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Home life

m1705 17 hours ago

I need advice for my home life. I live in a horrible household with an @bus1ve sister, if I contact social services my mum will hate me so I feel like I can’t win. What should I do?? I hate living here, I want to move out, I’m only 17 so that’s a difficult choice.

Tinywhisper11 16 hours ago

@m1705 moving out is not easy for anyone, especially at 17. But if your in danger then you need to tell someone social services will work if she's younger but if she is older then definitely the police. No one should live in fear, and sometimes the best decision to make, is for your own safety and well being despite what your mum or anyone else thinks. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ good luck sweetie

m1705 OP 16 hours ago

Thank you. I do definitely want to tell them, she’s younger (12) she’s mostly verbally abusive but has recently starting hitting out and kicking out at my mum again. She likes to think she has the control

Tinywhisper11 6 hours ago

@m1705 you would be helping your little sister in the long run, by telling social services. They will know how to help you and your mun, but also your sister too ❤gives you a giant tiny hug, I can imagine this choice is difficult for you🙁 but we are all here for you ❤

goodCake4353 13 hours ago

I’m here to help with this bc I have been through it and I know how it feels. Message me if you need help or just wanna talk or complain even!

m1705 OP 13 hours ago

Aw hope you are ok. I’m new here so unsure how to message someone yet but you can message me! You can talk to me about anything too

reallyoverallofit 13 hours ago

Can you go stay with other family or a friend?

m1705 OP 13 hours ago

Family no not really, and friends I don’t have that many and I feel too bad, and I also feel bad leaving my mum

GraciouslyGreatful 13 hours ago

@m1705 it sounds you angry and overwhelming? Am I correct?  I am here to listen to you.

m1705 OP 13 hours ago

Yeah definitely it angers me and it overwhelms me. Thank you and you too

GraciouslyGreatful 12 hours ago

@m1705 what advice would you give to a friend being in a similar situation?

m1705 OP 11 hours ago

Probably to report it, or try find somewhere else to live

compassionateMoon4024 12 hours ago

@m1705 reports can be made anonymously. 

m1705 OP 11 hours ago

I know but my mum would know it would be me