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Y’all ok?

User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se October 25th, 2024

Hey I wanted to make sure y’all are all ok!

Life can be rubbish, and I get that but I want you all to make sure you drink at least a glass of water a day and make sure you’ve eaten today.

Ya’ll can tell me your problems and I’ll try n help you out, I love helping others! But just make sure you’re sleeping lol😂. I know most you aren’t you aren’t seen as it’s like 2am but atleast give it a shot, do NOT copy me!

anyways love y’all and hope you’re all doing ok!

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo October 25th, 2024

Aww this is sweet!

The occasional stretch can be helpful too!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 October 25th, 2024

Your show of compassion is exactly what we’re about here 💙 thanks for checking in with us!

User Profile: Phylomena
Phylomena October 25th, 2024

Thank you ma’am.

User Profile: ShakeMaster12
ShakeMaster12 October 25th, 2024

@MagnusCh4se yeah, I'm good. I just have some things to figure and sort out. 

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 25th, 2024

Realy? Do you wana talk about them? I’d love to hear what bothering you and try to help!

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User Profile: Ottothefox
Ottothefox October 25th, 2024

No not really right now, I'm tired as *** and I have no motivation to do anything

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 26th, 2024

That doesn’t sound good! I know what it feels like to have no motivation to do anything but I hope you get some sleep and feel better soon!

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User Profile: CallumKing2000
CallumKing2000 October 26th, 2024

Chillin ninja-turtles-chilling.gif

User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws October 26th, 2024


yes we mostly not sleep much sometime we sleep to much. why we not sleep at times is memories of the abuse. but when we sleep to much it due to living with chronic  pain 24/7. the doctors say they done all they can to help and we just have to do best to live with the physical  pain we in. but some days seem worst then other days. so many  not get what it like to live in pain 24/7. plus add on bipolar CPTSD DID and  social  anxiety. it just make like hard. my family not care about me never really have. many of them abused us but they claim they did not.  so to many secrets. seem we only ones that do not want to keep them secrets as to keep them mean to live in mental pain and shame. so for us the problems being lonely and not believed so feel unheard a lot of the time.

so we stay up late at times when we can sleep in late due to we hate mornings. not sure anyone can really help us. we  go to community mental health and see a councilor  there and a psych  too. but seem like they do not  want to talk about how the abuse from the past is still effecting  us today. how can one heal id they not allowed to talk about what happened? this is partly why we came here too.

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 26th, 2024

Well I’m sorry about the abuse and pain, I know how it feels to be ignored and feel like nobody wants to actually listen, I know what it feels like to not be alowed to speak about it either, if you want you can talk to me about your problems, I’d happily listen and try to give helpful input.

I hope you’re ok and please don’t forget to take care of yourself!

6 replies
User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws October 27th, 2024


thank you most the time we feel like we dealing with stuff alone. one thing that has always helped us is our spiritual faith. even as a kid we felt that way. but like every other thing we was put down by our dad for it. seem like we can do nothing right. when we do something others outside family think good. family members some of them just point out what we did wrong in it or say nothing. when we at 44yr old got a AS degree in graphic design only my one brother told us he was proud of us. dad only said it was a worthless thing to get a degree in and rested said nothing. that make us feel like we do not matter also that we unseen and unheard.  our lives been messed up from even before we was born. we only had 7 and 1/2 years we been free of the abuse mostly. so it kinda like we not know  really who we be we know what others say we be. but truly feel like we really not know self due to always  doing what was expected of us to do. this came from fear of  mom and dad. even at 54yr old i not know who i am it seems odd even to write that out. we been doing healing work since we left our now ex is dec 2004. but we end up back with parents again and community mental health did not hear us they said our mother was our best support. we told them how she was when we was alone with her or within family home. but that they did not hear and believed my mom on many things. she was lying and covering up for my dad and oldest brother.

so yes  i still getting help from community mental health but due to it only one that take my medicaid here. but we mostly not trust them after what happened. we not really trust therapists  much at all. but we have had a friend online that one we known over 20 years. but she been on disability  a long time due to JRA that went untreated until she became adult  was on own. so feel stuck in away in my healing journey  and at times fearful of them that to be there to help any ideas how can change this thank you

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 27th, 2024

That sounds horrible! Well I must say first of all, that getting a degree in graphic designs sounds like such a cool and hard thing to do, well done. Don’t listen to your dad, a degree in anything can be useful, so well done on achieving that. The spiritual stuff sounds realy cool, I’d love to hear more about it, spiritual faith can always help us and I’m glad you found some comfort in it, even as a kid. I’m sorry you felt unheard and unseen but I see and hear you now (if it counts) and I’m so sorry your life has been messed up, you realy didn’t deserve it. I know how hard it can be to not know who you are and be afraid of your parents, and that you ended up back with them.

Not trusting therapists is a tough one, so even just getting aid on here is a realy good step forward, welldone for seeking help on here. That was realy a big step forward and (although it may not feel like it) every small step you take is progress and I’m realy proud of you for doing it.

