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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

July 8th, 2022

@delightfulEyes4236, I feel delighted to share this appreciation for you from @Aileen1114117


"She was supportive because she helped me
She was respectful because she respected me and understood me
She was empathetic because she understand how I feel"

You are wonderful, delightful! -fristo

July 8th, 2022

@BlueRiver5968, you got appreciated.

@SparklingSeashells has appreciated you!


"Haven't know you long River, but you have always been so friendly and so supportive. I think I speak for many when I say everyone feels welcome in TL when you are around, and always eager to answer any questions, especially when I ask twenty in the space of a few mins XD You are a great human bean and its a pleasure to know you πŸ’›"

I completely agree. Blue is beyond amazing and a blessing for the community. -fristo

July 9th, 2022

@Fristo thanks for posting this appreciation
@sparklingseashells Aww thank you so much.. I never knew i made the room so welcoming😁..but the thanks really goes to my chatroom leadership role leaders @jenna and @amazingnutella24.

feel free to give me more questions..xD..i would love to help you out :).

gentleFox20 July 8th, 2022

πŸ’› @courageousSoul05 you have been appreciated by a secret peer! Here's what they had to say about you! πŸ’›


What a difference you've made to this person πŸ’› Keep being awesome!


gentleFox20 July 8th, 2022

Another lovely anon appreciation! This time for @Mudteeth 🌷


Sounds like you've been a great supportive peer Mudteeth! Keep going!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 9th, 2022
Woohooo, @Fristo, you've been appreciated *again* by so many amazing peers *again*, for real haha, how does it feel to be *you*? The super awesome you, who truly deserves all the recognition and praise. ❀ Way to go, Fristoooo, you're indeed a *star*.


Thankyou to @dtanushree @anonymoushooman @frostycat6690 @Fristo for being so wonderful and showering their love and blessings upon you. Each of you is incredible, thankyou for being so appreciative. ❀

July 9th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for this upliftment. Wish I could continue to serve in the ways I am capable of and live the best version of me. I also want to be able to refocus on good if anytime I lose my way.

Wishes and love for all. The best of you is best for us.

GloriaD July 10th, 2022


You have been appreciated by @modestOrange545533 !


_1657461442. modestOrange545533  FOR  Juju98 - Original (GloriaD) [1].png

_1657461471. modestOrange545533  FOR  Juju98 - Original (GloriaD) [2].png

Juju, thank you for being kind to others and offering your support in PMs and group chats. You are spreading so much positivity, and that creates a lot of smiles in everyone 😊 Thank you for everything that you do for our wonderful community!

Orange, thank you too for appreciating your peer Juju, and recognizing their qualities! You are giving back positivity and making them smile as well, I'm sure πŸ’›

My best wishes to both of you,

GloriaD 🌻

JujuBears July 10th, 2022

Wow!!! My heart is full after reading this! <3 Thank you so much, @modestOrange545533! Can’t wait to see you in our next one, and you know my PMs are open if you need support. <3

So excited to be apart of this great community, and looking forward to hosting more events and connecting with everyone <3

GloriaD July 16th, 2022


So glad to hear that Juju, and welcome to our team πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

gentleFox20 July 12th, 2022

A sweet peer appreciation post for @Adoptivehugs from your friend @Sharuhisereneworld πŸ’


Lovely to hear how you are making people feel looked after! Keep it up!


gentleFox20 July 12th, 2022

πŸ’› Oh @WhimsicalWhimsy - Look what we have for youuuu! A lovely appreciation from @Priscilaxx πŸ’›


I couldn't agree more with Priscila! Your sunshiney ways bring joy and light to sharing circles often!


CalmWaves3939 July 13th, 2022

@CommunityModLou You have been appreciated by @Help127 πŸ’›


I couldn't agree more! It is lovely to see you around the groups, You are doing great :) <3

ReadBooks7 July 13th, 2022

@CalmWaves3939 thank you!❀️

CommunityModLou July 15th, 2022

Aw, thank you so much @Help127 !

ReadBooks7 July 15th, 2022

@CommunityModLou thank YOU!

July 14th, 2022

@John07050810 has sent an appreciation for @Mel


"I appreciate her because she is always willing to help, is communicative when possible. And all the way around an amazing person."

Couldn't agree more. It is wonderful to be in Mel's kind presence. -fristo

July 14th, 2022

I feel so happy to share today that @PoliteOcean has sent an appreciation for @HopieRemi


"I appreciate HopieRemi so much as we have worked together over the past several years. I appreciate them on a personal level whenever we chat and I appreciate them on a Professional level whenever we are working together here at Cups. They have helped me immensely over the years with so many various matters, issues, projects, advice as well as sharing our online shopping experiences. I can't appreciate them enough for all of their support! Thank you HopieRemi I appreciate you!"

Thanks for being so amazing with your peer, Hopie. -fristo

HopieRemi July 14th, 2022

awww this means so much to me @PoliteOcean

July 14th, 2022

@EmmaE, ready to read an appreciation for you?

@BlueRiver5968 has sent an appreciation for you.


"emma i know we haven't talked much..but i just wanted to stop by and thank you for the efforts and work you did for 7cups to grow as a community."

Emma has been a blessing for the community, indeed! -fristo

EmmaE July 14th, 2022

@Fristo @BlueRiver5968

This is so sweet, thank you so much river! Such a nice thing to wake up to :p I appreciate you and all the dedication you’ve put towards 7 cups as well, you’re amazing!

