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User Profile: MindfulTimer890
MindfulTimer890 September 25th, 2018

hi guys,

things have been really hard at home lately. I've been stressed with having to prepare for the SATs, but the most biggest stress is having to take care of a family member. I won't get into any specifics to keep this story anonymous. Also, I know this is long -- so I'll try to keep this short.

Basically, things can get so bad at home -- I've had to stop almost 3 incidents where a family member has threatened to call the authorties. Things have become physically and verbally violent/abusive at home due to us having to take care of a family member who can not physically walk, nor can think for themself. I'm really concerned about what may happen when Im not at school -- I wont get into any specifics, but again -- there's a history of verbal and physical abuse. And this individual thinks that they're doing nothing wrong. As stressful as it may be to care for another family member, they have no right to be physically nor verbally abusive.

I'm concerned about what'll happen when I leave home soon. It's been happening for months. I don't even know if the person who's being cared for is being physically/verbally abused when I'm not at home. The fights are bound to happen again. The person looking out for the person who can't look out for themselves is also a very hard person to deal with. They get mad over the slightest thing, and I feel they can be manipulative. They will find a way to complain about every single thing. We could probably have 100 people helping, and they'd still find a way to complain.

I guess I just need thoughts and opinions on this, maybe?

Thanks for reading it this far.

User Profile: Rebekahwriter13
Rebekahwriter13 September 25th, 2018


Maybe for the safety of the abused person, authorities should get involved.

I've learned some abusers do not know they are harming others until authorities and therapist get involved.

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User Profile: MindfulTimer890
MindfulTimer890 OP September 25th, 2018

Hey @Rebekahwriter13,

Yeah -- thanks for getting back to me. I mean, I guess that's the case. It's just, I don't know how things would turn out for our family. I don't think it's necessarily abuse because they choose to be abusive -- it's a lack of not knowing what they're doing is wrong (as obvious as it may be), I feel this is because how they raised which contributed to this abusiveness, and the lack of early prevention, is now causing this.

But, thank you for reading my post and taking your time to do so.

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User Profile: Rebekahwriter13
Rebekahwriter13 September 26th, 2018


I hope you get things worked out

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User Profile: MindfulTimer890
MindfulTimer890 OP September 26th, 2018

@Rebekahwriter13 I hope we do. Things are realy bad at home. I really, appreciae you for taking your time to reply back, and seeing as you were one of the first persons to have gotten back to me, it really is helpful especially in a tough time like this.

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