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everyday life

sighingArtist March 17th, 2016

waking up feeling sleep deprived no matter how many hours ive slept

dragging myself to school and waste 7-10 hours of my day staring at the ceiling

escaping real life problems and drowning em out with video games and music

rinse repeat rinse repeat.

ive got a lot on my mind, and even though ive barely said anything, i still feel like ive said too much.

FeelsMoreLikeAMemory March 17th, 2016

@sighingArtist Sounds like you feel very under-stimulated and not challenged or energized by anything. What makes you feel excited or happy, even if it's just for a little while?

sighingArtist OP March 18th, 2016


usually its videogames, drawing and talking to friends

ive been having a really bad artblock for a while, only a very few amount of games interest me somewhat and my friends are either ignoring me or are too busy doing something else :') listening to music is a very last resort thing right now

FeelsMoreLikeAMemory March 24th, 2016

@sighingArtist As a writer, I know what that awful "block" feels like. It's the worst! But usually it ends and new ideas and inspiration come back, as I'm sure you know. Sometimes we need to initiate contact w/ friends rather than wait for them to have time for us. Ciuld you try inviting a friend to get coffee/see a movie/ just spend time catching up? They might be dying for a break!

sighingArtist OP March 31st, 2016


i dont see how that would work since ive been pretty much losing contact with a lot of people and the ones i usually see every day at school are almost always avoiding me

i think theyre p much having a break from my negative vibes lmao..

FeelsMoreLikeAMemory March 31st, 2016

@sighingArtist I'm sorry about that. In that case, maybe counseling or therapy would be a good place to start. You would have the chance to talk to someone on a regular basis and hopefully find ways of re-connecting with your friends.