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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

gentleemperor October 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou aww thank you, Sun! It makes me happy that you liked it and I'm glad that you found it comforting 💜💙💜

TU100OT October 7th, 2022


Thank you for posting this. It's a delight :D <3

gentleemperor October 8th, 2022

@TU100OT 💜 💙 💜

TU100OT October 8th, 2022



gentleemperor October 8th, 2022

@TU100OT Hahaha lol this made me crack up! ❤️


October 7th, 2022

Congratulations @Ru3z you have been nominated because @TacoLover24 This peer is an amazing person, and they displayed these qualities when they engaged in multiple conversations with me. They helped me move on, and also listened to me vent multiple stages of my issues

Your qualities are .Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another, Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future, Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation, Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone, Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

SirenOfSerenity October 8th, 2022

🔔*ding ding ding*🔔 Special Self-Appreciation delivery for you @Besra ✨️ Since these are qualities you have appreciated in your self, I made them "I Am" affirmations for you so that you can remind yourself daily that:

✨️ You are Motivated; Internally motivated to achieve your goals 💚

✨️ You are Cheerful; Fun to be around 💛

✨️ You are Emotionally Intelligent; With the ability to read emotional cues and respond appropriately 💙


Keep being an amazing Peer among the Cups Community, aware of just how special you are! 🥰

KimByeongIn October 8th, 2022
Well, this is an appreciation for a lot of people and I hope everyone who sees this gets a lot of sunshine and rainbows in their life.

Give a big round of applause for @NoneTheWiser @MyTwistedSoul @AdmiralPeace77 @SoulSings

and also, for the appreciator, @Scarletpear1945

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

@amiablePeace77 ❤

A fantastic set of hoomans this one is, all going above and beyond in making this community so much more better and brighter. Way to go, Jess, Soul, Ami, Sings and Pear.❤

Thanks for posting, Kim, I'm out of praises for your incredible work in the team. (Just kidding, I'm never out of praises for anyone😛) As you switch your creativity hat to make awesome posts, I'll switch my creativity hat to find more ways to compliment your efforts. Teamwork!❤

amiablePeace77 October 9th, 2022


Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️

mytwistedsoul October 9th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 *hugs* ❤️ Thank you so much Pear. This made my day. ❤️ With all the things that life keeps throwing at you - you show such amazing strength and perseverance. You might stumble at times but you pick yourself up and brush yourself off. I can't begin to tell you how much I admire that in you 😊 I'm honored and grateful to know you and to walk with you

* much love to you Pear* ❤️

October 8th, 2022


OMG, you always amaze me with your sweet caring inspiration. Tears of overjoy flood my soul and heart right now when I really needed to hear those words. Today I felt like I was sinking into my own manmade quicksand when I noticed this tag and clicked on it, and this was so unexpected it lifted me right out of that pit. THANKS🎆🎇

KimByeongIn October 8th, 2022
This one's really special ❤️❤️

Today, I'm appreciating @TU100OT on behalf of none other than @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Here's the sweet message from Sun,


TU, although you are new, you've made your presence felt through your impeccable work. We admire you and hope to see you in a lot of roles soon. I'm really happy to have someone as proactive as you here 😊

Sun!! I don't have enough words to appreciate you. I hope you know how much we all love you. Lots of sunshine for you!!!
TU100OT October 8th, 2022


Thanks, Kim, for posting, love the color combination and the creativity. Also, thank you for your kind words.


Thank you so much Sun, you're really like the sun, bright and shining always, more sun energy and vibes to you, I feel enlightened and uplifted hehe 😛 😁

Love and hugs to both ❤️💚💜🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022



cristlecares October 8th, 2022

@KimByeongIn Awwww Kim, such a beautiful post😍😍 Thank you so much for all your work for this beautiful community🌻 You are amazing💙 Lots of love and wishes for Kim😇🌻 Hugs and Chocolates for you🤗🤗🍫🍫🍫🍫

@TU100OT Ahhhhhh Tu I'm sooo happy to see that you're getting all the appreciation you deserve🤧 Everyday I see you in the chatrooms being the best and awesome "You" constantly supporting everyone around and constantly spreading warmth and constantly learning new things about 7 cups🌻 It feels sooo good to see your dedication towards this community😄🌻 Keep up the work captain! We are so glad to have you with us 😄 Hugs and Cookiessss 🤗🤗🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I guess you already know what I'm gonna say😄 Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support sun🌻Your encouragement and appreciation really makes us work hard for this community and spread more kindness among all🌻 and I feel sooooo blessed to have you around 🥺 You're really one of the best hooman bean in here🥺 Hugs and cookies🍪🤗

TU100OT October 8th, 2022


Aye Aye Captain Cris hehe 😄. Thank you for your kind words, appreciate it.

