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[Listeners] Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 6th, 2016

This is the public support counterpart of this thread [L] so that listeners can let the whole community know if they are leaving or if they have come back. Below excerpt taken and modified from the original thread:

Some Listeners decide, at one point or another, to take a break or in special cases to leave the site as a Listener. During their time here they may have made connections with others in the community and sometimes people aren't aware that they have left or are misinformed and thus never get the opportunity to sent their warm wishes. Thus, this thread is meant for Listeners to inform the community that they are leaving or taking a break and leave their appropriate comments for others to read. Moreover, returning Listeners can post here as well to inform the community that they are active again.

Returning to 7 Cups after a break? We have a welcome Back Committee now, you can find information here (clickable), and reach out. Your peers and mentors are here for you. <3

Lastly, others in the community can send their regards to these Listeners.

[L] indicates a Listeners Only thread

[Welcome back committee information added by Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 02/10/23]

Erato June 26th, 2019

@freshMelon54 aww, the pleasure is all mine melon! πŸ’œ thank you for your compliments! πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• they also mean a lot to me!

Erato June 26th, 2019

@freshMelon54 I wish you all the best with your future endeavors. This may be the end of your journey here on 7cups, but I'm sure you'll bring with you the things you've learned from this community. I know that sometimes 7cups isn't the ideal community we want it to be, it's still the same community where we felt belong and accepted and you're a part of it---who makes a difference in people's lives. Take care, melon! πŸ’›πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

PS. If you want your account to be removed permanently, you can email

MonBon OP June 20th, 2019


I wish you the best of luck with your break <3

Erato June 20th, 2019

@freshMelon54 I really hope your break goes well, melon! I also just want to take this chance to thank you for all you've done for 7cups! πŸ’™ I know that it can be hard to leave this wonderful place but i'm glad to see that you are setting your priorities c: best of luck with everything! πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• retagging @Emirson2018

ASilentObserver June 20th, 2019

@freshMelon54 It is okay Melon. Take your time. And if you need to discuss or talk, feel free to message. We all are here to support you. We appreciate what you do here. <3 Sending loads of virtual hugs. <3 You are awesome

delicateWindow53 June 20th, 2019

@freshMelon54 Good luck with your break we will miss you. πŸ’œ

soulsings February 7th, 2019

@freshMelon54 you are welcome.

Karrot February 5th, 2019


Melon taking a step back from cups isn't a bad thing and good luck on your tests seriously if you need anything I am a pms away

Blaze February 5th, 2019

It's very good that you're defining boundaries for your own well-being! You have the right to tell members that you only message them so many times a week, or even a month. You also have the right not to answer to messages until the scheduled time, if you think the member isn't respecting your boundaries.

Best for luck for your exams! Take care

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

soulsings February 6th, 2019

@freshMelon54 I can understand how you need space for what life brings you.

When you feel up to listening again, you may want to set healthy boundaries with members so they understand you can only chat once a week and they need to browse for a listener if they want to chat more often. This is how listeners keep from burning out and members do not get dependent on a listener. If you care to read more, this post on boundaries may be of interest

MonBon OP January 7th, 2019


Welcome back! And thanks for the update ^^

summertimeSamness September 18th, 2018


BeckyisHere September 18th, 2018

@DaisyLion - big hugs. <3

sensitiveShade5337 September 18th, 2018


I love you Daisy ❀️ Take care of yourself ❀️

MonBon OP September 18th, 2018


Daisy heart Take care of yourself, you matter too!

Anomalia September 18th, 2018

@DaisyLion - right back at you! I hope you're taking care of you <3

singercrystalspirit September 18th, 2018


Hugs β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

soulsings September 19th, 2018

@DaisyLion thanks for all you share with the 7cups community. May you be happy and healthy and feeling complete and well.

ColdWinterLove March 6th, 2016

@MonBon great timing haha. Well Im just back after a long break. At first i was little hesitant wondering if i "could still do it", but i worked that doubt out and i gotta say it feels good to be back.

MonBon OP March 6th, 2016


Glad to see you're back! Coming back after a break can be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but I'm confident you will pull through :)

Anomalia March 6th, 2016

@ColdWinterLove - Welcome back! If you ever need to chat with someone as you adjust back into the rhythm, feel free to PM me. :)

MonBon OP March 10th, 2016

Hey friends! MonBon is taking a break surprise But don't worry, this is just because I happen to have a week-long break from school so I feel it will be best if I take a break from here as well.

✿Forum Team questions can be directed to the marvelous @poeticguy

✿Other Forum questions can be directed to the lovely @Anomalia

✿Anything urgent can be emailed to me directly at

✿New mentees, for ongoing chat support it is best to go to a listener chatroom and find an active mentor there. Otherwise, I will be back soon to help you continue to grow smiley

@Bladderwhale @MITlistener6799 @MoonMother @Faerianna2

I will be gone from March 12th - March 20th, but if we have already scheduled something I will be there. I'll be back soon everyone, until then, happy listening heartlaugh

MonBon OP March 21st, 2016

I am back!

cristiana33 March 11th, 2016

Hey all. I decided it's time to take a break and focus on my offline well-being for a little while.

