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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

NanditaB January 22nd, 2023

Orange 🧡, Yellow 💛, White 🤍

Hi @WalkDreamer, you have been appreciated by an Anonymous peer 😛

The Peer is Supportive because when I don't have any energy for doing something she writes and talks with me. I love her! <3”

- Anonymous peer

Peer's qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act,

Cheerful - They are fun to be around,

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone


Click here to view the above image bigger.

Hope you have a good day :)

SparklyFly January 22nd, 2023

Hey Fristo - You have been appreciated by @Tinywhisper11!

"Fristo I really appreciate your positivity your patience and kindness towards me and everyone thanks for putting up with me. You are kind and helpful!" ~ Tinywhisper11

  • Empathetic ~ They look to understand and share the feelings of another!
  • Patient ~ They take the time to calm down before they act!
  • Cheerful ~ They are fun to be around!
  • Purposeful ~ They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place!

_1674418750.PAT to Fristo.jpg

Click here to view the above image bigger!

Thank you for all you do on 7 Cups!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

Yay lovely post, @SparklyFly. ❤

@Fristo, way to go! ❤

@TinyWhisper11, thankyou for being so appreciative always, Lola! ❤

gentleemperor January 22nd, 2023

💛 @CommunityModFinn 💛

~ You've been appreciated by an anonymous peer


Your anonymous appreciator left you a sweet message 💌


You can view the graphic here in a higher resolution if you would like to.


Your anonymous appreciator would like you to know that you are:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful 💛

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood 💛

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another 💛

Cheerful - They are fun to be around 💛

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation 💛


-Waves- to Finn from the other side of the pond. Heyo Finn, you're doing an awesome job as a commod and it's always joy to see you in the room. I agree with your anonymous appreciator that you bring warmth, safety and an all around nice and fun environment. Keep up with the good work and see you around. Taaake care! 🧡

-Waves- to the anonymous appreciator as well. Heyo, thank you for the lovely appreciation. I so agree with your message. It was heart warming to read and I hope that we'll get many more fond memories of Finn in lsr this year. See you in lsr and take care! 🧡


YourCaringConfidant January 23rd, 2023


For @TinyWhisper11

@FloatingDandelion wants you to know that they appreciate you and that you have the "biggest heart"! And if you ask me, I couldn't agree more. I have had the privilege of attending the positivity corner while you were present and I absolutely love your wicked sense of humor. Tiny, you have so much joy and bring so much laughter to those in the room with you! You really are the "sunshine" Dandelion speaks it. You really are beautiful but you should already know that! Never change who you are Tiny because we accept you as you are!

Please enjoy this sweet note that @FloatingDandelion wrote just for you!


For @Fristo

@FloatingDandelion sent in an appreciation note to let you know what we already know to be true-- that you are "warm" and "positive". Fristo, it is always a joy seeing you in the positivity corner. You are always so welcoming and just, overall, amazing! Dandelion may have submitted a note for you but you are truly appreciated by all you come across. Certainly. Please enjoy your sweet note from Dandelion and smile big!



Thank you for appreciating not 1, but 2, amazing peers. The fact that you took the time to do so abd acknowledge people for their amazingness just shows what a good person you are. I enjoy to see you in the positivity corner and hope to see you soon. ♡


VictoriaLove7 January 23rd, 2023
Hey all! 😃
We have a very sunny 🌞 appreciation 🌻 for the one and only:

This appreciation is sent by



And these are the qualities they find in you 🌞 ❤

They also sent this picture for you! 🌻
From me to both 😊

@bubblingBreeze14 You are a wonderful person for giving this appreciation and for lending your ear as a listener! 💖

@sunisshiningandsoareyou Sunshine, you deserve everything beautiful and every good thing in this world. What a beautiful gift it is to know a beautiful soul like you. Thank you for being *you*. ❤
YourCaringConfidant January 23rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 You outdid yourself on these graphics! It is phenomenal and sooo bright! Beautiful posting!

bubblingBreeze14 January 24th, 2023


Awww... thank you for this amazing post Victoria! ❤️

I couldn't thank you enough for taking time to put this appreciation together in a beautiful way. Thank you so much for all the effort you've put into this. It's so much appreciated! 💛

And, thank you for your kind words for me ❤️ As long as @sunisshiningandsoareyou feels warm and loved by this appreciation that's all that matters 😊 ❤️❤️❤️


Just 3 words for you (for now atleast 😋 )...

YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 24th, 2023



🌻Click Me For A Surprise🌻





🌞Blow on me for a Surprise (doesn't work? Try clicking instead)🌞

Yall are so lovelyyy! Made me cry lots of happy tears! Thankyouuuu from the bottom of my heart! 🥺❤


VictoriaLove7 January 25th, 2023


Aww, this is super sweet and cutee 🌞

The baby pink color of the background, the hearts, and the owlies 🦉 inside the heart 😋

And the animated version is even cuter!🌻❤

I love 'owl' the details in the picture! *You* Sunshine, are the sweetest blessing and I'll always love you too ❤ for owl that you are, owl that you've been, and owl that you are yet to be.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 4th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 I am owlways in awe of how observant you are! 🥺❤ *hugs super tightttt* no-oh.gif

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

Hey hey @Elle5319, you've received an anonymous appreciation. Yay! 💗


You're indeed a lovely presence in the rooms, Elle, thankyouu for supporting your peers and being awesome-sauze! 💗

To the anonymous-peer, you *are* incredible at recognizing your peer's positive qualities, and fantastic at making people feel special. Thankyou for sending this note! 💗

Elle5319 January 24th, 2023


Aww thank you so much to the person who sent this! I might be crying right now lol. I needed this


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

Hiya @CristleCares guess who is extra happwee today? 😮 Me! Because I get to post another appreciation for you. Lovely Crisssy, you deserve all the appreciations always, you are such a special hooman bean, always making people around you happweee happweee by being just *you*. Yessss, you do it the best, being you and you're sooo wuvvved for being you! 💛

You're appreciated by Me (always) and everyone around you, but this one today is by @Rezasophiea, who would like to appreciate you for being: Supportive, Empathetic, Patient, Kind, Cheerful, Optimistic, Authentic and Great at communication. 💛


Sophiea, thankyou for so kind and appreciative. You're an awesome part of our community! 💛


cristlecares January 29th, 2023
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awwww Thank you so much for this beautiful appreciation post for me Sunnnn ☀️

It's all sunflower-y, makes me extra happwee weee🌻😍🥰 Thank you so much for your kind words and also the quote sunn☀️ You're the beshtesht💃🤩 Hope to grow out of darkness and into the light with all of my lovely hooman beans☀️🌻 (My appreciation are extra special if you post them💙Thank you so much🤗) *biggg hugs* and Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪

@Rezasophiea Thank you so much for taking some time to send an appreciation for me Reza💙🌻Your appreciation made my day extra special and bright💃🥰 You're one of the most amazing hooman beans I've seen on cups and I'm sooo happwe that I was able to meet you, know you and see how supportive and kind you are to everybody around you🌻🤩
I'm really thankful I was able to join the first discussion you hosted😄
Always be the bestest you Reza🌻 Sending loads of wishes and hopes your way ✨✨ Keep shining and Keep spreading kindness around💃🤩
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 29th, 2023

@cristlecares yay happweee happweee!🌻❤


rezasophiea January 29th, 2023


This is so wonderfully kind of you it my lil heart glow from the inside like moonbeams. You are the brightest kindest human here. I’m so glad I got to know you 💛💛

cristlecares January 23rd, 2023

Heyloo Heyloo Beautiful @Aishaa97 guess whattttt??? Someone has sent a really sweet Appreciation for you wohoooo🎊🎊🤩🤩💃💃


The Appreciator is None other than the Amazinggg @BlueRivercares 🤩💃🌻

River has appreciated you for always being🌻

💚Supportive - They are kind and helpful...

💙Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...

💚Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another...

💙Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future...

💚Cheerful - They are fun to be around..

Rivero has sent a beautiful message for you Aisha🌻


I'm sooo happwe wee to be the one posting this appreciation for you dear Aisha💜🌻 You're one of the most amazing hoomans I've met on cups! I'm really really glad to have met you in here, to know and interact with you in dms and also in rooms😄🌻 I still remember the first day we talked and I feel sooooo proud to see how far you've come on cups, How brave and strong you've become, the amazing roles you've got and also how supportive and Kind you are to everybody around you😄💙 Thank you so much for being an incredible Listener/friend in here😇 Keep shining bright star🌟 Keep being the sparkling you✨✨ *biggg huggs* and Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪

Thank you so much Rivero for alwaysss being one step ahead when it comes to appreciating your amazing peers on cups💙😄 As you already know, everybody in here appreciate all the care and love you shower on them and also we adoreeee the amazing you🌻😄 Hoping to see you learn and grow from a river to an ocean😜 *Bigggg huggs* 🫂 and Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪🍪

Flowers for Aisha and Rivero💐


Have a great day/eve😇🌻

BlueRivercares January 24th, 2023
@cristlecares omg thank you so much criss for making this. I really like the graphics and I am sure @Aishaa97 will like it

flowers for both of you :D
LilacLeopard January 26th, 2023

I want to apologise for my delay in reply, I unfortunately am a bit of a procrastinator 😛


