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What's the point of trying anymore?

MakingANicknameIsHard February 29th

My words don't have meaning. Nobody ever cares about what I say so what is the point of talking?

lovingRainbows2088 February 29th


I am so sorry that you are going through this you are important to me and to everyone else you deserve to live.

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 1st


I know you mean well , but it's just that I don't really want to live anymore. I constantly think of hurting myself 

RBLGUY March 1st


Hey there! 

I've been there through my life, ALOT.  I've got the scars physically to prove it, and know this space.

Just by speaking it into existence, says, you want to get through this. So kudos to you, you're already a step ahead. Hey so share hear.  What do you hold on for?  It seems tough to visualize it, but there is a grain of something here, because you're reaching out.  Always know, something is worth keeping on for.  I don't say this lightly, because I get where you are.  Please know, you're needed more than you know.  Continue reaching out until you get to a better place to cope.  You got this!! :)

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 1st


To be honest, I'm not sure why I still hold on. I don't think I have the courage to do it yet

But I want to say thank you for understanding, its not something I get often.

And I'm so sorry to hear of your scars ❤️‍🩹

March 1st

I know Exactly how you feel, felt this way not couple days ago. I was at the bottom about to do something very stupid & very permanent,  but got online and search for chat room, anyone I could talk to  I knew human interactio  would help, anyway, I'm here is ta wanna chat.

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 1st


Thank you for your understanding, I'd love to talk to someone. 

It's just that I feel very unheard. I can never get attention nor hold a conversation when I do have it.

I'd love to talk to people, but people don't like the things I do. I know nobody will want to hear me ramble about some small corner of science that I've spent hours researching and writing about. The people around me are more interested in sports etc. (not that there's anything wrong with it per se)

Thank you for listening to me ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Good question. What is the point of trying?

(Poem I just made incoming)

What's the point of trying to hide our emotions

Or the point of hurting ourselves

What's the point of going through the motions

Or isolating myself

What's the point of asking for suggestions

Why the point of sitting in a corner as life passes by

What's the point of all these questions?

What the point of wanting to say bye?

What's the point of this stupid pathetic mask?

What's the point in healing my trauma

Why would I try to make others happy, when happiness doesn't last?

What's the point of pretending for my mama?

Why do I self sabotage?

Why do I struggle?

What's the point to grab a job?

The heart is the biggest muscle

When we disrespect our body and mind

We become very numb

One day you might fine

The dark, and bright days both come.

This is a message to know your not alone

There is always someone (irl/online) that will stand by

Ik I'm just a person who's on your phone

But this is your message, it's not time to die.


MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 1st


Wow , I like your poem ! You must've put a lot of effort in it 

But I also understand what you are saying, thank you for it ❤️‍🩹

I actually did put a lot of effort in. Yk how hard it is to rhyme sabotage?

Anyways. You deserve happiness bro!

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 2nd


Thank you ❤️ I wish I had someone like you in real life

Thepeacewithinus March 1st

@MakingANicknameIsHard Your words have meanings, feelings and emotions. The point of living is to not please others or get their appreciation. It is for us to live happily and find our own happiness. Dont expect people to join wherever you go, go where your heart takes you. Live to be happy yourself, ignore people and their criticism and bad mouth. HAVE YOU EVER FELT THE HAPPINESS OF THE HEART? Try it, you will find your answer there

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 2nd


I don't expect anyone to follow where I go, usually I walk alone. Sometimes I just need to connect with people, I find myself disconnecting a lot.

I try to like what other people like to fit in, but you're right, I shouldn't want to please others.

I'm not even sure how to balance my need for someone who thinks of me, and the need to find myself.

But thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate you ❤️ 

Thepeacewithinus March 2nd

Go to places where you want to go and find people with your interests. Like going to a shelter to help out, going to an orphanage and meeting children. We all tend to look for people in the wrong places and expect alot. That is our problems. We should go to places that makes our heart happy and you will find similar people, always keep a smile. Positivity attracts people

sky2Ocean20 March 1st


Believe it or not, many of us can relate to this. been through this.. not once not twice but many times. It's a good thing that you shared these things. I don't know about other places, but here we can understand your emotions. I know it's important for us to stick together and trust the timing of life. Because when I had nothing, only the words of some well-wishers got me through those tough times.

 Take a break, and treat yourself once in a while well even if you don't feel like it, express yourself the way you can. we are here for support.. 💛

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 2nd


I know I said 'thank you' a lot but I mean it when I say thank you for this, and you're right, I do want to treat myself more often. Anything that will boost my mood :) 

Countrygirl095 March 1st

@MakingANicknameIsHard i care

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 2nd


You're one of the few 🥹

Countrygirl095 March 4th

@MakingANicknameIsHard we're here

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 15th


Thank you ❤️ sorry for the late reply though. Thank you so much

Countrygirl095 March 15th

@MakingANicknameIsHard so sorry you feel this way your words matter

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 17th


Thank you, I just feel this way because no-one ever took them seriously.

But I love that you care so much about me, thank you for taking time out of your day to say this ❤️‍🩹

slowdecline48 March 16th

I dunno, man...have asked the same question myself, more than once.

You have to find an answer that does not depend on others' approval.

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 17th


I really appreciate your message, I try my bestest to not depend on other people. I always find that I need other people to feel loved. But thank you so so much, I will try to take this message to heart to better myself ❤️

EmmyMarie06 March 17th

@MakingANicknameIsHard           i understand how you feel. i live in a home where my father gets to decide if what i say is true or not. every now and then he forces me to sit down and open up about my emotions and over half the time when this happens, im honest yet what im feeling isnt true in his eyes. every day he has to de validate something about me....something thats true. what i say never matters to him. so i get how you feel. 

but don't let this stop you from opening up to other people around you. if you would open up to someone very close to you and were honest, and asked them to just listen. . . I'm sure they would. if you don't have that in your life, I would love to be a person who listens to you. I know its not the same as irl interaction but sometimes it can be easier online. 

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 18th


I'm sorry to hear about that ☹️

But thank you for this. I don't really have anyone in my life to open up to. I just have this weird feeling, have moments and days where I'm suddenly optimistic and motivated to do things I love. Other days, everything feels hopeless. I want to cry but can't for some reason.

Thanks for reading this❤️ I can listen to you if you want to talk about it as well

EmmyMarie06 March 18th

@MakingANicknameIsHard     that sounds really familiar. my mom is bipolar, same with my aunt and for sure one of my grandmas, but I thing my other ones too. maybe go check with a doctor/phychiatrist to see if you have a mental illness, or maybe an emotional instability disorder. I know its scary to think that maybe you could have a mental illness, because bipolar is genetic I'm really scared I'm going to turn out to be bipolar too. but there are good medications that can help with anything that can be wrong. I recently started taking depression and anxiety meds. maybe you are severely situationally depressed. who knows. all I know is that there are many resources you can get help from, and luckily we live in an age today where being mentally ill is okay. your not judged for it. :)

MakingANicknameIsHard OP March 21st


Thanks for the advice 😲

I didn't know bipolar was genetic , but I'm not sure if anyone in my family has it.  I never really seen a psychiatrist before, I'm not sure I can convince my parents to let me to ☹️ I'm just trying to get more motivated to climb out of bed earlier 😅  maybe when I'm older I'll see a psychiatrist?

Anyways I hope the bestest for you ,that you don't turn out to also be bipolar (not that there's anything wrong with it per se !!)