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Once a patient, always a patient

loyalBlueberry7653 September 13th, 2023

'Once a patient, always a patient'

This hit me hard. My teacher was talking about job prospects. When it came to psychiatry, he mentioned, 'such doctors have a fixed income because once a patient, always a patient'

It sank deep into my heart. I'm a patient. I'm always a patient. I'm forever, a patient. There's no going back from my diagnosis. I cannot erase it. No one can cure it. It's a disease with no cure, only management. And all the diseases i have have no cure. It's sad when we think like that. The fact that i have to visit doctors occasionally and forever.

I'm always a patient.

Tinywhisper11 September 13th, 2023

@loyalBlueberry7653 ok so yeah! We may always be patients. But that's not all we are, we are fighters, survivors, heros, compassionate, kind ,loving, humans. I'm sorry those words affected you so much. But please remember you are much more than just a patient ❤

loyalBlueberry7653 OP September 13th, 2023


thank you so much. youre right. we could be much more than patients.

Tinywhisper11 September 13th, 2023

@loyalBlueberry7653 yep 😁 you can be whoever you want ❤❤

SimonNocedaStevenson September 13th, 2023


I don't know how is it feeling for you right now. However, as a cartoon nerd, I believe we can relate to some of these characters.

  • Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Hunter/The Golden Guard from The Owl House.
  • Bucky Barne from Marvel.
  • Batman/Bruce Wayne from DC.
  • Finn the Human from Adventure Time.

No, they don't really heal. They just start over, learn from the past, reach for those care for them, and find themselves upon a new peak.

generousSailboat3674 September 14th, 2023


The thing that gets me about most therapists is that they will automatically assume that their patients are wrong about everything, simply because they're patients. And I do mean EVERYTHING--I had a therapist tell me I "couldn't" be fat once, even though I had literally weighed myself twenty minutes before and she had no idea what I weighed. When I told her what I weighed--literally an objective fact that I knew and she had no way of knowing at that moment--she told me I was wrong because I didn't "look fat" and didn't have food stains on my shirt.

SimonNocedaStevenson September 14th, 2023

I agree with this. We are like complex entities with different facets those are unique, yet connected. We have different values of positives and negatives, while we can decide what to make it similar to what you want. Maybe not attaching to it too much. Some surprises beyond expectation may await for you.

If every pork chop is perfect, we won’t have hotdog.

  • From Steven Universe.