That being said, I will be OFFLINE from Sunday March 13th till Sunday March 20th so please try to find a better Listener during this period. I hope you will all keep safe and take good care of yourself (Listeners & Members, Mentors & Ambassadors, Admins & Staff).

See ya all soon!

Anomalia March 11th, 2016

@cristiana33 - Take care, lovely, and enjoy your time away - I hope it gives you all the rejuvination and relaxation that you need and that you take good care of yourself during it.

Anomalia March 16th, 2016

Hi all, I will be on vacation from Thursday through Sunday. I'm not deactivating and will try to check messages if possible, but may take longer to respond than usual, so please forgive me if you don't hear from me until Monday! Take care, my lovelies!

Lilylistens March 21st, 2016

@Anomalia ~ Enjoy your vacation! smiley

Alwaysdreamin April 22nd, 2016

I have been on an extended break as I finished my Master's degree. I was working and taking care of my kids and it just all became too much and I needed a break. I finished my Master's program so now I am back. Hello everyone. It is good to be back. @_Belle @Heather

Anomalia April 22nd, 2016

@Alwaysdreamin - Welcome back!

MonBon OP April 22nd, 2016


Welcome back :)

Lilylistens April 22nd, 2016

@Alwaysdreamin ~ Welcome back! smiley

BabyPingu April 23rd, 2016

Hello everybody!

I took my account down on Monday over some more threats from members and having a fight with a listener, I stayed away until last night( Friday night) I wanted to come back and see if I felt anything, and tbh I don't any more, and I don't even feel like this is my place no more, I'm starting a new character in my life, and I don't see 7cups in it. I do want to say thank you so much for everything you done for me, and I know I say i'm leaving , a lot, But this time I really mean it. I have no place to be a listener no more on this site, or anywhere tbh. My life don't lay within listening route anyways, I want to force more on my Real life. Anyways i know i always say 'Hey i'm leaving' blah blah blah But this time i really mean it,, This is me saying good bye!

I'm not tagging anybody, because well i spoke to nearly everybody at least once! And so man people i dont remember al lyour names xx <3 But please remember that YOU are awesome, and are so strong! You can do anything xxx Each and every one of you, Can take over your stuggles and do so much in your life! Show the world what your made off, because i know yu made of so much!!! <3

Well this is blue now leaving the site for good! and it does make me cry, as this site been part of my life for over 2 years, thou thick and thin, i had everybody here support me, Thank you so much, i can never give you enough thanks for everything every single thing every single person has done for me

Blue loves you all!! <3 fair well and god bles! xxxx

Anomalia May 25th, 2016

Hey all, just wanted to update you lovelies that I may be a little less available this week - I am currently traveling for an interview and then just as soon as I get home, I take off again for a wedding. I'll still try to respond, but might be a bit slow, and will be back to normal on Tuesday! <3

MonBon OP May 25th, 2016


Good luck Ano!!

Eunoia May 25th, 2016


Best of luck! and take care :)

magicallySmiles50 July 7th, 2016

I think I may have put my original departure post in the wrong "taking a break" thread but I am tentatively back. I have to work out a new listening schedule that co-incides with my work schedule (because I own my own business and deadlines are vital), my real desire to provide peer support in a time when there aren't enough peer supporters to do the job, and to allow my regular members to chat with me. I don't want members to become dependent upon me OR 7Cups but to learn to deal with issues in their own way... I've been compiling resources while I've been on break. I won't be back full time just yet. But I will be popping in from time to time :)

Anomalia July 7th, 2016

@magicallySmiles50 - Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you've found (or are finding) a tentative schedule that feels like you can get everything in that's important to you, from your business and personal time to providing the support to your members and peer support. You are such a valued member of this community, and I'm thrilled that there is hopefully a way to balance it all so that you can feel good about each thing you work on, and not that they are at odds with each other. Good luck, and if you ever need some help thinking through that balancing act or anything else, don't hesitate to reach out! :)

magicallySmiles50 July 7th, 2016

@Anomalia Thank you My friend!! I am going to work this through with my Quality Mentor and my Listener but I do think that anyone with a feel for when peer support would be most needed would be awesome. I can take a break at any time during my day since I am my own boss :) However, I'm really not the most alert first thing in the morning LOL!

Anomalia July 7th, 2016

@magicallySmiles50 @StandForFreedom - Do you know when peer support might be most in demand?

StandForFreedom July 7th, 2016

@Anomalia I am not very active in LSR at the moment so am unsure. @Power and @Jaceofspades are heading up the PS training now. Perhaps one of them has an idea of what time of day more peer supports are needed in LSR.