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Creating a Mental Health First Aid Kit

HopieRemi May 16th

When you live with mental illness, it is not always possible to predict the next time you will find yourself struggling. Sometimes it can be sitting at the desk at work and then have an unexpected panic attack. Other times, maybe a comment triggers some past trauma and makes the rest of the day hard to go through. Whatever the situation, having a mental health crisis kit can be handy. Do note that if you are currently in crisis please click here for the crisis resources and save this thread for when not in crisis.

A mental health crisis kit, also known as mental health first aid kit, is a collection of things that you find comforting that are on hand for when things get tough mentally. Some people may carry a crisis kit in a purse or backpack while others have a crisis box at home or just a few calming objects in their car. 

If you don't have an idea of what to put in your box here are some ideas, please feel free to share what you are going to put in your box.

  • Headphones
  • Journal or sketchbook
  • Stuffed Animal
  • Backup medication
  • Essential Oils
  • Playing Cards
  • Phone
  • Knitting/Crocheting supplies
  • Fidget Toy
  • A Dammit! Doll
  • Books
  • photos
  • playdoh
  • sleep mask
  • Coloring book
  • Notes to self/letters from others
  • Glitter

18 Things to Put in Your Mental Health Crisis Kit (

Dirtshine May 16th

@HopieRemi , I didn't know something like that exsist. But yeah having something to leam back into when things feel overwhelming sounds helping 

HopieRemi OP May 16th


Glad to have presented you with new information. What might you be putting in your kit?

Dirtshine May 16th

@HopieRemi , I am not sure about it yet. But definitely a book. And a notebook probably. I like writing. If you had to set-up one , what would you prefer?

HopieRemi OP May 16th


I would probably something fuzzy and soft in there, like a small piece of blanket fabric. Maybe some playdoh. Definitely a fidget toy.

Dirtshine May 16th

@HopieRemi, fidget toys can be good at taking mind off something. What kind of fuzzy do you prefer? Small ones that can be kept on keychains? 

HopieRemi OP May 16th


Small ones that be kept on the keychain can be good. I was also thinking like a piece of cloth.

Dirtshine May 17th

@HopieRemi , yess the are very pretty too. What do you mean by small d pieces of fabric ?

HopieRemi OP May 17th


Things like this: 


Dirtshine May 18th

@HopieRemi uh okay 👍 thanks for clarifying 

LittleSodo May 16th

These are great. I always carry headphones in my back pack no matter where I go <3



I wasn't really aware of something like this existing but now that I know about it I would carry my phone, books, headphones, a small sculpture of spirituality and photos in my bag pack

It's something new to learn about but it's great

HopieRemi OP May 16th


That is a great list of things to keep with you! Always a great day to learn something new !

slowdecline48 May 16th

@HopieRemi Some great ideas in the list. I wasn't familiar with the concept of a "mental emergency first aid kit" before today...interesting. Personally I would never carry a stuffed animal around but hey, "diff'rint strokes fer diff'rint folks".

More than once, I've dealt with a depressive episode by getting lost in a book. My only recommendation would be that it not be too short--you want something that takes a while to read--or about a topic that is highly technical or involved. I suspect some kind of escapist tome would be best for a lot of us...maybe an action novel, bodice ripper, mystery novel, etc.

HopieRemi OP May 16th

Love the advice on books!!!

Setelare May 16th
@slowdecline48 (I don’t know if I can add. and how obvious it is) it is not necessary to carry large toys. I have just a stupid plush keychain in the shape of a keroppi (sanrio) on my backpack. it is slightly larger than the palm of your hand.
HopieRemi OP May 16th


Love that! I have a little thing thats this doll thing that stays in my car.

slowdecline48 May 17th

@Setelare Surely the reader can customize his/her/its kit to whatever is most suitable...I don't carry toys at all, unless you count a sketchpad, pen, brushes & an ink bottle. (They are not just toys to me)

Definitely agree with the headphones idea. I have one pair of earbuds at home, & one for both my bags. Plus music in my phone. Music can get you through a lot of things.

HopieRemi OP May 17th


Yes! Everyone's kit is going to depend on what soothes them! 

calmMango9611 May 17th

@HopieRemi Thanks for writing this, my friend. I learned some new things. Thanks for the education and the tips.

HopieRemi OP May 17th


You are welcome!