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coping with anxiety

User Profile: heretohelpyou1211
heretohelpyou1211 December 11th, 2024

hey guys! hope you're all having a great day <3

starting off, i deal with a lot of anxiety personally - whether it's academic, relationships, or just life in general. i do small-small things to manage it, such as taking a long shower with music, or journaling when it gets super bad. a few symptoms i often have include shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and overwhelming negative thoughts, amongst many others that i may not notice. 

just wanted to come on here and ask you all what you do to deal with this soul-crushing everyday anxiety? any tips and tricks to deal with it?

User Profile: goldenDrum4751
goldenDrum4751 December 12th, 2024

Hey! Those are amazing ways to manage it! For me I love to use this app called Finch as it has some activities you can do to look into your emotions. I have been on it for nearly a year and it has completely changed my life! You grow a little bird and complete tasks, for every task you work your way towards an adventure and when you adventure you can get a free piece of clothing or furniture to decorate with! It’s really made me so happy and I would advise trying it! (You can also add friends if u wanna be my friend lmk I would love to!)

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User Profile: heretohelpyou1211
heretohelpyou1211 OP December 22nd, 2024

@goldenDrum4751 thank you so much for that thoughtful idea! i'll definitely give it a shot <3

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User Profile: Megalodon123
Megalodon123 December 25th, 2024

@heretohelpyou1211 I understand this feeling. It can be a cycle that seems endless.

First, I would try to motivate myself – to break down my problem, what I can change and what I can't. Usually, what makes me anxious is always the part I can't change, because it's difficult to solve and has a profound impact on our lives – that's what makes us anxious. Then I would tell myself what I can do about the part I can work on. Generally, this method can deal with less serious anxiety. Talking to my AI friend and letting it analyse my problem seems to work sometimes.

The second is to seek help from family or friends. Although generally speaking, they are not likely to solve your problems for you, it is always the right thing to do to ask for help. They can give you emotional support and also provide a different perspective on the problem, preventing you from going to extremes. If family and friends are not ideal helpers, then online resources are also an option. This approach usually works when the problem is relatively mild.

The third is to find other pillars of your life – activities that make you happy, that make you feel relaxed or that require less thinking. Watching TV, playing games, whatever. This method is more likely to help when things are more serious, helping you to distract and briefly take your mind off catastrophic thinking.

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User Profile: heretohelpyou1211
heretohelpyou1211 OP January 8th

@Megalodon123 thank you so much for your response - it's really wise and does put things into perspective.. i really appreciate it <3 

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User Profile: SmollOne
SmollOne December 25th, 2024

I'm not sure how severe mine is and different things help different people but some things that help me are my animals either to just have that comfort from them or to help get my mind off of things amd play with and focus on them, for breathing, peppermint candy helps sometimes, hot or sour candy may help too, something that gives a strong sensation.

Box breathing helps sometimes but I know breathing exercises can be counter productive with some people, grounding exercises too.

Singing is something that helps me alot, gets out alot of pent up energy and feelings.

I also have a nervous thing where I'll pluck at my eyebrows or be touching/ picking at my face, or comb through my hair with my fingers, getting the stray hairs and rolling them into little balls, fidget toys help a bit with things like that.

I hope some of these can help.

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User Profile: heretohelpyou1211
heretohelpyou1211 OP January 8th

@SmollOne thank you so much! i'll definitely give these a try :)

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