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MindfulTimer890 profile picture
Little hours at job?
Anxiety Support / by MindfulTimer890
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August 13th, 2019
...See more Hi there, I'm still a teen, but I've worked 2 jobs so far. The first one I left because of anxiety and lack of hours. I started a new job, and now I'm getting less hours. I'm barely working more than 8 hours a week. This happened at my old job too, and even when I asked for more hours I never got them. I think a huge reason as to why I'm getting little hours is because of my anxiety causing me to make mistakes or coming off as incapable of handling the job. I know the best thing to do is to talk to my manager, but seeing as this has already happened at two jobs -- I don't know. Has anyone been in a situation like this before?
MindfulTimer890 profile picture
Started a new job and I'm nervous?
Anxiety Support / by MindfulTimer890
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July 23rd, 2019
...See more Hey Guys, So I started a new job about a month ago and I'm still getting used to it. It's just bad because I have social anxiety, and I get extremely nervous around people. And it's worse because I have to deal with cash and sometimes I get nervous (I feel I may mess up sometimes). I also worry that I'm not doing a good job or that my coworkers don't like me. And I feel like whenever I'm being told what to do (as a bad thing, and that I'm not doing enough) even though I know it makes sense since I'm new and everything. But like a few days ago at work, I felt bad my shift manager got frusturated beacuse I thought she wanted me to go up to her and ask her what I should do, because she kept telling me what to do -- and when I had nothing else to do I figured to ask her, and she seemed really annoyed when it felt like she was the one who wanted me to go to her and ask her what needed to be done. I mean she is my shift manager, so of course, they are supposed to tell me what to do but I just felt bad. Does anyone have any advice for me? Also this is my second job, at my first job it was sort of like that, but I got used to it over time, but still felt "eh" over time.
MindfulTimer890 profile picture
I started a new job, and I'm kind of nervous?
Anxiety Support / by MindfulTimer890
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June 28th, 2019
...See more Hi guys, Whenever I'm at work I get so nervous (especially doing the cash register) that I'm not working fast enough, or that I'm not getting orders right. I also did just start this job a few weeks ago but I am kind of getting used to things. I work a coworker (she's an older lady, like 3x times older as me), and I feel maybe she doesn't like me? I feel like she's always micro-managing me, and she's never telling my other coworkers what to do. That makes sense because I'm new, and maybe I'm misunderstanding things. But I could be working on the trash, and cleaning the floor -- or I'll stop to do other things she tells me to do. And as I'm doing those things, she's telling me of more things to do. I also do have bad anxiety and I guess it can be noticed easily, so I feel maybe she's taking advantage of that because she thinks or knows I'm too shy / anxious to really "be independent" and without "being told what to do" if that makes any sense. Does anyone have any advice on this? Thank you. (Sorry that this was long)
MindfulTimer890 profile picture
I want a boyfriend
Depression Support / by MindfulTimer890
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May 28th, 2019
...See more I feel so sad because it seems like every boy I like doesnt like me back. Im very shy and too insecure to even approach a guy. I dont have the confidence to approach boys because Im afraid they wont like me back and hugely because Im scared that almost every boy is or will be homophobic. I shut down and start crying and getting depressed whenever I see a cute boy or someone I like, just because I think Im not good enough for them. Ive never had a boyfriend but I want one so bad. I just want someone who will love me and someone I can talk too about things.
MindfulTimer890 profile picture
Advice for Making Friends?
Relationship Stress / by MindfulTimer890
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November 16th, 2018
...See more Hi Guys. Ever since I started high school I've been struggling to make friends. When I was in elementary shcool, and middle school I felt like I had plenty of friends, if not, was able to talk to most kids. The only year I didn't many friends was like in fourth grade. Middle school I went back to having a lot of friends, anod in high school I've barely even made one. I'm scared to talk to kids because of several reasons: I had a bad incident eighth grade year. I feel really bad when teachers point me out for talking. I also notice when I talk a lot, like I do really bad in my classwork, so bad I would start copying off of people. I was tired of that. It's senior year of high school, and I've barely made any friends at all because I think I've become too introverted and shy. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thank you. :)
MindfulTimer890 profile picture
General Support / by MindfulTimer890
Last post
September 28th, 2018
...See more hi guys, things have been really hard at home lately. I've been stressed with having to prepare for the SATs, but the most biggest stress is having to take care of a family member. I won't get into any specifics to keep this story anonymous. Also, I know this is long -- so I'll try to keep this short. Basically, things can get so bad at home -- I've had to stop almost 3 incidents where a family member has threatened to call the authorties. Things have become physically and verbally violent/abusive at home due to us having to take care of a family member who can not physically walk, nor can think for themself. I'm really concerned about what may happen when Im not at school -- I wont get into any specifics, but again -- there's a history of verbal and physical abuse. And this individual thinks that they're doing nothing wrong. As stressful as it may be to care for another family member, they have no right to be physically nor verbally abusive. I'm concerned about what'll happen when I leave home soon. It's been happening for months. I don't even know if the person who's being cared for is being physically/verbally abused when I'm not at home. The fights are bound to happen again. The person looking out for the person who can't look out for themselves is also a very hard person to deal with. They get mad over the slightest thing, and I feel they can be manipulative. They will find a way to complain about every single thing. We could probably have 100 people helping, and they'd still find a way to complain. I guess I just need thoughts and opinions on this, maybe? Thanks for reading it this far.
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