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971 M Little Steps 2
PathStep 65 Compassion hearts30 Forum posts36 Forum upvotes23 Current upvotes23 Age GroupAdult Last activeApril, 2017 Member sinceAugust 18, 2016
26 year old NEET, no job, no money, still living with mother. Bad social anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts often. On medication - it's working alright, but probably not as well as it could be.

I just want someone to talk to. I'm afraid to go to new places or meet new people, so I just stay at home most of the time.

Obviously I like anime. I also enjoy writing as a calming and mood lifting technique.
Recent forum posts
Negative Conversations
Anxiety Support / by LaaLa
Last post
September 26th, 2016
...See more If you've ever been in CBT, you've probably heard something like this: "If you are calm and rational with someone, they will be calm and rational with you". For the most part this is true, but what do you do when it doesn't work? This is the one thing I've never really seen anyone address. Just yesterday I had a conversation with someone who was aggressive and mean no matter what I said or did. Everything I said got a negative response. It was horrible for me, and caused me to have a panic attack. It was impossible to stop thinking about it afterwards. Thinking things like: "What did I do wrong? Was everything I said wrong? I must have done something wrong for them to be mad at me." Even when you know, logically, that you did nothing wrong. So how do you get through it? For me, I did my best to distract myself once I felt secure again. I ate something nice and played a game, just trying to keep my mind off of it. But in the moment, what do you do? I'm sure we all understand that we can't control the way others will respond to us, but how do you not blame yourself? How do you deal with the perpetually unpleasant people that we all have to deal with sometimes? Anyone with tips or advice is welcome to share.
Scared, worried, social anxiety
Anxiety Support / by LaaLa
Last post
September 9th, 2016
...See more Okay hey, so I'm having an anxiety attack right now and it sucks as usual. I'm sure if I focused on something else it would go away, but I can't just keep avoiding my problems, can I? I'll try to keep it brief. Just thinking about applying to jobs is starting to make me angry/anxious. This is something I thought I'd gotten over, but basically...I threw myself so hard into finding a job, (and obviously getting reject over and over again), that I feel like I'm just mentally broken in regards to jobs. I don't want a job but I know I need one. I don't know what to do about it, or how anyone even expects me to know what to do. I have one friend (yes, just one), who's moving in 4 days. She's a mostly online friend, but we've met several times and I think we're both very important to each other. I need to make new friends so I hopefully won't end myself. I'm afraid of going out and being in situations where no one wants me there, or where I'll just generally make an idiot of myself. If anyone is reading this and is willing to talk to me, I would really appreciate it. Or you can just reply here, either way. I just want someone to talk to.
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