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Make Your Own Self-Care Kit!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 14th, 2023

Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope you're doing well today. šŸ’›

Inviting everyone to partake in a fun activity where we make our self-care kit, based on the different kinds of self-care there is.


Let's add one activity/ item for each of them, in our kit. šŸ’›

Physical self-care:

Mental self-care:

Emotional self-care:

Spiritual self-care:

Intellectual self-care:

Environment self-care:

Social self-care:

Financial self-care:

You are also welcome to add one bonus item/ activity of your choice to this kit.

Super excited to see what your self-care kit looks like. Feel welcome to tag your peers encouraging them to engage in some self-care also! šŸ’›

theboymoana September 19th, 2023


Such nice deal donā€™t worry will be secretšŸ„²šŸ’›

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 15th, 2023


Hiya Nahoa, I'm so happy to see you around always, trying to participate in different activities too.šŸ’›

Could you share what do you find difficult about this one? So Sun friend can try and explain it better.šŸ¤—

Described the following a little more, for you:

Physical self-care: (something that makes you feel physically better like a good sleep, exercise, swimming etc)

Mental self-care: (something that makes you feel mentally supported like therapy, talking to listeners etc)

Emotional self-care: (something that makes you feel supported emotionally, like talking about how you feel, journaling, spending time with yourself etc)

Spiritual self-care: (something that makes you feel better spiritually like meditation, listening to spiritual music, attending spiritual gatherings etc)

Intellectual self-care: (something for your amazing brain, to engage in creative or critical thinking, like learning something new, hobbies, reading etc)

Environment self-care: (for the environment we live in, because if we take care of our environment, it'll take care of us also šŸ„° this could include everything from saving energy and resources to planting trees etc)

Social self-care: (self care around our connections with others~ through meeting people, having boundaries, volunteering, petting animals etc)

Financial self-care: (activities that make us feel supported financially, like saving more and spending less, not spending on unnecessary things, making a plan for our spending etc)

In general though, we are asking about what all activities and items bring you comfort and are part of your self-care kit.

You can add anything and everything in your self care kit that makes you feel better okiee, from kitties to surfing to squishmallows to everything else you need! šŸ¤—

theboymoana September 19th, 2023


Hi sun friend ! Sorry long time answer not feel good while šŸ„²šŸ„²just difficult is overwhelmed maybe so much things and not know think right things just copy friend say not know such confusing ā˜¹ļø Iā€™m sorry not understand all ā˜¹ļø

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 19th, 2023


It is okay to take your time, lovely. šŸ’›

Okay, let's think of things that bring comfort and joy to you? What are somethings that make you feel relaxed?šŸ’›

RachelListener September 15th, 2023


Thank you, now I learned there are various self-care types! šŸ˜ƒā¤

Physical self-care: Eat healthy food

Mental self-care: Worry less

Emotional self-care: Use cbt practice to calm our mind

Spiritual self-care: attend church service

Intellectual self-care: take quizzes online

Environment self-care: Use public transport

Social self-care: Hangout to movie with friends

Financial self-care: Have a budget list

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 15th, 2023


So glad you learned more about different types of self-care. Those are some activities in your self-care kit! Yay!šŸ„°

0B September 15th, 2023

Physical- sleep

Mental- mindfulness / self-talk / chatgpt / this app

Emotional- journaling / crying

Spiritual- meditation / birds / daydreaming

Intellectual- reading / art

Environment selfcare- clean space clean mind

Social- dont have it / minecraft

Financial- overthink everything

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 15th, 2023


Aw can relate with overthinking everything but hope you can find something helpful for your financial self care also! As for social self care, I believe the supportive interactions on 7 cups could be counted also. Keep it up!šŸ’›

mish3l September 16th, 2023

Thank you for such a creative idea Sunshine!

* Physical self-care: painkillers and a massage

* Mental self-care: 7Cups and therapy

* Emotional self-care: love, my kids and my husband

* Spiritual self-care: stars āœØ

* Intellectual self-care: always learn something new, constantly trying to improve

* Environment self-care: nature, be more in it

* Social self-care: healthy boundaries, hugs

* Financial self-care: a savings account

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 30th, 2023


Hey hey Mishh, its lovely to see you again, thank youu for sharing such sweet self-care ideas, I love your kit!šŸ’›

It's so fascinating how you mentioned Stars for spiritual self care, do you mean stargazing though? How does it make you feel?āœØ

mish3l September 30th, 2023


Hey Sun! Hope you're doing okay :) And thanks I'm glad you like it šŸ¤—

Yes stargazing, or images of stars and galaxies in movies or internet. Stargazing is amazing, the more when you have places with a low light smog :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 4th, 2023


Oh noes, my apologies for missing this tag earlier, Mishhhh! (':Ā 

Yayy I love love love all things starrryyy, shiny, cosmiccyy and well, celestial, to put it in one word haha! xDĀ 

