What Made You Smile Today?
My alma mater winning the game in the final seconds
Watching Vet Ranch videos on YouTube... those pups are always so happy once they feel better. So cute and funny.
Sharing a joke with a friend
Watching my favorite cooking show on TV with my partner 😊❤️📺
I saw the Martha Graham Dance Company do a rehearsal of Dark Meadow. Seeing dance in front of you is so much different than on screen. Got to listen to a dancer speak about his experiences as well. Was smiling for a large portion of it.
Having my dance comp class and just getting to dance! I love to move :)
My friends toddler- hes one year old and when he hugs me and smiles at me my heart melts
Also watched a lot of Star Trek
I reunited with a dog from my neighborhood. She was so happy to see me!