Crisssssssssss❤️ firstly I want to thank you for this beautiful post, I love the flowers the pretty graphic and the effort you put into this, it is much appreciated my sweet friend! I also want to thank you for your very kind words, and for noticing how I have improved during my journey here, you are too kind my friend please stay exactly the way you are🌸💜


Blueeeeeeeeee💙 Remember how I said I am big multitasker? well this is what I was doing while lurking in lsr😛 In the short period of time I have known you I have quickly become very fond of you. I enjoy nomming badges with you and you are one of the sweetest, kindest people I have met on here. I always see you in lsr just being your very sweet and sometimes cheeky self and it's lovely to see. You are so welcoming and friendly with everyone in there and I see how quickly you make friends because you just have such an approachable personality and approach as both a mod and a listener. Not to mention how supportive you are and willing to help everyone you come across. Thank you so much for the appreciation it warmed my heart and made me so happy. Stay amazing my friend🍬🌀💙

Glitter for you both 💖


VictoriaLove7 January 23rd, 2023
Hey all! 😃
We got another special appreciation for
🥁 🥁

From @bubblingBreeze14



And these are the qualities they find in you 😊


From me to both 😊

@bubblingBreeze14 You are a great person for recognizing the goodness of others.

@GloriaD Thank you for being an example and for always prepare and plan things.
VictoriaLove7 January 23rd, 2023


And Breeze sent this bouquet of flowers for you @GloriaD 😊


GloriaD January 23rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Omg thank you so much for this post Victoria 💛 The sunflower theme is so wonderful, I’m gonna add this to my appreciation collection (yes, I have one 😁)

@bubblingBreeze14 I really really appreciate this Breeze, I can’t believe the number of times you’ve supported me, and the amount of reminders you have given to me. Really, it’s something that I don’t experience offline, so I really thank you Breeze, and all my friends here on 7 cups 🌻 Thank you so much for caring for me, for appreciating me as I am, and for helping me to learn and be my best self 😭

VictoriaLove7 January 23rd, 2023


Thank you, I'm glad you like it 😊

bubblingBreeze14 January 25th, 2023


Aww.... All that matters to me is that you feel loved, and valued. Because trust me you deserve all that and many more.

You are doing amazingly than you might think. I say so cause I can see it. I've seen you progress and I should highlight again that I am so proud of you ❤️❤️

You've done so much here at 7cups and outside and you still continue to do so. Truth is that we are so lucky to have met such an amazing person.

I have enjoyed working with you till now, (be it on birthday breeze or others) and I still continue to enjoy. So thank you so much for being such an aspiring and wonderful person. I'm not sure if you knew about the sunflower when you put it to your profile pic, but I can tell you this... sunflowers usually goes with the Sun, where ever there's brightness sunflowers are there looking at that. And, you my friend is one of those sunflowers, moving towards greatness and doing everything beautifully while being a kind and compassionate person.

For that I thank you❤️

*Sending lots of cookies and chocolates and many more sunflowers*



Thank you for this amazing post! You've made this appreciation extra special and I don't know what else to say than "Thank you". ❤️

GloriaD January 26th, 2023


Thank you so much breeze, you are the best 😊 Thank you for everything 💛

VictoriaLove7 January 23rd, 2023
Hey all! 😃
We have an amazing appreciation for @KarmaTheRascal

Sent by @amiablebunny4016


And these are the qualities that Bunny finds in you, Karma 😊


From me to both 😊

@amiablebunny4016 You are the star appreciator! I hope you know that you too are a wonderful person!

@KarmaTheRascal Thank you for being one of our great teen listeners. You are appreciated!
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

Hello @WarmheartedCamp3360, you're appreciated by a kind anonymous hooman for being,

💚 Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart, and

💚 Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity

They've also shared a beautiful message for you. 💚


They have also shared a handwritten note for you:


(Personal opinion, but I don't think there's anything sweeter than a handwritten note 🥺)

I'm glad you've got peers who see the braver side of you, Camp, keep doing your best, while being assured there's many people out there who believe in you and are cheering for you! 💚

Thankyou, anonymous-peer, people like you are really important, because otherwise we'd have to look harder for what "kindness" might look like! I appreciate you for sparing our time and making it easy for us. 💚


warmheartedCamp3360 January 26th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou sad-emotional.gif

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023
Breeze of all things kind and lovely breezing around the Garden of all things compassionate and sweet! The Sun has to shine a little here certainly now! 😛

Hey hey @Harsvin, I hope you're doing well. Your incredibly sweet, compassionate, kind, hardworking, supportive and encouraging self is appreciated by the brightest Breeze we have here aka @bubblingBreeze14.