I'm always eager to learn new things, and yes, I love helping people as much as I can, and being a part of the 7 community means a lot to me, be it the chatrooms or forums or 1-1's. 😁

Thank you all for supporting, mentoring, guiding, and reaching out whenever.

cookies - nomnomnom 😛

Hugs and Love 🤗💜💚💙❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022


Look who's saying, *you* are awesome sauce, and always super appreciative, encouraging and loving towards everyone. Equally blessed, Crissieee. Thankyouuuu hehe.🌻❤ Soo nice to see you dropping these lovely comments for everyone. More hugs and more cookies back to youu!🍪🤗

KimByeongIn October 9th, 2022


Aww, Cris. You're too sweet!!

KimByeongIn October 8th, 2022
🎉Heya @Celc

I hope you're in the best of spirits!! 🎊

Today, you've received appreciation from the one and only SUN!! @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Here's a sweet message for you ❤️


butterlycow October 8th, 2022

Here is a message for @dev29 from an anonymous appreciator ! Thank you for being a listener and helping the community Dev :)

Here are some of your qualities your appreciator mentioned :

Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong,

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.

And here is their message for you :

_1665222815.Peach And Pink Minimalist Thank You Cards (3).png

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

The one where the appreciator gets appreciated, yasss. Hey hey @GentleEmperor, we have a sweet appreciation for you, by an anonymous kind hooman hehe.❤






Super well deserved, Gentle, I like having you around as well, always being so positive, and supportive towards everyone. Keep being your bright penguin self.❤

Sending lots of loaf to the anonymous peer too.😛❤

cristlecares October 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou awwww very pretty appreciation post for our dear Penguin Sun🌻😃 ( You're awesome sun😁🌻)

@GentleEmperor Pinguuuuuu yayyyyy it feels sooo good to see you getting all the appreciation you need😄🌻 You're an amazingggg penguin and I'm soooo happy to have you around in the chatrooms😄🌻 Always be the cheerful and kind self😇..... Lots of wishes and hopes to you😄🌻

Cookies to sun and Pingu🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

@cristlecares How sweet, Crisss, thankyouuu so much hehe, *you* are awesome. Lots of love and cookies for you too.🤗🌻❤

gentleemperor October 8th, 2022

@cristlecares heeey amazing human Crisss! 💛 I'm so happy to have you around too. You're so sweet and helpful and beam positive energy all around you. I wish you all the best! You deserve it time and time again. 💕

*noms your cookies* 🐧💛

gentleemperor October 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou hey, hey, hey! *Feels all fuzzy and happy inside reading this appreciation post.* 💛 Thank you anonymous appreciator! Thank you Sun! Thank you both for being here too. This post was super sweet and adorable. Logging in to see this made my day a thousand times better, so thank you! 💛

I appreciate you guys too, so, so very much! Having awesome people around makes being positive easy, almost like a reflex to your brilliance and kindness. 💛 I wouldn't be my penguin self without you, so really... give yourselves a big pat on your backs and maybe a hug as well? 💛

*Sends lots of love your ways!* 🐧❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

@gentleemperor Aww how sweet and heart warming hehe, glad this made you feel as celebrated as you *are*, Gentle.💛 Yay to all the fuzzy feels!🥰

*big hugs and more love back to youuu* 🤗❤


gentleemperor October 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou awww *big hugs and even more love to youuu*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

@gentleemperor I love this omg sooo adorable.🥰💛🐧

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022

Another amazing appreciator being appreciated, for being super supportive, kind, motivated, humble, determined, helpful, and innovative.💜

Crissss, this one's for you, also by someone who likes to hide from us hehe.🌻


And and there's more! 😛


And more! 💜


And and moreeee xD


Still isn't enough and never will be to tell you how amazing you are, @CristleCares, but we will continue to try.🌻

