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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GoldenRuleJG July 17th, 2022


@magicalocean594 appreciates @fristo because of these qualities that they have:

⭐️Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

⭐️Having Ability to Delegate. They facilitate teamwork.

⭐️Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

⭐️Purposeful. They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

“Fristo is so supportive as a star team leader. Any questions that i had fristo has made an effort to be quick and efficient with the replies. Fristo has been so patient with me as i have so many new questions as a pat member, thank you so much again Fristo for being a great role model, and adhering to the star team leader role and being empathetic, respectful, and supportive. You are a great team member! and I am so excited to work with you even further.”

Well-summarised Magical – Fristo is a genius leader who paints wonderful ideas with their amazing mind. What an encouraging and brilliant leader. <3 <3 <3

Never a dull thought – you take on every color palette in your ideas which is why you are one of the best Fristo <3_1658041858.image.png

Never a dull thought – you take on every color palette in your ideas which is why you are one of the best Fristo <3

mamtasha22 July 17th, 2022

@sunnyLion4273 has been appreciated by @sunnyLion4273


If the text in the graphics is a bit hard to read you can feel free to read it here

@sunnyLion23 is

Supportive. They are kind and helpful, Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another, Coachable. They have a desire to improve, Decisive. Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently, Having Growth Mindset. Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible

Sunny is Supportive because there will no go one moment where she would not like to help someone. She will often go first to help someone.
Sunny is Empathetic. She looks out for others with kind-hearted compassion because she knows what it's like to suffer sometimes.
Sunny is Coachable. She's always wanting to learn especially from her peers, mentors, and fellow rising stars.
Sunny is Decisive. She ends on time to support the movement of the Circle.
Sunny has a Growth Mindset because she is learning leadership skills and wants to continue learning skills to help her out in her passion for art.

@sunnyLion4273 also has sent in this image


magicalOcean594 July 18th, 2022



kindSoul10 July 18th, 2022

@magicalOcean594 aw this made my eyes teary. @Fristo when it comes to kindness, empathy and uplifting you are amongst those people that are so special themselves and never stop making others special too! *hugs*

magicalOcean594 July 18th, 2022


your very welcome!

magicalOcean594 July 18th, 2022

_1658125960.warm light appreciation.jpg


i appreciate you!

WarmLightXO July 18th, 2022


Awww, thank you for the kind words Magic <3 This really made me smile, I mega appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to not only submit this but make a lovely graphic as well! I hope you have a fantastic day my friend <3

(It's "he" actually :p)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022

Time for another self-appreciation. This is by and for @Ginevra962 ❤


Such a thoughtful message to yourself, Ginn. You indeed are always ready to support others around and truly care for the community and its people. Thankyou for being your kind, caring, supportive and lovely self. ❤

(I get the discomfort with appreciating ourselves Haha, but hey hey, kudos to you for trying, sometimes we need to pause and pat our back for trying our best. You deserve it.)

Ginevra962 July 18th, 2022

Thank you for the chance sun. Honestly I want to hide myself under a rock but I won't be because I think that sometimes I too deserve this even of it comes from myself. I'm really rarely tagged in appreciation posts (just a couple times lately from my mentees and a member) but never before. So of I work hard but it's not enough to be seen I must be the one to see it. My therapist would be proud of me 😂

theriverissinging July 18th, 2022

@Ginevra962 you do deserve to feel seen and appreciated by others and yourself as well. *pats* awesome appreciation you've got there!

Ginevra962 July 18th, 2022

Thank you. I hope one day others will see my efforts and what I've written as well. But thank you for answering to my comment it means a lot to me. You have seen me this time 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022


Aw wanting to feel seen and appreciated is valid, Ginnn, we all deserve to be seen for our efforts and dedication, you definitely are super seen and valued for all you do and all that you are. ❤ Never say never, aye, the good always comes, I'm glad you're getting the recognition you so very much deserve slowly. And yes right, we need not wait for others to see us, or make us feel validated, gotta take that self-love steering wheel in our own hands at times and be the kindest we can, towards ourselves. I'm super proud of you too, lovely. 🤗❤ The world is yours, keep shining.

Ginevra962 July 18th, 2022

Thank you for saying that I am appreciated and valid but I definitely do not feel valued or especially seen maybe I just don't have the necessary roles. Maybe I should do more. I'm getting recognition because I gave it to myself, it's sad. No one thought to give it to me. No one.But you are right if they don't I do. I just wish someone would think of me. Especially now. I'm not shining, I'm fading.