Breeze has a lot of nice things to say so bring your tissue box out already! *-*


If that wasn't enough, Breeze took the time to search for the cutest reminder ever, for you and here it is:


Couldn't agree more. You truly do *sooo* much for the community and you never compromise with the quality of what you have to offer, Harsvin, it's simply admirable and immensely inspiring. Keep blooming, you're the kind of fragrance that makes our soul blossom with love. ❤

Yes yes, not letting ya go easy, Breezy Breeze ;) who somehow is always on a roll to spread more cheer around and in the most creative, thoughtful and sweet ways one can imagine. It warms my heart and how. ❤
Did you silently wish for me to find all things good in life too? Because that would explain why I found you here, as one of my dearest friends ever also! Big love, warm hugs and lots of chocolates for youu! ❤

Harsvin January 24th, 2023


I really needed to hear this today, it made my day so much better thank you so much breeze ❤ *hugs*

You are amazing, sweetest and kindest person breeze, it's always a pleasure to talk to you.

Thank you again making my day 😁 ❤


Thank you for the beautiful presentation and graphics Sun 😍 You are amazing ❤

*bear hugs to Sun and Breeze*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 24th, 2023

@Harsvin Aww ❤i-love-you-bear.gif

bubblingBreeze14 January 25th, 2023


Awww.. Harsvin, I'm so happy that this was able to make your day better.❤️

I guess the appreciation came out at the perfect time 😊

Besides, I think this, what I write now, would continue to make your days better (at least today).

So... me reading your reply thought, "how nice would it be if we could bring something special for the day after and make that day also a great day for you?"

So, I waited to write my reply today. 😄

When I said you are a wonderful person I meant it. I know you're doing lots of things in a day and I know sometimes things could become, um... a bit puzzling 😋

But knowing you, I can rest assure that you have all it takes to move through all the hurdles (if you face any) and to make your days extra special.

All you got to do is remember how fabulous you are and it's not easy to find such a wonderful person.

Thank You Harsvin ❤️❤️ for everything you did, everything you do and everything you will continue to do 😋

If anything, remember there's a little breeze around the corner to blow in some warmth all you got to do is drop by and say "Hi". 😄

*Sharing some chocolates Sun gave me 🍫🍫*


Goodness Sun, you are shining so bright here... Wow. 😍 I wish I could show you how bright and beautiful you are. Oh wait, there is a way... go infront of a mirror, bring the biggest smile to your face and say "hi" to that person in the mirror.

See... you are shining that much and more. ❤️

This is a beautiful post Sun. Thank you so much for taking the time to create it and for taking the time to think about the best way you can post this appreciation. I know it made this an extra special appreciation.

And, for the question you asked... I will always wish for you to find everything good, I'll wish that you would see even the tiniest bit of happiness in each day and I'll wish that you'll remember everyday what a beautiful person you are ❤️

*Sending lots of hugs back to you*

Yumm... chocolates. They are so delish. *Sharing some with you too*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2023


Sweetest Breezeee! ❤ A thought of you is the tiniest (read: biggest) burst of happiness. *shows mirror to you alsooo* youu wonderful hooman, how are you always so cheerful, positive and immensely giving of your time and care to your friends (or legit anyone lol). Bigggest hug!🤗

Wishing for the bestest Breezeee of all things kind and lovely to be happy always. ❤

*noms chocolates* yay!


NotFound20 January 23rd, 2023
😊Hello @loyalFarm9220 , you have been appreciated by your peer @sereneTree2653

Thank you for being -

😍Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,
😍Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong,
😍Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions,
😍Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently,
😍Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made,
😍 Cheerful - They are fun to be around,
😍Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Here is the wonderful message from Serene -

😊💐I wish all the best to LoyalFarm to continue on your journey and thank you Serene for sharing the appreciation with all of us. 💐😊
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

Welcome to the team, @NotFound20, I love the glittery pink graphic! 💖

NotFound20 January 23rd, 2023


Thanks alot Sunisshining :)

Hopefully I will be able to share some awesome appreciations.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

@NotFound20 I'm certain you will! This is a great start already! 🥳

SparklyFly January 23rd, 2023

@impartialPomegranate6921 - You've been appreciated by @Darkiya!

"Almost every single day the past 7 days. They often step up in the Sharing Circle to lead the way and when they share it's insightful and thought provoking."

You are Gold

  • Supportive ~ They are kind and helpful!
  • Respectful ~They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood!
  • Patient ~They take the time to calm down before they act!


Click here to see the image bigger!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 23rd, 2023

@SparklyFly Aww what a sparkly graphic. My eyes shined haha! So pretty, Fly, keep being wonderful!❤

@Darkiya, thankyou for being so appreciative, you're a purrrfect peer! ❤