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Quick Survey 🌱- OPEN FOR EVERYBODY 🤍

NickyYayUwU January 25th

Hey there 👋

I thought of making a quick survey in which I ask a few questions and get multiple answers from it.

From your answers I will see what the majority would've answered to a question.

You have to respond in your own opinion and words what you think about the argument.

Let's start,

First question :

1° - why do some people, who struggle, start crying whenever somebody else asks if they're okay, although they firstly respond with a confirmation?

Second question:

2° - According to you, is being "numb" an emotion? If so, should people simply ignore this feeling or should they give it more attention because it could indicate something is going on with their mental health?

Don't forget to motivate your answers. 💚



Ooh what are we trying to conclude from this survey, Nicky? 😮 

Very thought provoking questions hehe, I'll give them a go too.

1° - why do some people, who struggle, start crying whenever somebody else asks if they're okay, although they firstly respond with a confirmation?

I can only answer for myself and I feel I'll be overwhelmed with emotions and might end up crying at such a question/ persistence from someone, because finally I couldn't "appear" as stronger any more/ when I'm tired of being strong and *okay* and finally someone actually "noticed" and finally someone really "cared" to ask me if I was *really* okay or not.

Second question:

2° - According to you, is being "numb" an emotion? If so, should people simply ignore this feeling or should they give it more attention because it could indicate something is going on with their mental health?

I feel "numbness" is typically described as an exhaustion from emotions or simply put, emotional-numbness, which is accompanied with feelings of emptiness, blankness etc. It's more of a cumulative/ build-up experience rather than a single "emotion" for me.

Being emotionally numb can be due to different reasons, sometimes a symptom for some mental health condition,  sometimes a coping mechanism against an emotionally-disturbing situation or stress, but either way, should be acknowledged and attended to.

It's so okay to feel as you do, even if you feel that you're not feeling anything. Sometimes our mind goes into freeze mode and shuts down, I think of it as a reminder to pause, rest, recharge. All in one's own time and at their pace. 

What are your thoughts on these?💗

NickyYayUwU OP January 25th

Hey!! Thanks for responding to my survey! 🥰

I thought of making something different actually and it came from a random idea that passed by my mind 😂

Yet, there's a little background of truth behind every question, especially the first one (since it happened to me when I got to my psychotherapist, aaah...what an embarassing day that was :') )

I really appreciate how you found it interesting!

Just like you said in your first answer, I think that once you see that somebody (or even a therapist) realises how tense you are and that you're trying to hide all that tension by saying "yeah 😄, no worries it's oka-" and then immediately start crying, it's because in the end, you know it's not true. You know it's not okay. Or better, you're not okay. 💔

It's like a bullet hitting a bottle made of glass with water on the inside that explodes once it hits the bottles.

So yeah on one hand that idea came from a real event unfortunately 😅

But I'm okay now!

(I'm not hiding anything right now don't worry 😂)

The second question was somehow inspired on two things as well : while I was writing this, a song called Numb (wrote by Linkin Park) passed by my mind and at the same time I recalled how much I loved this song when I was dealing with severe depression and I used to not feel emotions at all, although I still get this moments now where it seems like I have no emotions.

Maybe it's because I'm an Aquarius? They say that Aquarians don't have feelings (of course it's a joke 😂)

Again, thanks for participating to the quick survey 🤗

Have a nice day!! 💚

ivoryDog4942 January 26th


1.- Sometimes people struggle to open up even when they need it most- or that’s how I feel.

2. Numb can be an emotion but not always. I get this feeling often and I’ve noticed it can sometimes be an indicator that I’m about to have bad anxiety, overthinking, or I’m overwhelmed. Well it’s not always an indicator for a specific problem, I do feel like it often means something is coming up for me.

I don’t know how others feel and I can’t speak for anyone else in my answers. But whatever this information is for, I wish you well with it.

NickyYayUwU OP January 26th

Thank you ❤️

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@NickyYayUwU question 1) we never know what a person is actually feeling or doing, . Although they might want to be positive,  on the inside they could be struggling so badly. So you should never judge anyone. Also maybe they start crying cause you just asked, and they finally feel like someone actually does care ❤

question 2) yes numb is definitely a emotion, a bad one, that should definitely not go ignored. When you become numb, that's your mind/body shutting down because of some thing very wrong. It's a very serious emotion

NickyYayUwU OP January 26th

Thanks for collaborating ☺️

I also share your point of view from both answer ♡