Sorry for the sad message but I'm sad

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022

@Ginevra962 You don't have to apologize for expressing how you're feeling, Gin. ❤ *offers hugs*

kindSoul10 July 18th, 2022

@Ginevra962 I'm sorry that you have felt not seen. Your compassion and alertness to those in need is always that is something that shows in your interactions in listener support room.

We're not always at our best and nonetheless we keep moving forward, so you do and I root for you.

You have a special place in our hearts and minds.

Ginevra962 July 18th, 2022

Thank you for caring enough to answer and thank you for tour kind words. You are someone that is always seen and valued. Many times people tag you for things. I have basically nevee been tagged foe anything. This shows how much people care for you and think about you. I can do my best but I'll never be like you @kindSoul10

Ginevra962 July 18th, 2022

And I'm sorry for all the depressed answers in such a nice place

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022

Hey hey wonderful @AffyAvo, you've got an anonymous appreciation and one that is truly super well-deserved for your tireless efforts in strengthening the community, and always looking out for everyone, specially the members. We all appreciate you lots, Affy. ❤ Thankyou for being amazing and for caring.

Here's what they said:


Sending love to the anonymous person who took their time to send this sweet message. ❤

AffyAvo July 18th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw thanks so much! I care so much for members in general here. It's always great to hear someone thinks I'm doing something right, especially considering there are so many amazing people on 7 Cups! Also great timing on this! Sometimes hurt people try to hurt people and as baseless as that can be at times a meaningful message like this is a helpful booster!

kindSoul10 July 18th, 2022

@AffyAvo omg affy it's like that anonymous person speaks my mind about you!

Thanks for you being you, because you already know how much I appreciate your hard work for the community!

AffyAvo July 21st, 2022

@kindSoul10 Thanks! Your presence here has always matched your name 😄

You're very appreciated too!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 20th, 2022

Aw you very much deserve this and more, @AffyAvo, I get how different interactions impact us in different ways and am really glad the timing for this message to reach you was spot on. ❤ Keep being you, you inspire many and we really are grateful for your presence and commitment.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022
Hello @WishToBeWise, summoning you for a lovely message for you by @MiraculousWaves3694, who's appreciating you for being supportive, kind, helpful, patient, understanding and inquisitive. ❤
Y'all are such a valued part of the community, Wish and Waves. Thankyou for being here and supporting so many, including each other. All the love your way. ❤
funnyZebra5328 July 18th, 2022

hey y'all, we have an anonymous appreciation for @sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌻

Sun has been appreciated for being empathetic, innovative, a great communicator, optimistic, and emotionally intelligent.

Here's a little message for you, Sun ((:

"Sun is so kind, empathetic and understanding and always goes out of their way to reach out and support those who need a little positivity and a listening ear. Sun brightens up any chatroom or forum thread and I just wanted to let you know how appreciated you are :)"

Congrats on the amazing appreciation Sun, I can tell you do a lot for the cups community.

Keep sending those appreciations in guys, we love to see it. Have a great rest of your day ((:

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 18th, 2022


Aww this is such a lovely message, made my week hehe. Dear anonymous hooman, thankyou for seeing me the way you do and for taking out time to appreciate me, it really means a lot to me. Sending lots of love and blessings your way. In case (and I hope you do) you read this, poke me sometime lol. 🤧❤🤗

Thankyou for posting, Zee, and for the kind note. You're amazing! 😊

funnyZebra5328 July 18th, 2022

the next appreciation of the day is another anonymous one to @tidyHickory3283 💛

Hickory has been appreciated for being supportive, respectful, empathetic, resilient, and a great communicator ((:

The appreciator says Hickory is "kind and helpful, always tries to make sure everyone feels respected and understood, speaks with everyone's best interest in mind and is genuine and open to conversations"

Congrats on this super sweet appreciation Hickory, you're an amazing person

Keep sending in those appreciations y'all, and have a great day ((:

tidyHickory3283 July 18th, 2022


awwww thanksssss🤗🤗❤️❤️

funnyZebra5328 July 18th, 2022

We have an appreciation for @TalktoAnna from @shiningbeauty72 💛

Anna has been appreciated for being a great communicator ((:

Shining says Anna "listens with a supportive heart always and is open-minded and non judgemental"

Great job on making a difference and receiving this appreciation Anna, and thank you for sending it in Shining ((:

Keep those appreciations coming y'all and have a great day.

