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downinthedumps2023 November 5th, 2023

Hi everyone. 45 year old guy trying to recover from depression, anxiety, addiction, as well as “coming out” re my sexuality. Here for support and to support others on this journey.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 5th, 2023

Welcome to the community,  @downinthedumps2023, so brave of you to reach out for support. Good wishes to you as you continue exploring here more!💛

Tinywhisper11 November 6th, 2023

@downinthedumps2023 hi I'm glad to see your teaching out for support here ❤ we are all here to help and support you the best we can! I'm sure you'll fit right in and make lots of friends here ❤ why not pop by one of the chat rooms, say hi people are really friendly there ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

hematite43 November 7th, 2023


Welcome! I hope you find all the help and support you're looking for. Wishing you all the best!

downinthedumps2023 OP November 11th, 2023

Hi! Sorry, I’m only seeing this message now! I’m really struggling with low mood at present - I have had my anti depressant changed in the last month, but I guess it’s still not at full effect yet. I’m crying a lot. Almost relapsed with the addiction tonight - but resisted, thankfully. Trying to get better, but it’s taking such a long time

quickwittedCity6060 November 11th, 2023

I hear you say that your antidepressant changed and you are struggling with low mood and crying a lot. That you resisted the urge to relapse with the addiction and are trying to get better. That you wish getting better would take less time. This makes a lot of sense. Sending you support and compassion.

downinthedumps2023 OP November 13th, 2023

Thank you! I am receiving counselling at the moment. Feeling a little better this morning, so I’m hoping this is the start of an upward trend, finally!

Heartsandrosesandpaws November 13th, 2023

 Good luck finding what you need here on cups

TareqRafiqul November 13th, 2023

Best of luck 💪🏾

purpleTree4652 November 13th, 2023


Hi, dumps,

I understand partially.  I'm sure I don't understand completely.  I have PTSD, clinical depression, chemical imbalances, am a recovered drug addict and alcoholic in recovery.  What you are going through is rough.  No doubt.  You can do it.  I am doing it every day.  Some days are easier and some days seem like you are going to drive straight to buy drugs or alcohol.  Tell yourself to go home.  Or if you can make it one week, just ask yourself if you can make it one week, and then do that.  I use the harm reduction method with alcohol.  It works for me.  It might work for you too.  I don't know if you believe in a higher power, but they believe in you.

God bless you.


downinthedumps2023 OP November 13th, 2023

Hi! The only difference in our situations I see here is alcohol, which hasn’t been a problem for me. The rest checks out! Thanks for the words of encouragement, and yes, I believe in a higher power! Will check out the harm reduction method.

God bless, and thank you

craterlake November 14th, 2023

@downinthedumps2023 Welcome to the community! Coming out with your sexuality is a hard task. Especially the older you are. It seems the young crowd has that down a bit easier as a group. You may find some both online and in real life groups of people to connect and relate to. I know where I live there are some great all inclusive places within a half hour drive where people can feel comfortable to be who they are.

Best of luck to you and lots of love for embracing yourself and coming out. 

spreadlove2515 November 14th, 2023

@downinthedumps2023 we are here to support you xxxx

downinthedumps2023 OP November 14th, 2023

Thank you! I’m still struggling with low mood - hoping the meds start to work soon! 🥴

fierceKitten1331 November 15th, 2023

Welcome. Hope you’re doing well today