How to Become A Long Term Listener
I've been trying to become/identify myself as a long-term listener but I have no clue how. Does anyone have guidance?
@AnyaP On the website, it's a checkbox "Accepting Long Term Members" in the Public Profile section of your Settings. I'm not sure whether the app supports it.
Note that the original formal long term listening scheme was discontinued, and now it's just an informal arrangement between you and various members. There's no need to check that box in your settings, or do anything else special, in order to chat to a member regularly over a long period of time.
May I ask what ticking the box actually does now? Does it show up anywhere that you're accepting long term members?
@SilentSerenityy Yes, members using the website can filter the Browse Listeners page to find long term listeners (but members using the app can't).
@AnyaP Click on VOLUNTEER AS A LISTENER which sits plain as day on the 7Cups banner on top of every page. For a shortcut try
They are already a listener, they are specifically asking about being a long-term listener as it was once a kind of project previously.
Just post it on your profile. I do. I ask everyone I chat with ti read my profile prior to chatting …. Hope this helps. 💕💯