Listen with heart.supportive always. Open-minded and non judgemental.

funnyZebra5328 July 18th, 2022

And now we have an appreciation for many peers from @BlueRiver5968. River has sent this appreciation to... @SparkyGizmo, @Feelicity08, @hopezzy, @lovelyWaterfall2170, @Bubblegumwings1234, @aticuest, @Brahmm, @VaryingCloud, @artsysoul22, and @Brightfuture82 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

These peers have been appreciated for being supportive, empathetic, humble, motivated, and determined.

Here's a little note from River ((:

"hi guys I thought i would just take this moment to appreciate all of you for my journey in the adult side. As you can see in my profile i am in the teen side now...sorry for the shock. Before leaving cups(not yet decided) I just want you to know that I love you guys so so much...and forever grateful for what you have done for me"

Congrats on being appreciated to all ten of you ((: You've obviously made a huge difference, keep doing what you're doing ((: And thanks for sending in that amazing appreciation River, it's a very nice thing to do.

Keep those appreciation's coming and have a great day

July 18th, 2022

@funnyZebra5328 thank you zebra for posting so quick :)

Brahmm July 18th, 2022


Hey Riv. No fair, we are waiting for you to come to adult side. Just wait a little longer, there is not much time left. :) We are cheering for you. :D Stay strong and come back stronger. <3 I will be waiting.... :)

SparkyGizmo July 18th, 2022



Hi Zebra! 😊❤️ I cannot thank you enough for making this forum post! The great work you do here truly matters! Thank you for making sure that this message came across for me as well as others, as you have no idea what this will mean for me as a human being! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi Blue! 😊❤️ Oh my gosh, what a beautiful moment! Thank you my friend! This was so incredibly kind of you to think of me, remember and appreciate me! ❤️ I remember you and I miss you over here on the adult side and so very much! You are such an amazing teammate! I have always appreciated you too! ❤️ I miss you and so now I know that you are still here with us, but just on the teen side. The loss on the adult side means a gain on the teen side and I can only hope that they adore you, care about you as much as we do! ❤️ Thank you for giving me this gift today! I promise you, you will be someone that is counted today in what I call my "gratitude moments". Thank you my friend!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

VaryingCloud July 18th, 2022

Thank you @funnyZebra5328 for posting this kind appreciation.❤️


How very sweeeet of you wonderful Bluwey! ❤️ Thank you for this lovely appreciation! Had realized about your status long back when you were not seen in listener chat rooms anymore (and we had been missing you there)! You are a great addition to this community and we love you too! May you keep spreading smiles as always and keep getting more and more reasons to smile yourself! Lots of love and hugs❤️🤗

Feelicity08 July 19th, 2022


Hi BO /Blue River my friend 😊 thank you for this thoughtful message of you to appreciate me and us here. We will surely miss you here 😊 and yes we are thankful that you still continue your journey although you might be in TeenSide but still we are glad you still take that steps. Keep amazing being you. I hope they will appreciate, care for you there just like how we cared for you in AdultSide. Always remember that there's something something something within you and that is beauty 😊❤️. May you see it within you 😊. Take care of yourself, cheer up and fighting 😇⭐🥇❤️. Big hugs 🤗🤗🤗❤️.

Brightfuture82 July 19th, 2022


Thank you soooo much for this amazing post💖


You have no idea how much your words mean to me River🙃 I remember the great times we had in LSR! I absolutely love your supportive, hardworking and funny spirit.

As you mentioned (in the room), we came here together and we helped each other grow and learn about cups, i appreciate you so much💖

Hope to see you back in the oldie side because i do really miss your vibe in rooms😊 I wish you all the best anywhere you might be💖🏞 (side note, every time i see you kept your pfp, puts a huge smile on my face😄)

July 19th, 2022

@Brightfuture82 bright nothing can replace that😌

July 19th, 2022
@SparkyGizmo, @Feelicity08 , @Brahmm, @VaryingCloud , and @Brightfuture82
Thank you everyone :)..i feel so light now...and I am really grateful to you guys.

VaryingCloud July 19th, 2022


Aww Bluwey❤️🤗

Brahmm July 19th, 2022


You deserve it Riv. :D You are awesome. :)

Brightfuture82 July 19th, 2022


Bluwey we appreciate your presence!💖