What Made You Smile Today?
my english teacher ✨
Going back to my hometown.
Shared a really great evening with a close friend. We caught up, bonded well, and it was just nice seeing her again and just talking about what we were both going through. It's such a wonderful feeling when you both share that "ME TOO!" moment :)
A coworker noticing the effort I put into my outfit this morning.
My niece singing the alphabet. She's three and doesn't really know it, so she was making it up, all the letters were in the wrong order, but I'm so proud of her for trying.
She's proving that blondes can be both smart and beautiful! 😊
Dressing as a "rocker" for spirit day at school
Watching my son enjoy the book we read together.
I went to buy some food and the cashier was interested to know what kinds of plant based milks are the best (I bought some so that was the ice breaker) and we had a nice little conversation and they were happy that I helped.
Going through some of my Fiancee 's old photos. She's so cute!
My fish recently had babies and sitting there watching them makes me happy