July 14th, 2022
@EmmaE @Fristo

fristo thank you for posting my appreciation

Emmaaa I am so glad that you are happy after reading this...and thanks for your kind words😁
Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 14th, 2022

Happy to share this self-appreciation, @bozanella, you are incredible for taking out time to reflect on yourself, and to take this well-deserved pause to pat your own back. 🧑


Way to go, Ella. 🧑 Super proud of you.

July 14th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13, I feel so happy to see someone has appreciated you again.

@BlueRiver5968 has sent you an appreciation this time!


"hey swifty.. I just wanted you to know that you are amazing. I am glad that you are trying to improve and that is more than enough <3."

Swifty is one of our star members! -fristo

BlueRivercares November 27th, 2022

@swiftygirl13 hii :)

Enchanted2024 December 9th, 2022


thank you so much, I am so sorry i didnt see this earlier

magicalOcean594 July 16th, 2022

@kindFish9215 You are appreciated! by @ShneurZο»Ώ

Peers qualities:
Supportive. They are kind and helpful, Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood, Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another, Optimistic. They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone, Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

magicalOcean594 July 16th, 2022


kindFish9215 July 18th, 2022


Thank you so much for this appreciation! Reading this really made my day! I'm so happy to hear that I was able to support you! :)β™₯️

SynSavory July 16th, 2022


Awesome initiative!

ArtemisStormWolf July 16th, 2022

Time to appreciate @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😁😁😁(well sun is shining and so are we)

Sun, you are appreciated by @Srxlx



ArtemisStormWolf July 16th, 2022

πŸ‘€ One more from an Anonymous Appreciation




Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 16th, 2022

@ArtemisStormWolf @Srxlx @AnonymousLovelyBeing

Thankyou for creating these beautiful graphics, Shining Wolfieee And welcome to the team hehe. β€πŸ€—

Thankyouuuu for the sweet appreciation, Alex. I'm so glad you enjoyed the chatroom session, it was lovely having you there and I hope to see you around more often. ❀

Oh My Gosh anonymous hooman, why are you anonymous lol :') This is superrrr nice to hear hehe, I'm so happy you think so highly of me, it really means alot to me, and it's incredibly touching. Thankyou for the kind words. 🀧❀

It was fun haha, the room definitely was busy lol, good to hear this uplifting feedback. Hoping to host more. Yay! πŸ€—

magicalOcean594 July 16th, 2022


YAY! Your Peer Appreciated You!

magicalOcean594 July 16th, 2022


"I always see you being kind and supportive to others. You also give your opinion on things and have a respectful way to even disagree on something you don't comply with, it's a quality I admire. Thanks for your lovely presence, I'm sure members in the community feel more heard and supported when you're around. o,o ❀"

-Anonymously Appreciated


GoldenRuleJG July 17th, 2022


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou appreciates @sshn07 because they meet these attributions:

❀️Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

❀️ Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart.

❀️Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

❀️Having Growth Mindset. Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible.

Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

β€œHey hey lovely, I appreciate your wonderful forum threads, you bring such amazing prompts for everyone and what's even more heart warming to see is your kind and supportive responses for everyone. I adore the way you articulate your thoughts and deliver them in a compassionate manner. Thankyou for being a bright beam around 7 cups. You are super duper appreciated. I hope you continue trying your best also and keep doing what makes you feel happy and brightens your days hehe, the road ahead might not be the easiest but we keep trying and take it one step at a time, the road still remains the same, but we get stronger every step of the way and then we soooo got this. I believe in you. ❀”


sshn07 July 17th, 2022


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou It's like you know me and are speaking to my soul. You really leave me speechless. Wow. You have no idea how much I resonate with your message, especially your last sentence.

Thank you for thinking of me and appreciating me the way you do. This is one of the best things to have happened to me in so long. Thank you for existing and being you. This keeps me going, honestly. It’s so rare to receive anything like this when starting something new but god it feels good and gives you a sense of purpose!

I’m at loss for words right now. I struggle with imposter syndrome and always feel like I’m not doing good enough. But, this message.. I mean.. Thank you. This means so much to me. ❀️😭
Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 20th, 2022

Awww, you're so very welcome, @sshn07, but yes hehe, only being honest and giving the credit where it's due. I know living with an imposter syndrome is incredibly hard, please know you deserve all the kindness, recognition and love coming your way. ❀

Your words truly touched me also hehe, I appreciate you a lot and ultra happy this resonated with you in a way you needed it to be. Sending lots of love and offering hugs. ❀

GoldenRuleJG July 17th, 2022


@magicalocean594 appreciates @nick324 because of these qualities that they have:

πŸ‘Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

πŸ‘Coachable. They have a desire to improve.

πŸ‘Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act.

πŸ‘Having Growth Mindset. Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible.

Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

β€œnick324 is such an amazing soul inside and out. He is so respectful to me every single time i speak to him, if I didn't understand something he said correctly he is not rude about it at all and just redirects what was said. He has struggled with some things and has shown an amazing amount of effort to turn certain things around into positive outcomes and using his amazing coping skills to get through rough times. I just appreciate nick so much for confiding in me as a listener daily when we check in. I appreciate him as a member, and every day is a new day for us, and we always get through our conversations with ease. thank you so much for being willing and kind and respectful when we speak nick. I enjoy every day speaking with you, good or bad. thank you for being you. let the wind take you wherever you are meant to fly, don't ever let anyone tell you that you are not worth it in this world. I appreciate your time and effort, and I just appreciate you overall as being a great member!”

Aww such a lovely articulation of the respect and care between you both. Keep up the great progress you two :)

Am sure magical sums you up as having a heart of gold <3


Nick324 July 17th, 2022
