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That’s Just How Things Are… Or Is It?

What’s something horrible that we as humans have accepted, because that’s just how things are; but actually things don’t have to be that way at all? And how can we work to fix it? :)

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@jesusredeemedme2425 trigger warning, slaves not acknowledging that there are still billions of slaves still in the world today, how it's hidden from the public eye. The first step is to know what actually happens to people, children😥 if everyone knows then maybe we can stop it together

jesusredeemedme2425 OP June 30th

I wish more people spoke up…

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@jesusredeemedme2425 not many of us can 😞

jesusredeemedme2425 OP June 30th

But you can. <3

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@jesusredeemedme2425 only on this site, and still then I can only say so much

jesusredeemedme2425 OP June 30th

True. But you can say enough to raise awareness <3

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@jesusredeemedme2425 I have been trying🙂

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@Tinywhisper11 not sure how to go about it properly what to say

slowdecline48 July 4th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Just for perspective, there are organizations--in the US & elsewhere in the West--that exist for the specific purpose of drawing attention to human trafficking. Some even try to rescue captives, though that can be dangerous for the volunteers.

slowdecline48 July 5th

@Tinywhisper11 🔼🔼 (the comment just above this one)

As for what to say: If you want to advocate against modern slavery, start with your story. Write it down, then maybe get one of the care staff to edit it for clarity & flow. What you want is for your story to be captivating, attention-getting...but not too long. Remember that most people these days have the attention span of a typical hamster. Your story shouldn't take more than four minutes to tell, max. Be sure to include at least two particularly graphic moments (as long as it doesn't hurt too much to tell them). The point is not just to inform people that slavery is alive & well in the 21st century, but how bad it was for you...& anyone else kept captive, particularly as a sX slave. SX trafficking remains a problem in the US, in Thailand & the Philippines, I would guess it's going on in India & for sure in Mexico & other parts of Latin America. There are probably other parts of the world I left out.

Once you've worked out your speech--because that is what your story will be--then comes the next step: finding organizations against human trafficking, & how best to contact them & work with them. You may have to meet with a representative outside the care home. If that makes you nervous, remember you'll have a staffer with you & he'll bring you back home once the appointment is over. But modern tech may mean you don't have to go anywhere at all...if you don't mind meeting someone over Zoom, or a similar platform.

genericbeing July 3rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 Nuclear bombs. Every second of every day we have to live knowing there's 100 times the amount of bombs out there then needs to be. I think every country should downsize to like 20 bombs at most each.

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 3rd

I’d prefer zero nuclear bombs myself lol

genericbeing July 6th

@jesusredeemedme2425 They are shiny though lol

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 6th

There are much better and safer shiny things XD

PineTreeTree July 6th

@jesusredeemedme2425 like toenail clippings 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 6th


slowdecline48 July 4th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Whatever problems people bring up in this thread, the only sure way to "fix" those problems is if an all-powerful government assembles an agency specifically to eliminate that problem completely, & then lets said agency do its job without regard for any inadvertent consequences, including public dissatisfaction. Now I wouldn't mind if that were to occur, depending on the problem to be solved...but how many people would agree to it?

PineTreeTree July 6th

@slowdecline48 All powerful governments “fix” whatever they deem needs “fixing” and they don’t need anyone to define it or agree to it. So be careful what you wish for because they might decide that your existence is a problem. Many times these all powerful governments decide to solve the problems of other countries. 

Of course less than all powerful countries can also “fix” things like how we fixed the under use of land and fixed it so well we created the dust bowl. Well thought out solutions take more effort than we would like. I personally have solved all the worlds problems from my couch in less than half an hour. But darn, I lost my notes - sorry guys. 😂
slowdecline48 July 6th

@PineTreeTree Given my chronic conditions, sympathies for antinatalism &--once in a while--anthropocide (while individual people can be decent, humanity as whole is rarely good), the possibility of a government deciding to remove me from the census is not as much of a deterrent as you might expect.

To clarify, I am no more in favor of a dictatorship than most people. Anyone with a basic grasp of 20th-century history1 knows what is likely to occur when a ruler has absolute power. However I'm not a fan of democracy either. This thread is not the place to explain why (it would require an essay)...all I'm gonna say is that one of the two most horrific dictators of all time was elected.

The Weimar Republic was a representative democracy, after all.

Now I try to avoid idealism as much as possible as I consider it a flight of fancy...but if I had to set up a government, it would probably be a highly modernized version of Plato's Republic with highly refined input from the public. In short, a meritocracy with slightly democratic mechanisms to ensure the government stays in touch with what's going on. There would, of course, be extensive use of "big data" & statistics so as to have as objective a picture of society (& its problems) as possible. Only when starting from that, is there a chance to solve2 or reduce those problems.

1Even better would be a basic knowledge of what led to those 20th-century horrors we've all heard about. The roots of left-wing & right-wing ideologies go back to the late 18th & early 19th centuries, particularly to the French Revolution.

2A great thinker once said that in the real world there are no perfect solutions, only trade-offs. The older I get, the more I learn how right he was.

PineTreeTree July 6th

@slowdecline48 We are the priests of the temple of Syrinx 😂

slowdecline48 July 5th


Given the topic of this thread, you should probably read this...& depending on what kind of Christianity you're into, maybe this.

akunknown July 6th


Gr8 question. Thanks for asking.

Violence, inequality, racism/discrimination, and every other form of negativity that exists even though none of it has to exist or have even started. 

Dips1 July 6th


normalising ghosting instead of giving closure, this has been normalised but it should not be like that

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 6th

DUDE YESSSSS!!! Guys do this all the time…

slowdecline48 July 6th

@jesusredeemedme2425 You think only guys do it?... 🤨😒

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 6th

Yeah girls do it too. Lol

slowdecline48 July 6th

Indeed... Ghosting is the online equivalent of agreeing to a date, & then not showing up.

🤔 ...that was pretty good. I might add it to my list of maxims.

slowdecline48 July 6th

@Dips1 I agree. Unfortunately, even before the Internet Era manners were in one has enough class to answer "no" or explain why anymore.