I would suggest going no contact with your parents (if you can and haven’t already) and just staying on this website to chat with people, it can make you feel better and I love chatting with you! Just chatting is another step forward and I’m proud of how far you’ve come. Wel done

4 replies
User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws October 29th, 2024


thank you this mean a lot to me. we do see a counlor at community mental health. but not very many who work at community mental health ones seem to know much about childhood  abuse and self harm and DID. but were we live it only place that take Medicaid too. we have a  long time friend online who a social  worker she also has DID. she been retired in away for long time due to her RA that started as a  young child. her parents did not get it treated the RA and well they abused her too. so she relate to us a lot been helpful somewhat too. but at times she seem to think what worked for her it will work for all. she seem to not get we different  and different  things work for different  people too.

we moved away from family and childhood place we lived too. but due to parents age and  health we do stay in connected with mostly dad. mom no longer   talks on phone she kinda went backwards in her mind. she has last stage Parkinson  so that reason we still in connected with parents. also my mom been in abuse all her life and never got help even when others have tried to help her get help. we broke her codependent  on us. think that was hardest thing to ever do but we was tired of not being seen for who we be and only being seen as what other assumed  from what mom said.

new life out of abuse at first seemed unnatural seeing that abuse was all we know. we did a lot of healing even when in the abuse but  could not go deeper due to still was in the abuse. but getting out of it was scary in away as we did not know a life without abuse. but now we do we never go back to how it use to be  if that make since.

we have before been on forums and in chat-rooms too. but seemed most know little about the different  things we deal with. yes they know about maybe one or two of them. they just seemed also like just places ones complained and wanted pity. they did not really want to do healing work to be free of the stuff they been through at all.

we have been and want to keep doing the hard healing work. but also want to support others and have support too. but were we live offline we can not really get that. as no support groups.

so we thought we try here due to seem more trained ones here and well others who want to do the hard healing work too.  thank you for the support

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 29th, 2024

I’m proud you’re trying to do all the hard healing work, unlike others, as I know how hard it can be to get help. I’m glad to hear your online friend has been some help, but I hope she’s ok what with the abuse and RA.

I’m glad you moved away and found a safe environment, even just low contact can be really good still, sometimes better depending on things. Well done for breaking her codependency on you though, although that was hard it had to of been a step forward, so well done. I really hope you’re being seen for who you are now and not what anybody else says about you, not being seen for you or at all can be really tough, and I completely get that. If it counts, I see you for you now.

Life out of abuse can feel different, but I’m glad you’re used to a life without it, that’s a lot of progress to healing!

I’m glad you tried here, even though not everyone is looking to support/seek help from others, there a few that are willing to and that will not only help you out but also advise you some help. Sometimes even just having to talk to helps, that’s what I’m here for now! I hope you can find some professionals on here, who can I help you a lot more, and hopefully help you through your whole journey.

I will be here for the whole journey and would love to listen if you’ve ever got problems, or just need a friend to talk to. But I must ask, how has your day/night been?

2 replies
User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws October 30th, 2024


thank you for me i been both a help to others and received  help too. when i had to shut down the forums i owned due to changes at the place i had them. it hurt a lot as i had them 20 yrs and well also have had some training in supporting others. we thankful for a few online who in past have helped us. but in late 2017 we lost the one we trusted most online he was a pastor and trained counclor too. he had been a great  help to me and we helped me with what he was writing o n R.E.FR.A.M.E it used in  to help people think things out  we not remember a lot of it any more but at the time was very helpful it part of CBT  that like DBT   we all miss him a lot he was a very dear friend to us. he died of brain cancer.  we at first was lost without him but we still did the hard healing work. he taught  us that healing a journey and it not a race to heal. he said never compare your healing journey to others healing journeys  that meet a lot to us over the years

so thank for the support and hope we can support you too

my day been hard but in away good too. last night i got in it with a friend who seem to not hear me when i say i need space over and over i told her this. last night she texted me said if she not here from me she was going to call cops have well check done. it made  me very angry due to it had only been 2 days i not talked to her. that not long at all. i end up texting another friend asking her if what i asked for was unreasonable she said not then remind me that other friend not respected my boundaries before.   i did text the friend try to explain again that at times we will not answer  phone  and texts due to we need personal time and space. we did not have that growing up  and in our marriage  think that why it so important  to us now. the few days we take to just think and reflected  on things journal paint ect help us a lot we need that at times. not sure why others not understand it at all. 

thank you for seeing and hearing me this still new to us

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 30th, 2024

@stormieandpaws I am very sorry for what happened to your old friend, he sounds like a good guy and I’m happy he taught you about how important it is to focus on your own learning journey and not others. 

I am very sorry your friend doesn’t seem to listen to you, they should respect your boundaries like you would theirs. It sounds like you have a good friend in your corner, seen as they seem to understand your boundaries.

I’m glad you feel seen and heard now and I hope you’re doing ok 😁
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User Profile: Divineluxx
Divineluxx October 26th, 2024

I am feeling stable today, after making some decisions to help my mental health, and being here also truly helps.

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 26th, 2024

That’s good to here, and well done for being here to seek help aswell

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User Profile: nessdamess
nessdamess October 26th, 2024

@MagnusCh4se Hi aww that's so sweet. I have a lot of stuff going wrong, how are you?

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 26th, 2024

That’s not very good! Hopefully things get better for you. But I’ve also got a lot of things going wrong in my life, we can’t always win

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User Profile: iowangirl101
iowangirl101 October 26th, 2024

@MagnusCh4se  Not really.  Just found 7 cups because I am sick of feeling like I do and went on a search.  Depression is crippling me and psychologist just tells me that I have a lot going on in my life.  Something I already knew.  Am drinking lots of water because I have to force myself to eat- must say though- this is a great diet plan (only benefit of feeling like complete crap)  Just trying to make myself do anything is a huge task so I just end up doing none of the tasks I need to do.

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User Profile: MagnusCh4se
MagnusCh4se OP October 26th, 2024

That sounds ***, may I suggest you try to little things? Even just maybe putting some things away (like some clothes) or just making your bed. It can I help you feel a little bit better and maybe even motivated to do things. If not you could just try to maybe do something you like that you don’t have to move for (like drawing or writing) you know?

But although it sucks you’re forcing yourself to eat, you’re still eating and that good! Hopefully you’ll feel better soon and maybe even find someone who could a bit (like a listener) or even just someone to vent to whenever you need (I don’t mind being that person if you’d like) but I realy hope you feel better soon!

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