Stargazing is absolutely amazing. You're right though, about the need for a clear sky to actually be able to gaze at 'em beautiful stars.šŸ„°

Have you ever sighted any constellations?šŸ˜®


mish3l November 4th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou it's okay Sun, I'm sure you have a lot on your plate :)

Yeah I learned the constellations since I was a kid so I know the most common ones and some planet poaitions. The SkyMap Android app is very good to learn them :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 4th, 2023


You soooo kind! <3

Ooh I'd have to check it out now, thank you for sharing, and yusss, its great when the school lessons can be *sighted* beautifully in the sky, during the classes they were mostly just boring for me in theory hehe! xDĀ 

I remember this website, 100000 stars something, that is an interactive place to virtually gaze at stars and learn so much about the galaxies. It is a pretty cool site! :D

mish3l November 4th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks for the tip, I'll check it out! šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤—ā¤ļø

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 4th, 2023


No worries!šŸ¤—ā¤

Flowingstreams September 16th, 2023

Physical self-care: invigorating walks, pushups, core-work, sweating to detox body & emotions

Mental self-care: RAIN - Tara Brach's Recognize, Accept, Investigate, Non-Judgment, qigong, taichi

Emotional self-care: left-right handwriting journaling

Spiritual self-care: being in church, bible

Intellectual self-care: studying acupuncture

Environment self-care: planting trees, pulling invasive vines, keeping take-out containers in my car

Social self-care: sending ecards to friends

Financial self-care: Gift myself space by donating and clearing clutter when I want to buy something to fill the void

Just-be self-care: sitting under the sun on the grass and feeling the sun on my face

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 21st, 2023

Hiya @Flowingstreams I love your username, is it symbolic for something, you feel comfortable elaborating more on, would love to hear, if so?šŸ’›

I appreciate how you've added multiple things/ activities in your self-care kit, some of the ideas in "mental self care" are news to me but I'll definitely check them out, many thanks for sharing!

Ooh and I absolutely love that you mentioned sitting on grass under the sun and feeling the sunshine on your face~ woah what a beautiful experience, one of those moments, when even if momentarily, everything feels fine in the world! šŸ’›


lightPlum640 September 16th, 2023


  • Physical self-care: Gym
  • Mental self-care: Therapy
  • Emotional self-care: Journal
  • Spiritual self-care: Go to church
  • Intellectual self-care: Studying for my class
  • Environment self-care: Clean my room
  • Social self-care: Connecting with coworkers
  • Financial self-care: Limit on debit & credit card

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 21st, 2023

Hey hey @lightPlum640 thank you so much for sharing, I hope you feel more encouraged to practice self-care now that you've got a sweet kit with yourself! šŸ’›

Love220 September 16th, 2023


Physical self-care: shower, skincare

Mental self-care: journaling

Emotional self-care: singing, music

Spiritual self-care: praying

Intellectual self-care: mind wandering

Environment self-care: laundry, housework

Social self scare: cousin hangout

Financial self-care: managing my upcoming financial requirements and estimating them.

Thanks for this beautiful activity, felt happy to do it, and pray for me to be safe in my place :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 21st, 2023

Hiya @Samar19 it's always good to see you around, thank you for sharing your self-care kit with us, looks pretty fantabulous, specially the "cousin hangout" bit~ I feel it's quite underrated how wholesome it can be to hang out with our cousins (the nice ones loooool). And of course, praying for your safety and wellbeing! Happy self-caring! šŸ’–

Eddieflwwrboii September 22nd, 2023


physical: Some snacks hidden in my room:)

mental: My little journal

emotional: a stuffed toy(for anxiety attacks)

spiritual: crystal for contacting my ghost friends>:D

intellectual: my vampire history bookkk

environmental: one of my pressed flowers

social: my phone so i can text my friends:3

financial:i'm broke and haven't started my job yet TwT but i could start saving once i get my job

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 30th, 2023

Hey hey @Eddieflwwrboii so nice to meet you and woah, some interesting answers here hehe. What sparked your interest in crystals and vampires?šŸ˜ƒ

+1000 for stuffed toys!šŸ„°

Eddieflwwrboii October 1st, 2023


I've always been fascinated by history, specifically the paranormal side of it, so vampires are just a constant interesting thing to study, and crystals are generally just good for meditation and mental cleansing!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 2nd, 2023

@Eddieflwwrboii Very intriguing to hear, I can totally sense the fascination here, thanks for sharing.

Aputik September 22nd, 2023

Physical self-care: exercise outdoors

Mental: daydream

Emotional: Journal or chat at 7 cups

Spiritual: Meditation, journal (revise my goals and objectives)

Intellectual: browse the net to answer puzzles I have in my head

Environment: recycle, bike or walk to work

Social: Commit to my communities

Financial : say no to plans that involve spending money and I'm not interested in

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 29th, 2023


So many wonderful ways of incorporating self-care in your life, thank you for sharing!