More love, cookies, and hugs for you and the anonymous peer. 💜

cristlecares October 8th, 2022


First of all *sniff sniff🤧* Thank you so much the anonymous appreciator who has said such kind words for me🌻 I'm really grateful😄🌻 And yes I love to see you around too ( whoever you are)🌻 It feels so good that there are people who notice us and what we are doing and also appreciate us for our work really🌻 And I wanna tell you that, You're an amazing hooman bean too🤗 I'm sooo glad to have you here with me😇 and always always always know that You're doing great🌻💙

Secondly, Ahhhh you've chosen Purple💜 and white🤍 colours!!! Which makes my heart melt even more cause you know my favourite colour🌻 Purple is my favorite colour 💜🥺 So happy to see the purple colours everywhere in this post🤧 You have no idea how thankful I am right now and how happweeee😄🌻 Cookies and chocolates for youuuu🍪🍪🍫🍫

And Sunnnnnn how do you do this🥺 after seeing this post it feels like you know everything about me🤧 I'm so happweeee right now (and not sure what to say xD)🌻 Thank you so much for all the beautiful love, warm hugs, tasty cookies and cute sunflowers🌻😄 I become my happwe self just by seeing beautiful people like you sun🌻 Really so glad to be here, in this beautiful community, surrounded by kind and supportive people like you😇🌻 This really made my day sun😄 You rock captain💪😄

And Nado saranghae (love you too)💜🤍💙


Thank you once again sun and anonymous cupser😄🌻

Take care of yourselves and always be happwe happwe😄🌻

Cookiesssss🍪🍪🍪🍪 and hugsssss🤗🤗🤗🤗

KimByeongIn October 9th, 2022


Saranghae, Cris 😊❤️



cristlecares October 9th, 2022


Nado saranghae💜💜💜

And jiminyyyyy😄🌻 That's a really cute gif Kimmmm😁


Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 13th, 2022


Awww Crisssyyyyy *sniffs sniffs* too, thankyou for allowing me to know you and be your friend hehe, happweee happweee too, and super grateful for it and your loving self here with us. I am reallllyyy glad this made you feel good about yourself, reminding you how wonderful you are and how blessed we are to have you with us. ❤

Sending more love, cookies, hugs and happweee vibes your way. ❤


dtanushree October 8th, 2022

🌟 @fantasticRainbows7215 🌟

Hey Rainbow, an anonymous peer has appreciated you for being a great listener! Thank you so much for everything you do on cups. Your contribution is significant and you inspire all of us to be better listeners ❤️😊

Here's their message for you:

_1665235545.Colorful Cheerful and Happy Thank You Letter.png

Qualities appreciated by them:

🌼Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong,

🌼Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act,

🌼Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation,

🌼Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

October 9th, 2022

well done for appreciating yourself whoever you are in this community.

I have worked hard to overcome my depression and anxiety. I accept that change is slow and with time I'll learn to accept the new Changes. Don't give up! That's not an option anyway!

October 9th, 2022

Well done for getting nominated @ButterlyCow. You are Cheerful - They are fun to be around, Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place, Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately but the reason why you are getting nominated by a member is because you are soo cheerful and I love to see them in SC. Always supported my shares and was kind to everyone. Keep it up! Well done.

October 9th, 2022


These are the exact words of the anonymous appreciator for @ButterlyCow :-

"They are soo cheerful and I love to see them in SC. Always supported my shares and was kind to everyone. Keep it up!"

October 9th, 2022

Hi @Star001 you have been nominated from another member for being Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another, Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future, Having Ability to Delegate - They facilitate teamwork, Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation, Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place and Star has been consistently working hard to help and guide other listeners in their listening journey. They are very respectful, helpful, empathetic, validating and professional. I have a really positive experience with Star, learning and growing in my listening journey. I really appreciate theirs consistent hardworks❤😊 Thanks Star I appreciate you so dose everyone else.

October 9th, 2022


The anonymous appreciator says the following exact words for @Star001 :-

"Star has been consistently working hard to help and guide other listeners in their listening journey. They are very respectful, helpful, empathetic, validating and professional. I have a really positive experience with Star, learning and growing in my listening journey. I really appreciate theirs consistent hardworks❤😊"