Thank you so much for the flowers too 💐💐 *Biggg hugs* 🤗🫂 and Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪🍪

@Chetan1408 Awwww Chetan, this really made my day happier🥺🤧 First of all I want to thank you for making time to do a "Naughty list" and writing appreciation messages to all your friends in here🌻💙

I guess I've already told you in other posts that I appreciate you for everything haha! You're really the fun person in the friends group who keeps the group active and lively😄 You've always been kind to people around you, you've always been welcoming and encouraging💙 I'm happy that we share a beautiful bond🤗 It means alottt to me to get appreciated by a friend like you and an amazinggg hooman bean who's just sooo fun to be around🌻 Hope our bond becomes stronger and Hope I can make more memories with you on cups😇 Thank you for being here💙🌻 Thank you for all your love and care! You're really amazingggg!🤩😍 Stay 'you' always!!! Hugs🤗🫂 and Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪

*Group hugs with Chetan and bunny* 🤗


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

💛 @LittleBirdie30 💛

You were spotted being Supportive - They are kind and helpful, Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood, Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently, Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation, and Agile - They change course as needed, and recieved an anonymous appreciation. 💛


Truly a caring birdie you are. 🥰


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023

@LittleBirdie30 💛

amiableBunny4016 January 29th, 2023


@bugsgf, you have been appreciated by LovelyBuggie


You have been appreciated for having this quality:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Thank you LovelyBuggie for making a beautiful appreciation. You are appreciated by so many in the community!

@bugsgf, Thank you for being an amazing part of 7cups and supporting your peers!

Hope you both have a good day/eve


amiableBunny4016 January 29th, 2023

Just realised I forgot the *@* sign.... sorry.