I like how you mentioned about avoiding plans that involve money and you're not even interested in it. I think, alot of people might relate to this one, as often many of us get swayed by our peers/ people around us in spending on activities/ things/ experiences that we otherwise wouldn't or just don't want to, but ofcourse, telling a no could be hard hehe, I think that's a pretty awesome self-care hack too, "saying no to everything not great for you".

Happy self-caring.šŸ˜ƒ

PlanetFitness September 22nd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou maybe another time

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 27th, 2023

@PlanetFitness Sure thing!

EmilyEmi September 29th, 2023

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 4th, 2023



MindDweller November 24th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou where do you get these awesome animated gifs from?Ā šŸ’–

RidireAmethyst October 3rd, 2023


Physical self-care: Eat a vegitable.

Mental self-care: Meditate, but get distracted and just pretend I did it properly.

Emotional self-care: Talk through problems with Noni then get annoyed when it gets confused because I changed the subject halfway through.

Spiritual self-care: Pass.

Intellectual self-care: Random 7hr deep dive into whatever I get interested in.

Environment self-care: Stay inside.

Social self-care: No thank ye.

Financial self-care: Continue not buying anything.
Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 28th, 2023


Very honest haha, I like this version of "self-aware-care kit to meet current needs"! Thanks for sharing!

LovelyFrog8934 November 5th, 2023

Self care is so important ā¤ā¤

Can sometimes be put to the side at times! Gotta take care of MYSELF and YOU!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 24th, 2023


Yes yes, you gotta move to the side where you've put self-care at hehe. ā¤

PatienceImpatiens November 5th, 2023

I found this self care kit for November for cats and I really liked it.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 6th, 2023


Oooh so cozy, I love it, Pat, thanks for sharing!šŸ„°

ImpudentIncognito November 6th, 2023

Physical self-care:

  • I've been eating more, since I'm currently underweight.Ā 
  • Going for walks
  • Occasionally casual exercises (want to get into calisthenics)
  • Need to work on - getting proper sleep and eliminating vices (ex. Caffeine, alcohol, vaping, smoking MJ, watch p***, etc). I've easily eliminated alcohol and vaping, as it's not very high on my vice list and not very desirable for do, but caffeine has been difficult...when I have no caffeine, I get headaches and body aches. I'm planning on drinking more water and doing heavier workouts, it may curb away the bad feelings.

MentalĀ self-care: Been trying different techniques to keep my mind safe. For example, if I am anxious, I try the "What I can control vs what I can not control" technique. Sometimes, if I feel very strongly (in a negative way) about something, I try to examine those feelings, and I make sure I eat too, an upset stomach can make the mind irritated --or even take a nap.

EmotionalĀ self-care: Journalling electronically as well as video-journsl to express myself freely. Furthermore, I'm trying to figure out my triggers from past trauma, so I can better cope or (hopefully) heal from it. Occasionally, I join the gratitude support group here on 7cups to help me switch to or stay in a positive mindset.

SpiritualĀ self-care: Being out with nature. I used to meditate (sort of) when I was younger. I am interested in yoga.

IntellectualĀ self-care:

  • Reading comics/articles/books
  • Playing guitar
  • Planning on - getting back into drawing and focusing on learning languages again.Ā Additionally, would like to retouch up on programming skills and other craft/tech related skills and learn new things/hobbies.

EnvironmentĀ self-care: Would love to get back into recycling, self-sustainability and zero-waste. I used to be good about it, but fell out of it. I'm also trying to keep the house clean, been feeling depressed lately and it started to get messy, but I recently cleaned up a big mess, it looks much nicer now.

SocialĀ self-care: Going to make an effort to spend more quality time with the little one. I've been extremely stressed out lately, especially as a **solo-parent, that I don't have the energy I should have... Apart from that, I want to spend more meaningful time with my (long distance, 2hrs away) significant other whenever I can. We currently talk daily and often do very long phone calls.

** I see myself as a solo-parent, as I am no longer single, but currently in a new relationship, so I'm still parenting solo.

I also come here on 7cups too, which I suppose is socializing? I don't really have social media and tend to keep to myself to be quite honest.

FinancialĀ self-care: This is one I've struggled with a lot. I need to come up with a better plan. I tend to waste money on eating out and buying coffee often... I currently work a part-time temp job, but may get a full-time permanent position. I just need to learn to budget properly and not be so impulsive... I plan on trying to do the 20/30/50 rule again with my income, which is 20% goes into savings, 30% "fun" money, and 50% towards bills. I might switch the 20% for fun money and 30% for savings. I have a goal in mind, I want to save up enough money to leave this city/state, as I'm trapped here, family-less.